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  1. We are also from the PNW and live in Vancouver WA. When we visited the Redwoods, we stayed at Panther Flats FS campground. It worked well for a base camp. Jedediah CG didn’t allow for an elite 2 length. We have camped at many Oregon beach campgrounds. Preference is a matter of personal choice. We prefer to see and hear the ocean from our campsite. The best spots for that (in my opinion) are Beachside and Cape Disappointment in Ilwaco WA. We go to Cape Disappointment several times each year so please let us know if you want any ideas on campsites if you choose to go there. Pam
  2. Hello! We are in Vancouver WA and picked up our trailer in June 2021. The trip home was the “shortest” route - 2400miles 😉. After leaving Tennessee, we made stops in Missouri, Nebraska, Wyoming, Utah and finally Eastern Oregon. It was a fun adventure- just determine how long you want to drive each day and then see if there are any campgrounds in the area. Pam edit 2020 to correct year 2021
  3. John As Mike D. mentioned above the part isn’t on their web site to purchase. I would suggest you call them as I had the same experience with fast service when I spoke to them on the phone. Two new fans overnight free of charge. If all else fails my offer to ship you one of my spares still stands. Mike
  4. John i had this happen to me and I called natures head for a replacement and they overnighted two new fans to me completely free of charge. I have two brand new spares at the moment if you want me to try and ship you one tomorrow I can give it a go. You have helped me out many times with your helpful advice and it would be an honor to help you for a change. Mike
  5. I very seldom make posts other than to individuals on the forum but I thought this was worth passing along today. We picked up hull 836 in June of 2021 and we have logged 10,400 miles on her to date. Yesterday I had the wheel bearings re-packed for the first time which I believe is well within the recommended timing for doing so. If I remember correctly the interval for doing this work is one year or 12,000 miles? I was very surprised to find that the bearings were nearly dry of grease. The service location and I could find no visible damage to the bearings or axle shafts but if I had not done this preventive maintenance now I doubt I would have survived a longer trip without finding myself stranded on the side of the road somewhere. I have an obsession while traveling at every stop walking around the trailer and putting my hands on the wheel drums to check if any are warm. Doing this I had consistently found one of the drums to be hotter than all the rest. I had thought that perhaps one of the brake pads had been hanging up a bit so I specifically asked my service folks to check that while they had the wheels off to re-pack the bearings. There was no issue found with the brakes but that particular bearing was the driest of the four and that is likely what was producing the heat. I will probably drop a note to Jason on this at Oliver in case there may be some systemic problem with the Dexter axle supply. Not sure if Oliver packs the bearings or they just come in from Dexter pre-packed. At any rate I would encourage all to get your bearings checked and repacked sooner than later if you were in last summers crop of new trailers. Mike
  6. I’m going off memory but I believe it is the gear button. That will give you a display with find channels. It is definitely not the easiest remote to use. Pam
  7. Greetings from another Clark County Oliver owner! We picked up hull 836 in June 2021 and absolutely love our trailer. We are located in Hockinson. Pam
  8. Greetings from Washington state. I have the 3 130ah batteries in our Oliver and I have seen pretty much the same thing you have on the phone app. The fact that the voltages are the same tells me your batteries are fine. lithionics has admitted that the percentages shown are not always as accurate as we would like. A few things they recommended I do has helped the app SOC to be more accurate though. I updated to the latest firmware for the BMS. This can be done in settings on the app. Make sure your phone has good Wi-Fi connection when you do this because the battery bms needs to go out on the lithionics site and get the correct firmware. Next I drew my batteries down until they shut themselves off. This is called the reserve voltage cut off. Then I charged my batteries to 100% or 14.2 volts. This seems to have helped make the % state of charge numbers more accurate. Hope this helps, Mike
  9. We have only had our LE2 for a few months and prefer dry camping locations. We are grateful for the window placement and haven’t lacked view spots due to window size. Below picture is taken from inside our LE2 at Cape Disappointment State Park located in Ilwaco Washington.
  10. It is not on the university but on the knowledge base. That can be found going through the Sales and Service site. Here is the link (I hope it works). https://support.olivertraveltrailers.com/portal/en/kb/articles/lithionics-battery Please PM me if you want any of the information I have on the Lithionics batteries. Mike
  11. Our 2021 trailer has the lithionics lithium battery package which I believe is all Oliver offers now. Each battery has a computer of its own on board and mostly takes care of itself as far as charging. The red switch in the upper cabinet does just switch off the solar panels so they won’t charge the batteries. The batteries themselves each have an on off switch right on top of the battery itself so you can completely shut the battery off without disconnecting cables if you want. If your going to store for a month or so you can charge the batteries to 100 percent then shut the batteries off at the battery itself. If your going to store for 3 month you should discharge the batteries down to about 50% then shut off the batteries at the battery switch. Keep in mind though that there are temperature parameters for storage that you need to stay within. I can’t remember exactly what they are but it is in the Oliver site knowledge base under lithioncs. At least once every 3 months you should discharge the batteries all the way to where the onboard BMS computer shuts the batteries off and then charge them back to 100%. All of these recommendations are in the lithioncs section of the Oliver knowledge base. hope this helps and if you want to contact me directly to compare notes feel free. Mike
  12. We saw an LE2 going west on WA Hwy 14 between Stevenson and Washougal WA. The LE2 had blue and maybe a grey decals. pam
  13. This is one of those stories that I thought hard about sharing because it was such a great example of a classic "stupid attack". In the end though I decided if I can save someone else from themselves it was worth being forever thought of as "the guy who did that". Our 2021 elite 2 has a composting toilet partly to extend how long we can stay off grid but also because I hate dealing with black water tanks. Since my trailer still has a black water tank even though it is not used I thought it would be great if I could use it for grey water storage to even further extend times between dumps. NCEagle had developed a system to pump grey water to the black water tank through the black water flush port and I shamelessly stole his idea and put together a little kit I use to move grey water to the black tank. I have been using this system since last summer and it works great to give us a couple extra days between dumps. Last week we had just returned from a 10 day trip and as the grey water tank was starting to smell not so good I decided to do a good flush of both the black and grey since I had been using the black for grey storage. I was using the black water flush port to fill the black tank carefully watching the level indicator to make sure I didn't over fill and run water up the black water tank vent to the roof. The first flush went fine. On the second flush however in the middle of filling the black tank my wife Pam decided it was a good time to strike up a conversation and I bercame distracted untilI I looked over and noticed water pouring out of the weep holes in the bottom of the trailer suspiciously near the bathroom area. I quickly turned off the water to the black tank and muttered "Oh my God" and some other words not worthy of this audience. I ran into the trailer and into the bathroom and to my horror could see yucky water gushing out of the composting toilet. How on earth could this be! This just can't be happening! Its a composting toilet! It has no connection to the pluming system! Slowly the gushing stopped though and gave me time to scratch my little bald head long enough to reason through what had happened. What had happened was this. The composting toilet uses a vent fan and a plastic tube to vent that air out of the trailer. What I didn't realize until then was that Oliver had connected the composting toilet vent piping to the black water tank vent that goes to the roof. When I overfilled the black water tank the water had obviously backed up into the vent and found its way into the composting toilet vent piping where it ran downhill into the composting toilet until it overflowed into the bathroom. The toilet had 10 days worth of use in it at the time although at least the urine tank was empty and clean. Ten days worth of use in the solids container though mixed with a lot of water and blowing out the top like a volcano made the mother of all messes in the bathroom. After about a day and a half which included complete disassemble of the toilet and a detailed cleaning to the bathroom and venting systems it looks like all is well again. I will continue to use NCEagles great system going forward but will never again be distracted while cleaning the tanks out. Mike
  14. I had a similar thing happen where my pump was sputtering air and water mix and I could see that the filter bowl was only maybe half full. In my case I had taken the pump and filter apart trying to troubleshoot a problem and had inadvertently pinched the gasket in the filter bowl to where it could not seal properly. I was able to unscrew the filter bowl and correct the alignment of the gasket and all was well again. One of many self inflicted gunshot wounds I have caused myself. let me know if you want to talk this through more. Mike
  15. The variable you need to change in the Xantrex is P28. I have similar size generator and I have set p28 to 13.0 amps. This seems to work well and keeps the generator out of overload. Programming the Xantrex using the phone app is the easiest way to access the parameters. Let me know if I can help guide you on using the app. Mike
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