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    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
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    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. Welcome! We'll be on the lookout for you.
  2. We have the Mopeka rings (that we purchased when we purchased our tank sensors) and I will never have propane tanks again without them!
  3. Our TV comes unlatched about half the time...and that's highway driving - not on dirt roads or across open fields! We've had 2 break in transit and one of those was WITH using a velcro strap. It, too, came loose! We've since switched to using a dog collar (size XS, 8-12").
  4. We noticed a crack on the exterior of our door after freezing weather with precipitation when the temperature dropped into the single digits for days. We had the door replaced by Oliver 3 years ago. It has not recurred on the exterior but I'll have to take a close look at the inside!
  5. Thanks for the video. Purchased these recently but haven't installed yet.
  6. You sound like us. We also travel with a work schedule and a teenager, who was 11 and considerably smaller when we purchased 4 years ago! šŸ˜ There has only been one trip of many where I had to get creative with finding places for all our stuff and it was a 3-week trip. Love that you decided to go ahead and go for it!
  7. Thanks for the update on the mini. We have been using Gen 2 for a good while both at home and on the road (we have residential with roaming which was discontinued long ago) and have been pleased with it. The mini with the unlimited package is VERY tempting...easier to manage and just leave in the trailer!
  8. Ours broke while in transit. We had no choice but to drive it very slowly about 12 miles as the nearest company with flatbed towing capability was 3 hours away. It caused no additional damage that we are aware of.
  9. I wondered the same thing. Ours was curbside rear. The other 3 still had good shape.
  10. Thank you to everyone who has shared their thoughts in this thread. I'll admit that I knew very little about leaf springs until one of ours failed last week on our 2019 LEII. What can I say? I'm the wife and am not too interested in discussing the mechanical operation of things but I am also the detail-oriented and "let's make sure we have all the information before making a decision" half of this team. You all educated me on this topic and I appreciate the knowledge as we decide what springs to go with moving forward. For the record, ours broke in the same trouble spot as many of the other Dexter 1750# 4-leaf ones and we have done mostly highway driving. I would venture to say, since there were 5 of us in the span of a few days who reported broken springs, that this is likely more common than some may have thought. I'll be submitting a ticket to Oliver just so they'll have record of the break. Mindy
  11. We have a broken leaf spring on our 2019 LEII on Gunflint Trail in Minnesota (not at all a convenient place for this to happen.) From what Iā€™ve read the OEM is a 1750# 4-leaf springā€¦is it a Dexter? Does anyone happen to have a part number? I now know from experience and searching for info here it wouldā€™ve been a good idea to have a spare on hand.
  12. Thanks for all the info! We do have a reservation at Split Rock Lighthouse in the Shipwreck Campground for part of our stay and it looks like a good one. I'll look into some of the other places you mentioned. I've already ordered us some of those attractive head net mosquito hats, haha. šŸ˜‰
  13. We are venturing into new territory this summer...Voyageurs, Isle Royale and Minnesota's North Shore. Any recommendations on things not to miss? Also, is going to Northern Angle worth the cost of the boat trip over? We aren't wanting the hassle of crossing the border into Canada in our vehicle for just a short time.
  14. We liked Homolovi! It's so convenient to I-40 and Winslow is an added bonus.
  15. The door on our 2019 cracked and we had it replaced at Oliver. Our crack was on the outside but started under the original clip-style window. We had a days-long period of snow, ice and single digit temperatures and noticed it after the trailer thawed out.
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