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Everything posted by hardrock

  1. Do a search on Southern Mattress on the Forum. You will find that several on the Oliver Forum haves used this company to build custom mattresses for Oliver, Casita , etc. Southern Mattress is located in Rocky Mount North Carolina. The owners are very friendly. Several, including myself have gone to the factory and had custom mattresses made. The "custom" for me was logistically getting a queen sized mattress in my trailer. My wife convinced me to have it made in a 1/3- 2/3 configuration. The 1/3 part strikes about at my knees. Thus the 2/3 fits well under the rest of a human body. Doing this allows the mattress to be evenly moved and sleeping is quite comfortable. You can take your own foam there and they will cover it for you. I used a foam with 6"of dense foam, 4" of soft foam and 1" of cool gel blue foam. Like sleeping on clouds. They have patterns for several Oliver configurations and will drop ship for you without having to go to the factory. D
  2. I was the first at the rally to purchase the easy start and have it installed by the factory representative, Matteo. He installed the easy start in my unit and provided training to the Oliver technicians. Now Oliver has the easy start in stock and can install on new Ollies or retrofit, as was done with mine I am very pleased with the easy start. When the AC Starts up the first time , it is much quieter. It is a slow start and you do not get the loud THUMP and jarring movement of the whole trailer. Each time the compressor turns on after the AC has been running, it is much more quiet with no jarring movement. I have a Dometic Penguin II 13,500 with heat strips. Although I have an Elite, it is the same AC unit as in the Elite II. I had a Coleman and after using it the first time, I took it back to Hohenwald. It was extremely loud, inside and out. I was told by Matteo that many were using their easy start with the Honda 2000 with no issues. He advised to purchase the companion model since it has the 30 amp plug. I will purchase the Honda generator this summer. Hardrock
  3. I want to say "THANK YOU" to all that attended the second annual Oliver Travel Trailer Rally. The event was held at the Natchez Trace Campground and was well attended. We had in excess of 40 trailers and 165 attendees. Based upon the very positive feedback in the evaluation forms that we did for each activity, everyone was able to enjoy the rally ad learned a number of things that will serve you well when camping. I want to thank: 1. Randy and the Natchez Trace campground staff for their support 2. Melissa McDonald and her group from the campground for cooking and serving our delicious meals. 3.Kathy Goodlet and her team of volunteers for setting up the dining area, serving the food and cleaning up after each meal. 4. Jeff Zarle for coordinating all of the vendors and their activitiees 5. The vendors that sponsored the rally, attended the rally and provided valuable information that as Oliver owners, we needed to hear, and for their generous donations of the wonderful door prizes Thanks to Jason Walmsley for coordinating the music provided by Kenny Durham. There was a huge amount of communication that needed to occur before during and after the rally. Documents, announcements and banners had to be printed, rally tee shirts ordered and the list goes on. Matt Duncan was the driving force behind all of this while doing his day job of maintaining the Forum website and other valuable support. THANKS MATT ! Most of all, we all thank Oliver Travel Travel Trailers for their major sponsorship of this rally. Thanks, John and Scott Oliver and all of the wonderful Oliver staff for making this such a successful rally. Coy Gayle Hardrock
  4. The Natchez Trcace Campground has cabins for rent. They range from cheap rustic to well appointed, more $$. It is quite near Hohenwald.
  5. Kathy we currently have more than 20 participants attending the rally that are not Oliver owners. We have more than 110 attendees, so far. Some own Olivers, some other campers, some own no campers. All are welcome! For those that need a place to stay, the campground has cabins from the rustic to the plush. Oliver rally attendees will receive a campground or cabin discount by notifying the reservations department that you are attending the rally. Attendees are invited to participate in all of the rally, activities food and entertainment. There is no charge. If you do attend, go to the rally page on the Forum and register. We need a headcount for planning purposes. We look forward to meeting you Coy
  6. For those that desire to have Easy Starts installed on your Oliver, you may want to contact Jason Essary to coordinate the installation coy
  7. Grandpa I am happy you are joining us. I hope that you do not have to cancel, but if you do, please send me a private message via the Forum If you need a place to stay, I reccomend you contact the Natchez Trace Campground to make reservations for a cabin. They have basic rustic (cheap) cabins to water side upscale cabins. Be sure to mention you are coming for the rally and you will get a discount for the cabin. Look forward to seeing you there coy
  8. Yes, thank you
  9. Do you use metal or rubber stems? Any problems with either? thanks
  10. I am in the process of installing a Tire Pressure Monitoring System on my trailer and truck. There is lots of chatter on the forums reccomending the installation of metal valve stems. Some say the TPMS on the top of the valve core extends the TPMS out enough to possibly damaging the stem when coming too close to curbs, so reduce the damage by changing from rubber to metal stems. However, there is equal chatter reccomending not installing metal stems because of the chemical reaction of dissimilar metals. Some say it is rust from salt on the roads. Several say that once the reaction begins to occur, removing the TPMS to put more air in is difficult and may damage the TPMS and/or the stem. No matter, it gives me pause to change out the rubber stems to metal ones. What say you???
  11. All We now have more than 100 attendees scheduled for the rally ! This rally is open to all. We will have a trailer "open house" to show off your individual trailers. We will have a competition Saturday afternoon and prizes will be awarded for those trailer(s) receiving the most votes. If you want to be a part of the competition, dress up your trailer and open it to those that want to view. The competition is open to all trailers, not just Oliver Travel Trailers. We have lots of activities, food and fun planned. To recieve the discount for campsite or cabins, be sure to mention that you are a part of the Oliver Rally when making reservations.
  12. All We currently have 79 travel trailer enthusiasts registered for the second annual Oliver Travel Trailer Rally. We have a good mixture of Oliver owners, other Fiberglass travel trailer owners and individuals interested in travel trailer ownership. All are welcome to attend the rally. Please visitthe Oliver webpage and click on the rally tab to to see updates posted on a regular basis. We look forward to seeing you in May at the Oliver Travel Trailer Rally !
  13. Meriweather Park is easily accessible from Hohenwald without getting on the Trace. If you are at the Oliver factory, it would Be going backwards to go to the Trace. From the factory, it is not far and the county road is good
  14. John Not sure where your interests are, but two locations I would recommend are visiting Lynchburg, Tennessee home of Jack Daniels Distillary and then venturing a little south to Huntsville, AL. You mentioned gong to Fall Creek Falls. There is a great old grist mill there that still stone grinds all types of flour, corn meal, and other ground products. The mechanics of the mill is spectacular with three floors of all kinds of water driven machines. The outdoors is scenery that many photographers come to create a real work of art around the mill, the stream and all the trees. To the East of Falls Creek is the only Jack Daniels Distillary located in Lynchburg, Tenn. If you visit there make advance reservations to eat at Ms Mary Bobo's boarding house. It is a large house that housed distillery workers decades ago, but now just serves some of the best Sothern cooking found in the Deep South. South of Lynchburg is Huntsville, Al, my hometown. It is home to Redstone Arsenal, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama Space and Rocket Center, and about 9 US military command centers. There is a mountain within Huntsville and on top is Montsano State Park, a really nice state park and campground. The Space and Rocket Center is one of the best museums in the US with many rockets and missiles on display. In my career, I supported the US Army missile systems, NASA, and some of the other command centers. You can see the many rockets and missiles on display that were built and launched over many years. I am enclosing a picture below of the entrance to the museum with a SR 71 Blackbird sitting at the side entrance. Enjoy your trip to the Deep South !
  15. Adding a floor to the propane storage area is a great idea, but I would caution aginst the floor being solid. It should be perforated or mesh to allow air flow in the event of a leak. I would NOT want to seal in a propane leak, no matter how small.
  16. Spike I do not have solar panels but I can tell you that the best thing to do is find what meets your needs and is the smallest and most compact possible. That applies to EVERYTHING you carry. You just do not want to have more than necessary. You may want to wait until you get home to see if you need one for the road. I see you live in Sierra Vista. I worked for several years supporting the Intel community at Fort Huachuca. I did not live there but spent weeks there each year. I love it there. There are several beautiful campgrounds around the area. My boss was base commander at Fort Huachuca when Kartchner Caverns was discovered. It now has a great state Campground there. I spent a week there last summer during monsoon season. My Oliver did very well despite some large hail. I left there and spent a week in Monument Valley. I ran off of battery power for several days and was quite comfortable. Oliver is a great Travel Trailer. You made a wise decision.
  17. This seems to be a multi- level question, no pun intended. At the next Oliver Rally, an Open Forum will be held on Saturday night. We are encouraged to send in questions and Oliver staff will choose and research the top 20 to answer at the rally. I suggest this topic be put together in the form of a question(s) to seek the right answer(s) from Oliver technical. I think the plan is to put together a PowerPoint presentation with detailed information will be presented Saturday night at the rally. Later the information will be posted on the Oliver website. donbob3, you are the originator of this thread, do you want to post the question to Oliver on the Rally tab on the homepage?
  18. Matt Great Job ! Lots of new and interesting information on the rally tab of the Oliver Forum. Everyone please ch city it out ! g
  19. There will be new models of the Elite and the Elite II Also, there will be frames available to see the underside. Oliver will have an Open House to showcase the manufacturing process
  20. As of March 1, 2017, we have 28 travel trailers and 40 rally attendees registered for the Oliver rally. We have lots of plans scheduled and will soon post them on the Homepage under the <i><b>Rally </b>tab </i>
  21. We have made tremendeous progress planning the 2017 Oliver Rally. Matt Duncan has created a portal for the rally on the Oliver Home Page. If you look carefully at the header, you will see "Rally" listed. Click on the icon. We will be regularly posting additional information on the website, as we develop each phase. Please check this website regularly !! THANKS
  22. Steve I hope the weather cooperates well for you. Southern Mississippi got slammed this morning. There are a number of great campsites on your way to Quartzite, especially if traveling on I- 10. A great, quiet BLM campsite North of Las Cruces and near White Sands. Some other great sites in AZ before you get to Quartzite, in the Dragoon mountians among huge boulders, just below the rest stop, before Benson, AZ Drive safely and enjoy coy
  23. Bugbite Topsail is a beautiful Florida State Park. It is a quiet and slow paced park in the sugar white sands near Destin and Fort Walton Beach Fl. You can walk to the beach from your campsite. When you drive out of the park, you are on state highway 98. There are shopping centers, restaurants and tourist sites galore in the area. Elgin Air Force Base is nearby, the largest military installation with over 365 sq miles. There is a great military museum on the edge of the base, easy pyublic access also, there are two other great state parks nearby, on the beach as well. Henderson and Grayson Beach. ENJOY ?!!
  24. What are you washing your Ollie with? It seems that something is deteriorating the seals. Our water has lots of lime. I noticed white streaks much like your black streaks. I have used Murphy's oil soap for two years. My Ollie shines like a new unit. Now no streaks. I too, keep my unit indoors. I hope this helps.
  25. Technical difficulties on my part. Matt Duncan is correcting my deficiencies thanks coy
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