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Mattnan last won the day on February 21 2022

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
  • Floor Plan
    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. We needed a small trailer specifically in Zion and Grand Canyon. Also at Oscar Schearer state park and Fort Pickens National Park in Florida. These were all great stops. Smaller opens up lots of sites because you can fit almost anywhere. The gas station maneuvering is an added benefit. My wife actually really ended up likeing the wet bath and used it more than some of the shower rooms in many of the campgrounds. We had the Oliver shower curtain set up. Personally at 6'1" and too short for my height, I felt it was cramped but admit it worked well. I thought I wanted a separate dry bath. I am now fine with wet bath like Oliver all fiberglass. It is easy to keep clean and dry. Consider a grate for the shower floor. We liked our Ollie very much. We sold it thinking we were done camping after 2 long trips and some shorter trips, kind of wish we kept it. We purchased it when we retired. We traveled in the winter and having the Oliver in the winter and cold in Utah and New Mexico was great. I would buy an Oliver EII again as a travel trailer. We never felt cramped in our twin bed model. Great and fast resale too. Hard to go wrong. We did have a clam pop up room too but seldom used it. We mostly had breakfast and dinner at the camper and were gone all day. Good luck!!!
  2. Our opening is 10x10 and worked fine. Important that the top is full 10ft. We have sliding barn doors vs a roll up.
  3. Yes we are considering Northern Lite. After looking at a number of companies we liked Northern Lite the most. Closest to an Ollie in build quality. We have a line on a nice used one. Hope to hear from Ford in the next few weeks on the status of our order. There is actually not much difference in price between the comparably equipped used and new and by ordering we can get a camper package that includes rear stabilizer bars. The truck will be certified for in bed camper. I am not sure what that really means. Sounds good?
  4. Great info and such a sad story. A well intentioned samaritan that will live with this incident forever let alone the loss to the stuck driver's family. Really makes you think about how to help someone and how to receive help!! Great lessons here.
  5. Yes Terrific This tablet spell check gets me all of the time. Thanks for the link. We are looking at Northern Lite 10-2. We found a nice used one locally that was used 2 times. Hopefully it is around when I get the truck delivery date.
  6. I got some while camping at Grainger
  7. I just ordered a2023 F350 swd Lariat long bed with a 6.7 diesel. It looks like the same color red as yours. My Tundra is 15 years years old and still in great shape. All we have ever done is regular maintenance, tires, brakes, batteries and fluid changes. We purchased an Elite II in October of 2019 with the plan of doing a couple of longer trips over the winter months to get away from Maine cold winter weather. Our plan was to do those trips and sell the Ollie. We completed the 2nd big trip of 4 months last spring. We quickly sold the trailer in the spring. The Ollie was great and trouble free. However we decided we miss our camping adventures so we decided we wanted to try truck camper thus the HD truck order. Hopefully it will arrive by spring. If not for truck camping we would just keep the Tundra. Good luck with your Ollie and enjoy your adventures. It was terrified for us.
  8. Very nice and welcome! Really like your truck! You will probably forget you are towing the Oliver with that rig!!
  9. Thanks for the responses so far. Much appreciated. We are watching payload numbers carefully for any truck we might purchase and believe there would be enough storage in the Northern Light as it has outside storage that is comparable or greater than the Ollie. The interior storage for the model we are considering seems to be equal or more than the Ollie. This was a surprise. We will not be going for long duration trips this time so we think we can easily fit what we need in the camper to cook inside or out, with any additional needed storage in the back seat of the truck. We will be looking for a truck with a traditional 8 ft bed. The earth cruiser is really nice and capable but probably beyond what we would prefer to spend, especially for occasional use. Maybe if powerball comes through for us!!! Bob, I am concerned about the height and truck stability. We know it will be about 12ft tall. The height and stability are actually my biggest concern with the truck camper arrangement. We will make sure the suspension and tires are appropriate. We will look for a truck with factory camper package/options included and if needed go to a specialty shop for any additional suspension work needed. We liked the astetic and Aldi system of the Cirrus very much, however the interior assembly quality and materials seemed below par with the Northern Lite. It also had less storage. It did have some nice features. We have toured a number of these camper brands. The quality comparison between the Oliver and other brands is interesting. The Oliver is so well made by comparison. We looked at small class C too. Most we junk for huge prices!! The Northern Lite has a rear porch that could accommodate wood in a crate or tote. Right now the harder part is finding the correct 1 ton truck. I really don't want a dually as the truck will also be used for daily use. Our Tundra is now 15 years old. Still in great shape and reliable with 115k miles, it still has a lot of life but getting a newer more capable truck would be ok too! I do like that we will not have any additional tires, brakes, bearings etc. to deal with. I am unsure about ease/time of setting up and packing up compared to the Ollie. Our "plan" would be to remove the camper if we were going to be in a camp site for 2 or 3 days or more. Thanks for the feedback please keep it coming!
  10. I am coming to the good and knowledgeable people of this forum for feedback. We sold our 2019 Ollie Elite 2 twin in the spring of 2022. We enjoyed the Ollie very much and it worked very well for us. We went on 2 long trips and a couple of 3 to 5 day excursions. We were new at camping. Our longest trip was Maine to Florida to Lane Mead, Grand Canyon and back via Zion, Moab, route 66 and home. The other long trip Maine to Florida. We were out 45 days and needed to return early from that trip at the onset of Covid. Our initial plan was to do these 2 big trips and sell the camper because we stay in Maine in the summer and go boating. Well turns out that we miss camping and are considering getting another camper. Always wanting to try something different we are thinking of trying truck camping. We don't anticipate the long 4 month trips again but some of a couple of weeks in the shoulder seasons and winter. I am looking for feedback from those who might have tried truck camping. Pros and Cons. We wouldn't be doing extreme off road camping more likely roads you could take the Ollie on if prepared. I will admit towing for me was not relaxing. We realize we would need a more capable truck than our half ton tundra. Would look for a 1 ton 8ft bed. We have done some preliminary shopping based on research and are leaning toward a Northern Lite 10-2 model. It feels almost as large as our Ollie inside and it is a 2 piece fiberglass camper. It is advertised as a 4 season camper. We don't want slides. When we told the different dealers we had an Ollie they all pointed us to Northern Lite. (No Big Foot in our area) We also looked at Lance and NuCamp Cirrus. We saw Artic Fox and some others. I think the Northern Lite 10-2 has as much or possibly more interior storage as our Ollie and has some exterior storage too. The quality seemed as close to the Ollie as any of its competitors. Some th I be we liked better than the Ollie other areas the Ollie clearly shined. No need to carry a ladder! We did like our Ollie for the brightness, construction, and reliability but the opportunity to try something different is intriguing. You may commence the laughing and/or stoning!!!
  11. PA Turnpike is awful and most any roads around New York city area. After a trip from Maine to Florida (hate 75 in Florida) I was surprised at how good 95 is in Maine and NH compared to many other places.
  12. Quieter AC, awning windows, black out shade in the door window, agree on access to the tank valves waste basket, induction stove top. All that said, we really did like our Ollie a lot.
  13. We traveled through Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah this past winter. Our coldest temperatures were in Carlsbad and across I-70 in Utah. This was late January and February. We stayed st the KOA outside of Carlsbad and experienced temps down to minus 9 degrees. We were fine running our furnace. We did burn some propane!!! The campground is very nice but you are in oil and gas country. There is a winery next to the campground that is a harvest host and I think they had water and electricity. Obviously you don't want to have your water hooked up in those temps. We had snow and cold on this portion of the trip. Just take your time and watch the forecast and plan accordingly. Good luck with your new Ollie. It will be an adventure.
  14. If I remember correctly one Oliver owner taped yoga mats to the front of their Ollie for the Alaska trip. I thought I remembered the result was positive. I believe they also had some additional protection hanging from their truck hitch. Might look goofy but perhaps for that trip maybe that makes sense? Good luck with your decisions.
  15. We have stayed at Collier Seminole State Park in Naples on two separate trips. It may be tough to get a site. The park is well maintained and close to Marco Island and south Naples. There are a number of private parks. We know other Oliver owners that stay at a park on Sanibel Island. Good luck.
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