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Everything posted by hardrock

  1. Maniac I am not sure what you are referring to in this message. If it is regarding registration for the 2019 Rally, please PM me with your contact information. If not, please leave more detailed information on the Forum about your concerns Respectfully, Coy E. Gayle Hardrock. 2019 Oliver Travel Trailer Owner’s Rally
  2. From all of the Oliver Travel Trailer Owner’s Rally volunteers We wish you a Merry Christmas There are a number of campsites still available at Lake Guntersville State Park located in Guntersville, Alabama. However, they are going quickly. Currently, we have 64+ campsite reservations for our rally May 16-19 2019. You can call (256) 505-6634, (256) 505-6602,(256) 505-6601 to make reservations. The rally volunteers have been busy making plans for the best rally ever. Here are some highlights PROGRAMS Our rally is inclusive, not exclusive. We want everyone to be welcome. All enthusiasts of camping adventures are welcome to attend. We will have a number of attendees that have not attended the rally before and we want to make them welcome and a part of our organization. How will we accomplish this? · Please send in a digital picture of you, your trailer/ RV/ favorite location/family/ favorite campsite in whatever combination you desire, but most importantly we need a photo of YOU! Please e-mail the digital photo to rally@olivertraveltrailers.com. Beginning with registration Thursday morning through the Thursday night activities, we will have the photo presentation running in a loop with your name and photo along with everyone else. You will be able to see everyone attending · Thursday evening activities will be centered on fun activities to become acquainted with everyone attending the rally · Our Saturday night buffet of Prime Rib will be followed by a “Sock Hop” featuring music of the 50s, 60s, 70’s so bring your dancing shoes. We encourage everyone to wear era-appropriate clothing. Pull out your poodle skirts, Nehru jackets, bell-bottoms, mini skirts, blue jeans and tie-dyed shirts, etc. We have been putting together programs that are designed to enrich your camping experiences, learn about servicing your trailer and share your camping knowledge with others. We have assembled an excellent group of volunteers to put together programs that benefits every attendee. Here is just one example: “Hospital Readiness On The Road” Program One of our Oliver Travel Trailer Owners, Dr. Malcolm Monlezun, will be conducting this informative presentation. From his personal experience in caring for patients and their families, he will share guidelines to help you prepare for a medical emergency in the event of an ER or hospital admission. He will include samples of pertinent medical documents for each person to complete and retain in a portable folder or thumb drive, which can be carried wherever you go. Malcolm and his wife have implemented this into their own lives, and find it invaluable not only on the road, but at home as well. ACTIVITIES - Here is a sneak peak at some of the events: Ladder Ball Tournament, Boon-Docking Program, Local Winery Tour, Golf tournament, and Zip lining. For those that will be attending the rally but may have difficulty with lodging, we have a block of rooms reserved with discounts at the Lake Guntersville State Park Lodge. Please call the previously noted reservations number. o Lodging while your trailer is being serviced to attend the rally o Attending the rally but does not have a trailer/RV Need a place to stay while checking out the Elite and Elite II with the sales department o Want to know more about camping and want to meet other campers On behalf of all of the rally volunteers, we wish everyone a Happy Holiday Season Mary Kay Cvacho Coy E. Gayle Foy Sperring Activities Director Chairman Food and Beverage Director
  3. Are there any federal or state laws, regulations that REQUIRE a weight distribution mechanism, hitch or otherwise, to be used? I have been towing my Ollie for years without one, absolutely no issues or problems. I pack and travel lightly and that may be a contributing factor, I have checked with my insurance and it is not an issue with them. I want to travel more in The continental US, but do not want to get into a rub with some state or federal bureaucracy over compliance of an obsecure requirement. I know there are recommendations for tow vehicles and for some RV manufactures. For the record, I am towing an Elite with a GMC Sierra 1500. I have the factory tow package with a 7800 lb rating. However, I want to know the requirements and compliance for towing both an Elite and a Elite II. Thank you kindly for your reply
  4. 2019 Oliver Travel Trailer OWNER’S Rally May 16th-19th, 2019 Lake Guntersville State Park Guntersville, Alabama Our 2019 Oliver Travel Trailer Owner’s Rally is off to a great start with 56 campsite registrations and 100+ owners registered so far. Lake Guntersville State Park has 300+ campsites with hookups and a primitive camping area so there are plenty of campsites for the Rally. However, the better campsites are being reserved so make your reservations soon. The 4-day rally will be packed with plenty of activities, programs, food and most of all fun with all of our Oliver friends, both long term and new. We have several programs and activities beginning early Thursday morning to teach owners about your trailer, accessories, maintenance and special camping information. At our last rally, I requested assistance in putting together the 2019 Rally. True to form, I have received an overwhelming number of volunteers. “THANK YOU” We now have a Food and Beverage Committee under the leadership of Foy Sperring and a Activities and Programs Committee under the leadership of Mary Kay Cvacho. Each of these two committees is doing a great job. We are thankful for the volunteers who are already helping. We are still in need of a few more. There are jobs, large and small. You can do as little or as much as you want. Please contact Mary Kay Cvacho at mkbabies1@gmail.com if you are willing to help. We have an unusual way in the 2019 rally to introduce yourself and your camper to all attending the rally by sending us a photo with you and your trailer at a favorite location. We will have a video program running all day Thursday to view everyone’s favorite photo along with your name. Registration will be at the Lodge and you may see all of the photos and introductions via video of everyone attending the rally. Please take a photo to share and we will provide details later where to send the picture. The rally opening ceremonies will be in the GrandView Ballroom in the Lodge. We will have some fun activities for both new and long-term owners to learn about our fellow campers. Traditional Southern BBQ, a delicious dinner in the GrandView Ballroom, or outside on the terrace overlooking gorgeous Lake Guntersville will top off a day of fun, food and friends. If the weather is fair, we will be treated to a magnificent sunset about dinnertime. After dinner, there will be time to gather with friends old and new to enjoy the night sounds and the smell of the campfires. We have had requests to modify the rally schedule to accommodate those that must return to work Monday morning. Therefore, we will have the Buffet Dinner Saturday night. Unless you need to return to work Monday, please stay Sunday for a full day of fun, activities and programs. From the survey we learned about changes you want in the 2019 Rally and we will be incorporating a number of those requests. We would like to have the opportunity to communicate directly with you regarding announcements about the 2019 Rally. The best way to do this is using e-mail. However, the rally leadership does not have e-mail addresses for most Oliver Travel Trailer owners. We will soon post an e-mail box for you to send us your e-mail address if you would like to be placed on the distribution list to receive rally news in a direct and timely manner. E-mail newsletter and other communications will be blind copied to confidentiality protect your personal information. We will also set up an e-mail box for you to request information on the rally. The rally planning committees for the rally are preparing for the best rally so far so please make plans to attend. I hope to see you there. Coy E. Gayle Chairman Oliver Travel Trailer Owner’s Rally 2017, 2018, 2019 Correction: It was announced earlier that we would be distributing meal vouchers at the rally. We have made some changes and upgrades in the food and beverage areas and will not be distributing meal vouchers. </p>
  5. I have a 18 wheeler following me with a complete machine shop, lathe and end mill with a good supply of metal. I also have every tool that Snap-On sells! My first-Aide kit is the second 18 wheeler with a full surgical MASH unit. All joking aside, I have traveled with some that had enough tools and supplies to rebuild an engine, and others that traveled with his Good Sam's warranty and Emergency Assistence card. If traveling a moderate distance to a state/federal park near an urban area, carry fewer tools than a cross country trip into remote areas. Happy Trails !! Coy
  6. I have a Elite and very happy with it. 80% of the time, it is just me, 20% my wife travels with me. The Elite has everything I need. However, I would question the use of a Tacoma as your TV. Yes, it may be rated for the weight, but you will find the truck struggling with steeper grades and certainly mountains. By the time you add your camping gear, full LP tanks, food etc, you are pushing the max weight I have a 03 tundra with a 230 hp engine. It is sufficient. My friend has a 14 tacoma. He is unable to tow my Elite over nearby mountians more than 40mph and the gas milage is terrible. You may want to look closely at where you would be pulling Ollie, your gear weight and and maximum pulling/towing weights.
  7. Registration 2019 Rally For those attending the 2019 Oliver Travel Trailer Rally in Lake Guntersville State Park, we have streamlined the registration process so there is only ONE call to make for registration. To register for the rally and receive the discounts we have secured, you need to call the Lodge. Without following the process below, you may not be able to secure the discount, or have difficulty having your registration fees adjusted We have had a few attendees register with the campground. The campground personnel has no way of knowing you are a part of the Oliver Owners Rally. The Lodge Personnel are currently tracking Oliver Travel Trailer Owners information to see that you receive the discounts. Below is the instructions as it appears on the Oliver Events page. <i>“Register Now Registration is now open to owners and to the public, your deposit can be taken care of by calling Lake Guntersville State Park at any of the numbers below. Single options and those interested in lodge or cabin accommodations, can use the same numbers below.</i> <i>Just call and say... "I want to register for the Oliver Owner's 2019 Rally."</i> <i>(256) 505-6634 (256) 505-6602 (256) 505-6601</i> <i>If you are directed to the state park’s voicemail, please leave them a message as they are committed to returning your call within 24 hours</i> Thank You Coy Gayle 2017, 2018, 2019 Chairman, Oliver Travel Trailer Owner’s Rally
  8. Thank you for the kind words regarding the rally we are planning on even more exciting activities and programs for 2019. I will be posting additional information on the 2019 Rally soon. We expect an even larger crowd than this year’s rally so everyone get your reservations in soon. Coy Gayle 2017,2018, and 2019 Chairman Oliver Travel Trailer Owner’s Rally
  9. The date that Mike posted is correct. For the 2019 Oliver Travel Trailer Owners Rally everyone will register at one location, the Lake Guntersville State Park Lodge. Last year we had you registering at two locations, one with Oliver to pay your rally fees and the other wth Lake Guntersville State Park to register for your campsite fees. This lead to a great deal of confusion. For the 2019 rally, we have agreement with the Park to collect ALL of the fees. I requested a few owners to "test" the system to see if the process would go smoothly. As with many Beta Testing Trials, we found several problems. We are hard at work with the Park to solve these issues. I have personally traveled to Lake Guntersville State Park to resolve these issues. Please do not try to make reservations at the Park until we resolve these issues. I have a meeting this week to further test the system and I anticipate we will soon release the Rally Announcement. Had we released the date before we had the single point of registration established, we would have had significant issues. I greatly appreciate everyone's patience. My apologies to Mike for not clearly explaining that this was a Beta Test. coy
  10. Greetings Campers, I would like to extend a hearty “THANK YOU“ to Foy Sperring the food master, Matt Duncan, the PR & Advertising master at Oliver, to all our volunteers and especially, Scott Oliver, President, Oliver Travel Trailers who without his sponsorship of the 2018 Oliver Travel Trailer Owner’s Rally, it would not have been possible. Success begets success. Everyone wants to know when the 2019 Oliver Travel Trailer Owners Rally will occur. Although we have reached agreement with Lake Guntersville State Park on the date, we are finalizing agreement on registration details for next year’s rally. For the 2018 rally, we encountered significant problems and confusion when registering for both Oliver Travel Trailers and Lake Guntersville State Park. For 2019, we want to have a single point of registration, for collection of attendee fees and campground reservations. Until we have the process worked out, we cannot release the exact date. For planning purposes, the rally will occur in May 2019 at Lake Guntersville State Park, Guntersville, Alabama. We will announce the final dates as soon as we have the registration process and a budget completed. The last night of the rally, I made an appeal for assistance in planning and organizing the 2019 rally. This appeal still stands. I can be reached at coy.gayle8115@yahoo.com Please contact me if you would like to be a part of the planning, organizing and executing the 2019 Oliver Travel Trailer Owner’s Rally. Our priority for assistance now is for someone who can assist in accounting. As we plan for next year’s rally, we will incur expenses that will need to be paid. We will need to develop a budget for the rally. Please contact me directly if interested. Most, if not all work can be done via Internet and telephone. We will need to develop a budget before we set the fee structure and this has to be done before we release the date of the rally. I want the income and expense of the rally to be done with transparency and integrity so I need assistance with the budget and accounting of funds. To move the rally from a good rally (2018) to a great rally (2019), I would like to have committees of volunteers. Below is the ideal structure for planning, organizing and executing the next rally. Please give consideration to being a part of the 2019 rally and contact me soonest if interested. Coy Gayle Chairman, 2017, 2018, 2019 Oliver Travel Trailer Owners Rally _____________________________________________________________ 2019 Oliver Travel Trailer Owners Rally Committees and Responsibilities Communications Registration process Attendee Information Rally notices and e-mails, Creation, distribution and updating of presentation documents, forms and publications Develop a logo for the “ Oliver Travel Trailer Owner’s Rally” Support Oliver Webmaster by delivering completed documents that are accurate, on time and meet the needs of 2019 rally attendees Secure a vendor for Oliver Travel Trailer Owner’s Rally merchandise Food & Meals Coordinate rally breakfasts, cookout and opening & closing dinners Plan and budget expenses for food and materials needed Work with Lake Guntersville Park staff and food vendors Communicate with attendees and set expectations Entertainment and Activities Coordination of local entertainers, activities within the park and Marshall County Convention and Visitors Bureau Provide a timely budget to the Finance Committee Oversee and monitor all entertainment events Finance Develop budget for 2019 Rally Accounting and monitoring of income and expenses, fees from attendees and fees from vendors on a regular basis Accountability and transparency of all financial transactions Pay incurred and approved expenses Programs Educational programs from vendors – “How To” Sharing and socializing between trailer owners Educational programs- by owners, for owners Scheduling and supporting each program Vendors Develop program(s) that will attract vendors that will fund activities, meals, door prizes and other financial support for the 2019 rally Engage vendors early in 2018 to secure support from vendors in 2019 Develop “Bronze, Silver and Gold sponsorship” for vendors that will highlight what vendors will receive for sponsorship. Support vendors during the rally SKILLSET Ability to develop a rally that will exceed expectations of Oliver owners; • Ability to work as a committee member and coordinate with other committees; • Computer skills in Microsoft Office, Access to all social media formats, exceptional Internet skills and ability to diplomatically and tactfully works with others. • Internet, social media and people skills that support clear, accurate and concise offerings of the 2019 Oliver Travel Trailer Owners Rally
  11. I recently purchased a new 2018 GMC SIERRA 1500. The truck has lots of bells and whistles including an in-dash monitor that has lots of features. When I bought it I asked the dealer if there is any way I can connect the monitor of my truck to the Oliver Trailer camera on the rear. The short version is I can buy yet another system and have it installed. Between my TPMS, the current monitor that contains GPS back up camera, radio and many other features, I do not want to mount the monitor that came with the Trailer camera for backing up. Is there a way to merge the camera system signal from the rear of the trailer, electronic or hardwire, so I do not have to mount another monitor? Thanks Coy aka Hardrock
  12. Apologies for not replying earlier. My password was corrupted and it has been difficult to re-set it Regarding vendors, below are the ones we have invited. To date, we have had only two to respond that they were unable to attend. Those two are either working on sending a replacement or providing a static information center and documents. Truman Dexter Dometic Progressive Industries Zamp Andersen Micro air Furion Trojan FYI the weather for Lake Guntersville looks terrific High in the upper 70s and only a 20% chance of rain !! Coy
  13. Anderson Hitch has accepted our invitation to attend the 2018 Oliver Travel Trailer Owners Rally at Lake Guntersville, AL. For those that have Anderson Hitch on your Oliver, a technical representative will be available to address any concerns and offer technical advice. All vendors will be at the Pavillon ear the lake. I hope to see you at the rally! Coy E. Gayle Chairman 2018 Oliver Travel Trailer Owners Rally
  14. If you are under construction, get builders insurance. After the garage is finished and you start your home, continue the builders coverage. Tell your agent that you are building the garage first to store building materials and tools for your home construction. This is a fairly common practice and builders insurance is fairly cheap
  15. Rougebooks Since you do not have a house built on the property, it appears you do not qualify for homeowners insurance coverage. My suggestion is you contact the State of Florida, Insurance Commissioners Office. To assist you, I am copying the contact information below. The Commissioner and those in the office cannot recommend a particular insurance, but most of the time they can tell you what type of coverage you should obtain. Once you have a clear path, I suggest you go to an insurance broker that can write coverage with multiple companies. Ask the broker to get multiple quotes. To keep costs down, I suggest you consider a high deductible. When making contact, I suggest you ask to talk to someone in Property And Casualty, since you want property coverage. Best of luck! Florida Office of Insurance Regulation Contact Information Office of the Commissioner Email: InsuranceCommissioner@floir.com Phone: (850) 413-3140 Communications Office Email: Press Office Phone: (850) 413-2515 General Inquiries (Main Line) Phone: (850) 413-3140 DFS Consumer Services (Questions/Complaints) Email: consumer.services@myfloridacfo.com Toll-Free Helpline (in FL): (877) 693-5236 Out-of-State Callers: (850) 413-3089 TDD Line: (800) 640-0886 Company Admissions Phone: (850) 413-2575 Government/Cabinet Affairs Phone: (850) 413-5042 Life & Health Business Units Financial Oversight: (850) 413-3153 Market Regulation: (850) 413-3155 Product Review: (850) 413-3152 Property & Casualty Business Units Financial Oversight: (850) 413-3148 Market Regulation: (850) 413-3155 Product Review: (850) 413-3146 Market Research & Technology Phone: (850) 413-3147
  16. If you would like to have the Microair Easy Start installed on your AC unit, a factory representative from Microair will be doing the installation again at the rally this year. Each installation will be done by appointment only. If you are unfamiliar with this product, there are several threads on the Oliver Forum that explains the significant advantage to having this feature on your AC. If you wish to have the Easy Start installed on your unit, please contact Matteo Giovanetti directly (e-mail and phone number below) to set an install appointment. Thank you Coy Gayle 2018 Oliver Travel Trailer Owners Rally Chairman ————————————————————————————— Matteo Giovanetti Electrical & Controls System Engineer matteo@microair.net Micro-Air, Inc. 124 Route 526 Allentown, NJ 08501x 609–325-6863 www.microair.net
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      • Thanks
  17. Greetings For those attending the 2018 Oliver Travel Trailer Owners Rally, we have added another vendor. Lippert Industries, manufacturer of Furion products, will be attending the rally. Should you want to discuss your needs with the factory rep, he will be available Friday morning only. He will be at the smaller pavilion near the water, inside the campground. He will have samples, literature, catalogs and product information. If you have a need to discuss with him, please visit the pavilion before noon I hope to see many Oliver Owners at Lake Guntersville State Park in Guntersville the first weekend in May 2018. Please travel safely wherever you may be Coy Gayle Rally chairman
  18. We have posted an update on the rally this week. Please visit the “ events” tab on the Forum front page. Our attendee numbers have increased, the number of vendors confirming they will attend has increased and our menu is being prepared. We have built in lots of free playtime so enjoy the rally ! Coy Gayle Hardrock
  19. Everyone bring your Oliver Tee shirt for a group photo. Oliver are gathering at Dome Rock hardrock
  20. Many Olivers are gathering at Dome Rock- Bring Oliver Tee shirts for a group photo
  21. Today I received a spreadsheet from Lake Guntersville State Park listing those that have registered for the rally using code 7066. We have a total of 44 campsite reservations. This number does not agree with the number of campers that have registered on the Oliver Forum. My concern is that some may have made campsite reservations with Lake Guntersville Campground for the 2018 Oliver Travel Trailer Owners Rally, but did not identify yourself as attending the rally. To attend the rally and receive the campsite discount, you must identify that you are attending the Oliver rally and use the 7066 code to receive the discounts. Some registered early when we made the announcement of the location but did not have the process set up to receive the discount with the campground. We recommend you verify with the campground your attendance to receive the discounts To complete your preparations for the rally, please also register on the “2018 Rally” tab on the forum page. This will greatly assist us in the food preparation, programming and activities. I will be posting an update on the rally soon. My focus is that we get everyone properly registered, everyone gets the group discounts for the rally and that the program, activities and dining is well planned. We will not post lists of persons attending the rally. For safety and security reasons, we do not want public notices that you are not at home, you are attending an event. We want you to enjoy the rally and not be concerned about your home or personal security while away from home attending the rally. This is your rally and we want every Oliver Travel Trailer owner to have a great time ! Coy E. Gayle (Hardrock) hull #73 2018 Oliver Travel Trailer Owner’s Rally Chairperson
  22. Angus I keep my Cpap in the overhead storage cabinet. Inside the cabinet, I have both a 110 outlet when we have shore power and a 12 volt (cigarette adapter) when boon docking off the grid. I had a hole cut in the bottom of the cabinet to run the hose through. Oliver can customize the power outlets and hole for you. All that is exposed is the hose, so easy storage and no clutter on the cabinet top. You can buy a 110/12v converter made specifically for your machine. mine cost about $80.00. Recommend you get one from your manufacturer made for your model. Sleep well !! Hardrock
  23. John When I purchased my Ollie, I wanted outriggers on my trailer. I needed brackets installed for the outriggers. I was told by Oliver sales that modifications such as I requested may void the warranty. You may want to contact Oliver to make sure there is no adverse impact regarding warranty, service issue, etc.
  24. Entrance into section B Section B of the campground is a nice area. Most people want to be near the lake/river and “B” is the furtherest away from the lake. However, it probably has more trees than the other sections. There is a road behind B , but there is little traffic since it is the back road up to the lodge on top of the mountain. Most of the campsites there are Drive thru. coy
  25. All To date, (Oct. 28)we have 30 trailers registered for the rally. While there is no hurry to register, the choice for trailer spaces will be less to chose from. Looking forward to a great rally in Guntersville, AL Coy
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