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Everything posted by Ollie-Haus

  1. Just talked to the campground and they still have rally sites available. I was able to reserve G-1 for the rally. Now hope the Ollie is ready in April as scheduled!
  2. Congratulations on the new Ollie. Wow that's a pretty gutsy shakedown trip. Obviously you guys are seasoned and quite confident in your travel abilities. Your Ollie looks like a perfect fit in parking spot. Our waiting game has just begun we'll be there before we know it. Love your story and look forward to meeting down the road.
  3. Mike, how are folks adding the interactive map in their signature lines? I'd like to have that on mine so when the Ollie arrives we can start the process of checking off our travel milestones.
  4. Didn't want to confuse the folks that have responded to my introduction, here's an update to my introduction. BTW I decided to change my profile name to Ollie-Haus to more personalize the Oliver connection and include a fitting part of our last name. Chris and Stacie (Woods) Neuhaus from Greenfield, Indiana. We've lived in Indiana for all of our 30 years of marriage and I've lived within 50miles of Indianapolis my entire life. Stacie has traveled the world, so to speak, in her pre-married years and I've pretty much kept it state side. We've always dreamed of exploring America together and prefer the back road method of eating local and getting to know the locals at the same time. We love what I would call the national attractions like everybody else, but really do enjoy the lessor known out of the way gems that can be discovered on the back roads. I'm a tradesman by career, I've worked as a certified welder, sheet metal fabricator, Machinist, Draftsman, and general machine repairman for over 40 years, including several years as a front line supervisor. I started out when I was 15 working in a vet clinic and quarter horse farm until I was 24 years old. I've also dabbled extensively in electrical work, auto repair, carpentry and wood working my whole life. Needless to say I am a little handy with stuff and a diehard do-it-yourselfer. Stacie ("WoodsHaus" on the forum) has worked most of her carrier in purchasing/procurement and retired about 5 years ago. Today she's an avid gardener, food preserver and connoisseur of the kitchen. She also is an avid crafter. Our dogs are my passion these days. I guess some of us always need something to nurture and care for. My experience in the vet clinic solidified me as a lover of horses and dogs, the latter being much easier to own and travel with. We have at the time two crazy Border Terriers (profile page background). Smaller dogs with very large hearts and desire to go places. They are very well mannered and don't make too much fuss except when we arrive and they have been at home alone. They love all people and do well out and about in public. We aren't as physically agile as we once were but are doing our best to stay fit and active as we enter into our retirement years. Hopefully traveling and exploring will be conducive to maintaining and strengthening our well being in the process. Well, nough said for now. The bigger connections will take place in person over the next few years.
  5. Thanks for the welcome friend. You better know me by my handle on the Tremor forum as Redzilla. Looking very much forward to new friends and adventures in our new Ollie when it arrives. Will be gleaning as much as possible here on the Oliver forum.
  6. Yes that would be @Patriot who I'm acquainted with via the Super Duty Tremor forum. He has actually encouraged me in the decision to choose the Oliver. Also acquainted on the same forum with @Raspy who formerly owned an LE2. I got on the state park web site later today and saw a lot of the information. I'll call them in the morning and see what's available.
  7. Hey Bill, What's it cost for the event as far as camp sites? I saw the $100 registration fee. Also what is the best area to camp in, or are they all really nice? I've kept up on previous rallies and it looks like a lot of fun. We bought a '21 F350 7.3 gas Tremor last year in anticipation for the travel trailer. Plenty of truck for sure and capable of getting us off the beaten path if we choose. I added an ARE Z series fiberglass cap to the back to gain more weather proof cargo space on board.
  8. We owned a 34' Jayco Eagle with a single super slide and were somewhat pleased with the quality. I was about a 1996 model and we had very few issues with factory defects. I know things have changed tremendously in the industry over the years, and especially the last 2 years. Finding quality employees is extremely hard these days in all segments of manufacturing and quality control has taken a big hit in most manufactured products. The RV industry apparently has take a very big hit and there't probably going to be fallout for a while. Another reason we were convinced that an Oliver was the best choice we could make with our recent order.
  9. Thank you for the welcome. We're looking forward very much to the annual rally. Having followed the previous rallies, it just looks like a great time with soon to be friends.
  10. We are very excited too, and have a lot to do between now and delivery day. I'd like to build a covered parking space next to our garage before then. But I'm also trying to finish the remodel of our new to us home so that we can enjoy a lot more free time and lower budget during retirement. All this will make the wait go very fast I'm sure.
  11. Been planning for a travel trailer for several years getting ready for retirement. We finally purchased the new tow vehicle last year and got it paid for. We finally settled on the Oliver LE II and decided to place the order this week. We have a build schedule of March and deliver around the middle of April. We can't wait to begin this chapter of our lives and start exploring all the places we've only dreamed of till now. We aren't new to camping, nor are we inexperienced with travel trailers. We had a 34' Jayco Eagle with a super slide back in the late 90s. Sold it by around 2002 and haven't owned a camper since. We started researching brands about three years ago, watching tons of YouTube channels about full timing and all the other RV topics that are there for the watching. We started narrowing down the brands and models we like last year and the Olivers were at the top of the list. We did take the factory tour about a year and a half ago and were blown away. We are both semi retired right now, meaning my wife works part time for social outlet and fun money at a local farm market, and I work for myself at my own pace when I feel like it. We have several hobbies we enjoy and I'm also in the middle of remodeling our downsizer retirement home in the country in preparation for full retirement soon. We have two dogs, Border Terriers, at home. We have one married son and one grandson a year old. Part of our RV life will include spending extended periods in Texas with our son's family and enjoying our grandson as much as possible. We look forward to becoming seasoned Ollie owners and participating and getting to know the greater Oliver family.
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