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Everything posted by Mcb

  1. The tank monitor in 685 isn’t working any longer and has a symbol on the screen that isn’t ( at least I couldn’t find it) mentioned in the owners manual.. Anyone ever seen one of these? Thanks!
  2. John is correct.. you’ll need to move some duct out of the way.. or I did in our 2020 in any case. There is an access panel located below the starboard side bed ( twin bed layout) that should get you there but I had better luck getting at it from the big access options from above, under the mattress..
  3. Bummer.. sorry to hear that. When our remote panel started its [20] issue, I contacted Xantrex about it. It was the weekend so I didn’t hear back til Monday but they were on it first thing in the am..
  4. I think our favorite campsite of 2020 is the one we’re sitting in right now on Sanibel Island hanging out in our brand spanking new Oliver....
  5. Thank you to Mattnan and Mainiac for pointing us in the direction of Banana Banners for our graphics..
  6. Thanks. I know where the solar and inverter input cut offs are , ( port side upper storage, 30amp breaker forward of inverter, but where is the main battery cut off? Is that the breaker located outboard of the inverter? I had isolated the batteries from solar and inverter as a practice run at storage situations. While they don’t charge, their levels do slowly continue to drop, as all the things in the trailer that require 12v continue to sip power. Jason recommends disconnecting the batteries themselves when storing because of this situation. The LP alarm is hardwired to the battery, and will therefore keep drawing power even if you manage to turn everything else off..
  7. Ours worked fine at first... I think it got cranky on day 3. With ours, if you remove the remote panel, disconnect the wire, then plug it back in it works fine for a couple of minutes then goes back on the fritz. I do wonder about the connection at the inverter itself, which has a slight amount of play in it, but doesn’t seem to have an impact when I wiggle it. I was thinking of getting a new wire and running it through the hatch to see if that works, but may just wait to see what Oliver and Xantrex come up with. We’ve lived with it almost 3 weeks as is, doesn’t seem to create any issues, or at least we hope not. We know what the batteries are doing via the app, we know what the inverter is doing via the “hum”, and everything seems to be in order.
  8. I’ve asked Jason about an electrical plan as well, no luck.. The difference between the electrical sections of the 2019 and 2020 owners manuals is pretty amazing. Comparatively, the lack of information in the 2020 version is impressive. Perhaps the 2019 and 20 models have the same wiring plan, and we can refer to the 2019 manual... Have you encountered any situations in your explorations of the guts of your trailer where the wiring doesn’t jive with the 2019 schematic?
  9. Correct.. inverter is working fine, it’s just not playing nicely with the display panel..🙂 We’re #685..
  10. Hey there, same thing happened to us. [20] means the panel mounted on the wall isn’t communicating with the inverter. I contacted Xantrex. They suggested making sure both connections ( at the panel and the inverter are clean and plugged in. I did that, didn’t help. Oliver says that this has been an issue in a few trailers and are working with Xantrex on it, but I haven’t heard anything about it in a week or so. We’ve been using shore power without issue, and the batteries are certainly charging...
  11. The Max fan has a “ceiling fan” setting.. where the fan runs with the lid shut.. I’m not sure about how much air it really moves around but it may push warm air down to some degree. We’ve got a battery operated fan that does move air around pretty well, it think the brand is O2. If I was trying to heat the areas under the beds or seats, I’d try to get an outlet under them. Maybe connect to the outlet by the dinette for the port side, and the exterior outlet for starboard. Then you could isolate those areas and manage the heat independently from the cabin, using lightbulbs, heating pads or whatever with a fan if needed to circulate the air into tough to get places.
  12. I don’t think I have a heat strip, and wasn’t expecting the roar of the AC when I thought I was turning on the furnace.. if the furnace was indeed on I sure couldn’t hear it, nor Deb asking me why the heck I’d turned on the cold air..
  13. Bingo!! Thanks a lot!👍👍👍
  14. I turned on the furnace this morning and the AC came on instead. The furnace has been working fine up to this point ( as has the AC) so I was surprise. The thermostat scrolls through all the options in “mode”, shows the little heat icon properly, but when selected, the AC comes on. Checked the fuses, checked the gas, checked the owners manual where there isn’t much useful advice for this particular issue.. Anyone run into this before? Thanks!
  15. All good on this end. A couple of cool nights in TN, one night at 32 in the Panhandle. All beautiful country for sure. Settled into Sanibel for a while now, finally moving into the camper.. We’d wanted to give it sometime before we started installing hooks, pictures etc all over the place. Graphics are on the slate for tomorrow.. unless the beach is calling.. 🙂 Been watching the weather at home as we’ve still got an iron or two in the fire up that way.. at least the ground isn’t frozen yet so some of that rain will replenish the ground water lost this summer.... but what a tough week or so.
  16. Might have to try that. It also might help with the issue of the folks next to us at the moment ( street side) in a tent that must feel like a UFO has landed 10 ft away from them when I snap on the porch lights.....
  17. We’ve got the new Lithium batteries and heat pad set up. As we’ve spent several nights in areas where temperatures have been mid to low 30s I’ve been watching our battery temps on the Lifeblue App with interest. Despite the low night time temps, as well as days in the 40s, low 50s, the batteries say they are quite warm... mid 50s to 60s. In fact, when I opened the battery box one morning it was quite warm in there.. Dont know where the heat is coming from.. much warmer in that compartment than the basement..
  18. The absolutely magical couple of weeks in the north woods of Maine before black fly season.....Trout fishing is at its best and not many folks around yet...
  19. Robin at Banana Banners was who we worked with as well... while our logo was something we brought to her, judging by the look of some of her other projects, she comes up with some amazing designs on her own when asked to.
  20. So the truck is loaded... We head south tomorrow, pick up # 685 Tuesday. As I’ve been jamming stuff into the Tundra, a strange mix of what worked with the Casita, great ideas I’ve picked up from this forum, some probably not so great ideas I’ve picked up from this forum, and a large number of items that fall into the “better to have them and not need them than not have them and need them” category, I can’t help but reflect upon the last 6 months following this forum... Sure are a great group of folks on here, and it’s been wonderful eavesdropping on your discussions, debates, and pontifications.. Its been helpful to say the least as we prepare for “Mark and Debs big adventure”... which really started about 6 months ago when I first checked out this site.. Thanks for all your help.. Hope to meet you all someday! We’ll be the Ollie with the Alewives on the front...
  21. John, thanks for sharing... I’m sitting here laughing and laughing.. what a wonderful way to start the day!
  22. The Anderson set up requires one.. it comes with an 1 1/4” socket, but I’ve got the wrench...so I figured I’d bring it along...
  23. Yup, got a torque wrench.. oh and sockets, grease gun, grease, fuses, wire nuts, 1 1/4” wrench, pex cutter, sharkbite couplings, couple short lengths of pex, cable ties, electrical tape, duct tape, misc screws and some other stuff that will live in the basement of the camper so as not to get mixed in with “the other tools”...... ended up “mocking up” the space of the basement on a work bench, so as to figure out how to get all the stuff into it.. ended up building a box of sort for the above mentioned items.. should fit to the left of the opening.. and if not? I will have what’s necessary to modify it in the truck... with the other tools.. I gotta get out of here... 🙂
  24. Haven’t fully loaded the truck yet.. partially a couple times though for sure.. it’s going to be a crowded place for the run to TN for sure. We are staging everything in the barn however.... makin’ a list, checkin’ it twice kind of stuff. Despite our best intentions we are unable to heed all the great advice given here about” not needing to bring everything you could possibly need when you pick up your new Oliver”... Blaming it on the virus and wanting to stay out of stores... but we’d be doing the same thing Covid or not.. can’t help ourselves.. it’s just fun. Whitefield has really changed, it’s fun watching the number of horse and buggies increase each year. 12 days til we head out, 14 days til pickup. 11 or 12 days til first Nor’easter 🙂
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