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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/2019 in Posts

  1. Having a great day as we picked our Oliver hull 512. We had pleasure of meeting Topgun Who was at the factory having some service done. As has been said by others, the more you dig into the design details on these trailers the more impressed I am. Hope to see you down the road. Steve - “Carnivore”
    5 points
  2. Oh my goodness, half the fun is the drive. She's gonna be missing out! We just spent 90 days on the road covering almost 14,000 miles. We drove through Oak Harbor on our way down to Coupeville to visit Ebey's Landing National Historic Reserve. We ate at the Coupeville Wharf and bought some books at a sale the Library was having. We never have an itinerary and never make reservations. I think it took us another 3 weeks to get home from there. Take your time, enjoy the ride, it won't last forever.
    2 points
  3. Looks like a new record was set for the forum last night with 22 users online at the same time. The old record of 21 lasted quite a while! Mike
    2 points
  4. I ended up ordering these from Amazon, /Green-Elephant-Telescoping-Tarp-Poles/dp/B072K1B91Q/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=tent+poles&qid=1566243433&s=gateway&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzQzkzNlNaOFUyNTRCJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwOTgxNzYxMTJKMVRTRVM4TTlCTiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNDgzNjU5MVFaWU9NV0wzRkIyTSZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU= All reviews were good and it should work, made just like painter poles and works the same. The top end has a 1/4" screw in pin, shouldn't be any problem attaching it to the awning frame, etc. If you don't want to Copy and Paste the above, just type in Green Elephant Telescoping Tarp Poles on the Amazon website, I got the $49.99 ones, they adjust out to 91". trainman Or Click Here...
    2 points
  5. A little late to the dance (me). I have the natures head and just cover it with a "round" barbecue grill cover. Makes the Head a good seat from which to shower and it keeps the Head dry. I think I paid $20 at Home depot for the cover.
    2 points
  6. OLIVER FORUM GUIDELINES Welcome to the Oliver Forum, a great place for Oliver Travel Trailer owners and future owners to interact, share knowledge, solve problems, and most importantly, to develop friendships. Respectful and considerate responses help build this community. You’ll find a wealth of experiences here, and many owners willing to share their experiences. Have fun, but please keep others’ viewpoints in mind. Respectfully state your point, share your information, or ask your question. Keep it casual and friendly. Reread your post before you hit submit. Is it helpful? Thoughtful? Please try to stay on the original topic of the thread. Confusing the issue may cause the member’s original question to go unanswered. Start a new topic if you have a new question. It’s important for all members to have the environment and opportunity to contribute in a considerate manner, and to learn. Inflammatory and trolling comments shall be removed by a volunteer moderator. We encourage members to use the “REPORT” function (bottom right corner of each post) to help us, as we’re not reading every post, 24/7. If your post is removed, you’ll receive a PM about it. If there is a continuing problem, further action may be taken, up to and including your removal from the forum. Some inflammatory topics to avoid include religion and politics. We’re all about camping, and Oliver campers. Over the years, we’ve seen a few simple topics turn into heated debates. It’s natural to want to jump in, but honestly, it’s often better to let it go, and hit the report button, instead. We moderators are avid campers. Even as we write this, we are all out camping, some with limited bandwidth. We respond as quickly as we can, and the sooner we know, the better. Some have asked why our forum is linked to the Oliver website. Valid question. Since the beginning of our forum in 2008, Oliver Travel Trailers (OTT) has paid for our Oliver “sandbox”, including our web space and an administrator who knows way more than we do about maintaining the software, for which we are very grateful. OTT DOES NOT CENSOR OR INTERFERE with the moderators’ management of the forum content. Moderators are not employees of OTT. We are Ollie owners, and receive no remuneration. OTT does have a employee designated to read the forum for the purpose of improving the “Ollie Experience” for all, but that’s a few minutes a day in a busy job description. If you should ever have an issue or a warranty claim, call tech support. Your post might not be seen on the forum by an Oliver employee. With that in mind, we moderators ask you to communicate directly with the company and afford them an opportunity to satisfy any serious needs before flaming OTT on the forum. We are not asking that anything to be swept under the rug. Just, please, let Oliver Travel Trailers have the first shot to meet and exceed your expectations. Sometimes, communications here may be misinterpreted, because the written word just doesn’t carry the visual clues of face to face conversations. Should you believe a post is a little ill-mannered, consider the poster might be trying to be helpful, but isn’t able to put his or her words together the way you might. Forums work best when our skin tends to be a bit on the thicker side. Remember as well, whatever you post will likely be permanent, and picked up by automated internet software programs. Though this is our forum, it’s still on the world wide web. Our words may very well outlive us. Please, be especially patient with newbies. Our search feature is still being tweaked, and they may not have found an answer by simply using “Search”. You may remember your own newbie questions . . . of many years ago. If you have already answered the same newbie question as many times as you care to, relax and allow someone else to step up and reply. Help foster a community of teachers. We recommend all phone numbers and email addresses be sent in private messages and NOT posted. If you must post personal data, we suggest you post in a manner so trolling automated internet programs will not grab your personal information and use it nefariously. For instance, a phone number might be “8ThreeZero, 5one5, 9 2 eight seven”, or for an email address, something like “Bill DOT Fisher at flyboy DOT com”. Please reread this, and help us continue to make our forum a great place for everyone. We hope you enjoy our forum. Thank you, bugeyedriver, SeaDawg, ScubaRx, Mike and Carol, topgun2 , Mossemi Oliver Owner Moderator Team
    1 point
  7. We're aware some people including us that are having 404 errors and after much research I can say that it is a bug on the forums software side. We're working hard to get this resolved ASAP. A solution for you that does work is to refresh the page and let the page reload. This is not permanent but a temporary solution until the we, the forum developers and our web host have resolved this bug. Thank you!
    1 point
  8. Drawer Locks There have been quite a few postings about galley drawers opening during travel. I am constantly amazed at the ingenuity and craftsmanship of my fellow forum members. My first drawer management version consisted of small Harbor Freight suction cups and 1/2” PVC pipe. It was a simple fix and worked well, but then I followed topgun2's recommendation to clean the inside of the dog house with the Norton's Duragloss recipe. The inside was clean, shiny and so slick, I couldn’t get the suction cups to stay in place any longer. So we once again had the unexpected open drawer experience during our rally trip this year and the hunt was on for a new solution. This was the product I chose and we will test it on our next trip with fingers crossed. And this is how I mounted them to the cabinet supports and drawers. Edit: The drawer locks worked very well on our last 2900 mile trip. Edit: The link above to Amazon actually takes you to the 8 lb. version of the latch. I used the 5 lb. version and corrected the Amazon link. Mike
    1 point
  9. Bob CalMark has a template that asks for dimensions taken from the trailer along with providing them some pics. I provided them with the dimensions and photos prior to the fabrication. They have made some previously for the Elite II but did not indicate they had done a Legacy Elite. Each one would be slightly different depending upon what is mounted to the roof. We'll see how it came out. Cost around $700 or a little over 1% of the trailer cost! Thanks, Andrew
    1 point
  10. I have two of those Xtreme heaters in my early model Elite. But they do not run on DC power, and at 350W times 2, there would be a toll on your battery's amp hour storage. If camping in an overcast snowing environment, solar replenishment to the batteries would be at a minimum. They work very well if shore power is available for the long term. They are positioned to protect my external shower and the water heater, which are my unit's vulnerabilities. Pete
    1 point
  11. I really like the Level Mate Pro and iPhone app. No need to get out of TV, the app lets me know how many inches to get level, and riding up onto the Andersen leveler (banana shaped leveler) until reaching the perfect level. Very good leveling system, no bubbles needed.
    1 point
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