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John Welte

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John Welte last won the day on December 1 2022

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
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    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. John How do you flush the gray tank? TIA. John
  2. That was my thought too. I would think that their 500 pound limit takes into account the forces on the hitch of a static weight of 500 pounds hitting some movement. With highway movement that weight would be higher on the hitch. From physics the formula F=ma would explain it I would think. F is force, m=mass, a=acceleration. I would think that at driveway speeds it would be ok too. Thanks for your comment. John
  3. Hi all, I have a tight parking spot next to the garage and thought a front mounted hitch would make it easier to maneuver the trailer into the spot. E-trailer has one that would fit my 2017 Ford Expedition EL, but the specs say it's only good for 500 pounds of vertical force. If anyone uses a front hitch, what did you do to make it work? Thanks
  4. I have one too. Don't unscrew and loosen the gripper too much as you can lose the little parts that grip on to the zerk. There are about three or four little pieces that will be lost. How do I know this? I did just that and had to buy another 90 degree attachment. Great tool though! John
  5. Hi John, what shocks are you going to use? Lew at Alcan suggested RadFlo. We plan to do the job in Grand Junction and do springs and shocks at the same time. $52 sounds like a good deal to avoid doinf the job. John
  6. John, what do they charge you to do that? I need to crawl under the trailer this week to grease ours. John
  7. Welcome to the family from #1290. You will enjoy yours. John
  8. I get the impression that the Bulldog shocks are better made. They don't seem very expensive. Is your Monroe shock the 555001. I can look at what the equivalent number is on the Bulldog. Thanks John
  9. Hi all, I plan to replace the four leaf spring type with Alcan five leaf type springs. The weak point in the four leaf spring type is that three inch section to the eye that's a single piece. Our trailer is hull number 1290, one of the last built in 2022. I thought it might be good to replace the shocks at the same time. I have about 12,000 miles on the trailer. My question is what model number and brand is best? John
  10. Welcome to the Oliver family. They're great trailers. Lots of information here on the forum and at Oliver University. Enjoy your trailer. John
  11. I found that some covers just wouldn't go on despite cleaning the area. Most did go on. Have you had that problem? John
  12. Dealerships add so many things when they're trying to close the deal. Brakes, wheels, rear seats on quad cab trucks. You get the idea. It's all marketing. John
  13. I think Camping World offers free dump services. Not as convenient as a gas station, but just fyi, at least one in Oregon offers that. John
  14. Wheels are overrated. 😂🤣. As long as he has three, he should be good to go. John
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