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Everything posted by dewdev

  1. Pat: In addition to the above responses, you might want to go to page 24 of the 2021 Oliver Mainteance Manual (found in the Oliver University web page). If you know the weight of your vehicle and the published weight of the Oliver plus an assumption of the weight of the items you load on the Oliver, you might be able to get a general idea of the tongue by working the formula shown on page 24. I would check with the Oliver Sales Staff who might be able to help further. Good luck
  2. I just purchased a TPMS system and will install in in the spring before my first trip. Should I consider installiing a wheel counter weight oppsite the TPMS device which is installed on the valve stem, to rebalance the wheel/tire?
  3. What brand of remote temperature sensors are people using? Are the fairly accurate and reliable? My Ollie does not have a hatch to open like others have in the bottom of the night stand so I am not sure how to get the heat down below into the basement as well as into the plumbing areas. Will opening kitchen cabinets help get the heat down below? Any suggestions short of cutting holes in the fiberglass? It looks like people are suggesting placing temperature sensors in the basement, under the bunks where the plumbing is and one or two on the outside of the Ollie. Is that the suggested locations? Thanks
  4. This information is great. Thanks ALL!!
  5. When I purchased my used Oliver a few weeks ago, the previous owner mentioned during his new Oliver orientation they had stated that 8 grease zirks (on each side of the trailer) on the Easy Flex system needed to be greased every 3000 miles (or every 3 months) and my Oliver Easy Flex system was now due to be greased. The trailer is now in storage outside for the winter with a foot of snow around it so I have been researching where these 8 grease zirks are located in and planning to grease them in the spring. Looking at Dexter and you-tube videos, I can only find 7 locations to grease as follows - 2 on each side of the Easy Flex where it connects to the springs, 1 at the top of the Easy Flex where it connects to the frame plate and 1 at the other end of each spring. That totals 7 grease zerks. Can anyone tell me where the 8th grease zerk is located? Has everyone found it necessary to grease these zerks every 3,000 miles or every 3 months, which ever happens first? ie. does the zerks stake the grease at those intervals? Thanks
  6. After seeing a past post about bearings and if they are made in China, I did some research as I want to have a spare set of Temkin bearings on hand and be able to change out my bearings when I hit around 12,000 miles on my newly purchased 2018 Oliver Elite II. Here is what I found: - On my first call to Dexter they refered me to Southwestwheel.com. South West sold bearings made in Japan and Timken bearings made in the US. - A week later, I contacted Dexter again and they told me they sold bearings that are made in China. - After hanging up from Dexter, I contacted South West Wheel and they gave me the following information for Dexter's 3500 lb axle (but they said to compare these part numbers with the ones printed on my existing bearings): South West Wheel, Part # KT84 for Timken bearings_complete kit = $102.60 Timken Kit Contains: 2 - HL154A Grease Caps 2 - L44649 Timken Outer Bearings (1 1/16" ID) 2 - L68149 Timken Inner Bearings (1 3/8" ID) 2 - L44610 Timken Outer Races 2 - L68111 Timken Inner Races 2 - 55846 Seals 12 - X1023R Nuts 2 - 90601 1" Spindle Nuts 2 - A1W Spindle Washers 2 - 18X134CP Cotter Pins 2 - FS622P Torsion Axle Grease Caps w/Rubber Plugs 2 - FS122 Torsion Axle Tang Washers My first question - Since I do not want to buy the bearing kit and then start the bearing removal just to find out they are the wrong parts, can anyone confirm that these are the correct Oliver/Dexter 3500 lb axle bearings? Second question - Does this price look reasonable? Third question - South West Wheel also has a larger kit that also includes the wheel hub (the part that the breaks press against). For those that have replaced bearing (or repacked their bearings) is it necessary to replace the wheel hub when replacing wheel bearings? Thanks
  7. I just Progessive Insurance and they had two RV plans. One Progressive plan is just for the RV. The other plan is for your tow vehicle and the RV. I found them to be very competitive. Like all insurance companies, make sure to ask how they determine the value of the RV in an accident.
  8. My 2018 Elite II has about 8,000 miles on it. I am thinking that maybe I should check the bearings at around 16,000 miles. What do others recommend for the amount of miles to check the bearings? I would like to purchase some Timken's bearings and seals to have on hand. What size are the bearings and seals on the Elite II? Better still - what are the Timken part numbers? Are they available at automotive stores like NAPA? Thanks Richard
  9. Freebird used this tracker for her rental Oliver (until she sold it this past December). AmericaLoc GL300 GPS Tracker MXW
  10. In regards to the awning, Is it possible to connect a line to the top of each awning outrigger and run the line to a peg driven in the ground like one does with a tent? Would that help stablize the awning in small wind guests?
  11. I agree with topgun 2. I believe the kitchens are the same in both the Elite I and Elite Ii. If you go to the Oliver web site and click on "Owners" tab at the top of the first screen, and then click on "University" there is a listing of O&M manuals and Other items. In the list is one called "Measurements". Click on that tab and on that page you will find the measurements of the kitchen cupboards.
  12. Thanks all.
  13. FrankC I like your idea. When pop-up caming I had a pressure reducer that you could not set and I do not remember what it reduced the pressure to. What do you set the pressure at on your device? Thanks
  14. Is a pressure water reducer device necessary for my Elite II between the trailer and the city hook-up? I used on for my past pop-up trailers but they did not have the robust pex tubing that Oliver uses.
  15. You got a very nice looking Oliver. You should have fun this week checking everything out. Where are you traveling back to once you leave the campground? i noticed you have the storage basket on the front of the Oliver. FYI, the previous owner of my Elite II told me that when he backed up too sharply the basket hit his back truck bumper and dented in the truck's bumper. No damage to the Oliver or its basket. Not sure if that would be the case for your Elite but thought I would tell you about it. Although I have only back up the trailer once since purchasing it 2 weeks ago, I did not find that to be a problem, but I must admit that is the only time for me as I put the Oliver away until spring time.
  16. John: Thanks for the chart. My Oliver has the soft start kit in the AC which was part of the original build. My surge suppressor display is mount on an interior wall in the Oliver. Where do you keep your generator when it is not running?
  17. ctsshort09 Thanks for your info. Where do you kept the generator when camping and not using the generator? Oliver storage box or in your truck?
  18. This post is a follow-up to my previous post regarding generators. I plan to do a fair amount of boondocking and am getting my 2018 Oliver Ellite II, Hull #354 (new to me) ready for this coming camping season. I have a 13,500 kw AC unit with 4 AGM batteries. After talking to the Oliver people, they recommend a 3500 amp starting surge (3000 amp running) generator to be able to run the AC, charge the 4 AGM batteries and run the remainder of the trailer componets. I plan to purchase a gas run generator and will be looking for one with a gas line shut-off to be able to drain the carb of fuel when finished running for the day. What size generators are you Oliver owners finding works for you? What can you operate at the same time with the size generator you are using? I have the S.S. storage basket on the front of the Oliver and would perfer to keep the generator there. Are people using chains to secure the generators in this basket so they do not get stolen? Thanks for your help Richard
  19. Ken and Judy: Our Oliver Hull # 354 has 320 watts of solar power and 4 6V AGM batteries with a 2000 watt inverter. Sounds like either gas or propane and a Champion 2000 or Honda 2200 will work. I saw some bad reviews on the Honda with problem getting it started. What is everyone's experience with these two brands? Thanks
  20. Good points John and Mike. Mike I like the idea of the Champion 2000. How do you connect it to the trailer. Do you use the 30 amp Oliver power cord and plug it directly into the generator?
  21. Having just purchased a 2018 Oliver Elite II from the first owner, I am hoping that you all could provide a little help. The Oliver receipt that the first owner gave me lists the A/C System as a "Standard Dometic Penguin II with Micro-Air Easy Start". No mention of BTU value. The Oliver maintenance manual does not list the BTU of this A/C. I am thinking it is 13,500 BTU's. Does anyone know for sure so I do not need to call Oliver to ask? i would like to buy a generator so I can run the Oliver equipment including the A/C when boondocking. I would like to use the Oliver's propane. What is the minimum size generator I should purchase? Thanks
  22. Thanks All Mainiac I like your logo. The first time I saw an Elite II was the end of the summer and the person lived in Sebago, Maine. He had a Maine logo and as I remember it the logo showed hunting and fishing locations (or something like that). My sign guy, (Sign Concepts) in Portland tells me we need to wait until the outside temparture is above 60 degrees so it will adher ok so it will be awhile. When I get it installed I will post a picture. Richard P.S. Maybe this summer (after we all get our COIVD vaccines) us Mainahs and our NH neighbors can get together at some camping spot in Maine and have a Oliver get together. Looks like there are at least 5 or 6 of us that I am aware of.
  23. Dwainkitchens: I did a lot of research over 3 or 4 months looking at four fiberglass RV manufacturer's as well as various airstream models. This research included comparing different options of each company. I also talked to various owners of each brand as well as reviewing the web site of each company to see what options each could provide. To compare each, I set up a spread sheet of the criteria I was investigating so I could easily make comparisions. One of my criteria items was ease of towing each trailer, where Oliver has the advantage. My research brought me to the conclusion that an Oliver Elite II was the RV for me. I was unsure if I wanted to purchase a new or used Oliver Elite II. I decided to try finding a used Oliver and over time this past fall I found 4 Oliver's on the Oliver classified forum only to lose out to other people who purchased them before I made my decision. (Many used Olivers on the forum are sold in less than a week, some in only 1 or 2 days). After losing out on buying these used Olivers, I was ready to place an order for a new Oliver and wait a full camping season for it to be manufactured with the options I wanted. Other manufacture's do not have the available options that Oliver has. About the same time as getting ready to place a new order, I found my used Oliver, that included all the options I wanted on my trailer, in the Oliver classified forum. I called the owner within 1 hour of it being posted on the forum and immediately agreed to his purchase price. Afterwood, I found out that I was the first of 6 people who contacted the owner on the first day it was advertised. Oliver travel trailers sell fast, which is proof of people knowing the quality of an Oliver trailer. I am happy to say that I now a proud owner of a 2018 Oliver Elite II trailer. Bring it to Maine from Michigan proved my research was valid. Dwainkitchens - If the size of the Oliver meets your needs, I am sure you would not regret buying an Oliver, a trailer that will certainly last a lifetime and then have a very good resale value afterward. I recommend that you go visit a Oliver owner and see for yourself the quality built into these trailers. Even though my Oliver is a 2018 unit, you would swear that it looks brand new. Oliver quality in their manufacturing can not be disputed. Go see one for yourself prior to deciding.
  24. Bertrands Thanks for the catalog
  25. I just took delivery of my used 2018 Oliver Elite II yesterday. It took me 5 months of research of trailers and 3 months of looking on the Oliver Forum to finally buy this Oliver. Three other Oliver trailers that I wanted to buy were sold prior to me "pulling the trigger". I was the first person to respond to the ad on the forum for my Hull # 354 which had all the options I wanted on it. The original trailer owner lived in Michigan and because of my worry of traveling with COVID virus, he was nice enough to deliver it to me in Maine. I can't wait for spring so I can wash and wax the outside and get the Ollie ready for its maiden trip with me. I plan to replace the front Oliver log with a outline of the State of Maine and a red lobster on top of the outline. If you see it in your travels be sure to say hi. I want to thank the Oliver Service people for all their help in pricing out options that I wanted on the other trailers I was looking at (and now do not need with my Oliver). Richard
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