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Everything posted by bugeyedriver

  1. I've had the RAS installed on two tow vehicles that have pulled my Elite tens of thousands of miles. First, on a Toyota Tacoma, and now on my F150. They have worked very well, indeed. The ride is much better with, or without the trailer attached.
  2. Oscar and I joined a group of Casita friends across Route66 in 2010. At that time, I was maintaining a travel blog, and wrote about this slow roll, 6 week rolling rally. What an experience. You may see the blog entries for each leg below . . . Route 66 https://draft.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/3007645756726633026/1827028768887329538 https://draft.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/3007645756726633026/8557206823382872761 https://draft.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/3007645756726633026/2370223351315749809 https://draft.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/3007645756726633026/7528988860661103017 https://draft.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/3007645756726633026/3350449929685143274 https://draft.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/3007645756726633026/1792859826806688906 https://draft.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/3007645756726633026/5491990304103997971 https://draft.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/3007645756726633026/7005605717953597183 https://draft.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/3007645756726633026/2075147676490719768 https://draft.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/3007645756726633026/5599260935664730409 https://draft.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/3007645756726633026/8860680107278109509 https://draft.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/3007645756726633026/6688281851089301235 https://draft.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/3007645756726633026/6688281851089301235 https://draft.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/3007645756726633026/4051672574782160612 https://draft.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/3007645756726633026/8051115801610050117 https://draft.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/3007645756726633026/959990365241343917
  3. 100% Satisfied customer!! This thing is a BEAST.
  4. Welcome to the family! Let the wandering begin . . .
  5. Welcome to the family, Joey! Get ready for many wonderful adventures ahead.
  6. How sad, seeing your Ollie 'laying down'. It's like a family member being wounded. Glad no human or pet was injured. Thanks for posting this for all to learn from.
  7. finally leaving Texas
  8. The Wonder Egg was born with a 'spring over axle' configuration and sits higher than the average Ollie. I always travel with full tanks, for convenience and most importantly, to lower the center of gravity and provide extra stability in high wind conditions and cornering.
  9. Nicely thought out project and installation. Well done. Enjoy your air fryer creations!
  10. Nice. Placing the vents at the upper portion of the space makes sense, after all, hot air rises. Did you consider a switch activated 12 volt miniature fan to increase cooling when using the air fryer?
  11. Come one, one of those prize racks would surely garner a lot of attention going down the highway on the brow of your Ollie. You can do IT!
  12. I alwaze thouhgt a diatribe wuz a bunch of folk gittin together as a big group, figurin new recipees for wate loss.
  13. Here are pictures of the two air vents in my 2008 Elite. You can see one is located on the wall as you exit the trailer, and the other is in the galley area, on the wall to the left of the sink. They provide passive venting from the rear of the space containing the oven. Not sure of a source for the vents, but you get the idea and should be able to find something similar. If you are particularly handy and inspired, consider a tiny switch activated fan mounted behind one of the vents which could turn it from a passive to an active heat protection. Good luck! Be sure to post pictures of your finished project.
  14. is up yonder
  15. Ron, Thanks for the post. It is a good reminder for all of us (especially single axle Elite owners) to use a TPMS system to monitor the pressure of our tires. Question: Did you have a metal valve stem? The centrifugal forces exerted on the valve stems by the mass of the monitor can result in over stressing a rubber valve stem, so metal stems are preferred with TPMS. So glad your system alerted you to the loss of pressure in time for you to safely get off the road. Pete
  16. Welcome Kathlyn! I head out every year with my Elite I and have stayed out traveling for stretches up to 7 months at a time. The 10lb dog and I enjoy the small spaces and, when befriending someone in a Class A motorhome, I'll sometimes tell them that "I have everything in my trailer you do, except the wasted space". (Hahahaaaa) I've also met more than a few full-timers in their sixties and seventies living in small trailers similar to ours. It is certainly doable, but, you may need to figure out how to dispose of a house and all of the accumulated "stuff" that has gathered over time. A life without lotsa "stuff" can be very freeing, mentally. Also, with some Google searches, you can find ways travelers handle their mail and establish a state residence for tax purposes. It is totally doable. Enjoy the journey . . .
  17. That's because your subconscious is trying its best to shield you from its absurdity.
  18. Thanks for the confirmation of Oliver Travel Trailers' continued dedication to Oliver customers, past, present, and future. "Transition" is a common event in the life cycle of businesses as they mature and grow. With OTT's strong heritage and dedication to building a quality travel trailer that, with proper care, will last a lifetime, you have brought value to the market and joy to many individuals and families throughout the nation. I wish you and all employees of OTT all the best as your company evolves into the future.
  19. Hi everyone. Our forum is a great place to gather and share information about our wonderful trailers. A few years ago (2018) the moderators put together their thoughts on how we should all "play together" here to foster the Oliver Owners family harmony. If you haven't seen these before, please acquaint yourselves with our Forum Guidelines. If you have seen them, consider taking a few minutes to refresh your memories. A family that plays well together is a happy family. Enjoy your trailer as you wander about this great nation! 1OLIVER FORUM GUIDELINES Welcome to the Oliver Forum, a great place for Oliver Travel Trailer owners and future owners to interact, share knowledge, solve problems, and most importantly, to develop friendships. Respectful and considerate responses help build this community. You’ll find a wealth of experiences here, and many owners willing to share their experiences. Have fun, but please keep others’ viewpoints in mind. Respectfully state your point, share your information, or ask your question. Keep it casual and friendly. Reread your post before you hit submit. Is it helpful? Thoughtful? Please try to stay on the original topic of the thread. Confusing the issue may cause the member’s original question to go unanswered. Start a new topic if you have a new question. It’s important for all members to have the environment and opportunity to contribute in a considerate manner, and to learn. Inflammatory and trolling comments shall be removed by a volunteer moderator. We encourage members to use the “REPORT” function (bottom right corner of each post) to help us, as we’re not reading every post, 24/7. If your post is removed, you’ll receive a PM about it. If there is a continuing problem, further action may be taken, up to and including your removal from the forum. Some inflammatory topics to avoid include religion and politics. We’re all about camping, and Oliver campers. Over the years, we’ve seen a few simple topics turn into heated debates. It’s natural to want to jump in, but honestly, it’s often better to let it go, and hit the report button, instead. We moderators are avid campers. Even as we write this, we are all out camping, some with limited bandwidth. We respond as quickly as we can, and the sooner we know, the better. Some have asked why our forum is linked to the Oliver website. Valid question. Since the beginning of our forum in 2008, Oliver Travel Trailers (OTT) has paid for our Oliver “sandbox”, including our web space and an administrator who knows way more than we do about maintaining the software, for which we are very grateful. OTT DOES NOT CENSOR OR INTERFERE with the moderators’ management of the forum content. Moderators are not employees of OTT. We are Ollie owners, and receive no remuneration. OTT does have a employee designated to read the forum for the purpose of improving the “Ollie Experience” for all, but that’s a few minutes a day in a busy job description. If you should ever have an issue or a warranty claim, call tech support. Your post might not be seen on the forum by an Oliver employee. With that in mind, we moderators ask you to communicate directly with the company and afford them an opportunity to satisfy any serious needs before flaming OTT on the forum. We are not asking that anything to be swept under the rug. Just, please, let Oliver Travel Trailers have the first shot to meet and exceed your expectations. Sometimes, communications here may be misinterpreted, because the written word just doesn’t carry the visual clues of face to face conversations. Should you believe a post is a little ill-mannered, consider the poster might be trying to be helpful, but isn’t able to put his or her words together the way you might. Forums work best when our skin tends to be a bit on the thicker side. Remember as well, whatever you post will likely be permanent, and picked up by automated internet software programs. Though this is our forum, it’s still on the world wide web. Our words may very well outlive us. Please, be especially patient with newbies. Our search feature is still being tweaked, and they may not have found an answer by simply using “Search”. You may remember your own newbie questions . . . of many years ago. If you have already answered the same newbie question as many times as you care to, relax and allow someone else to step up and reply. Help foster a community of teachers. We recommend all phone numbers and email addresses be sent in private messages and NOT posted. If you must post personal data, we suggest you post in a manner so trolling automated internet programs will not grab your personal information and use it nefariously. For instance, a phone number might be “8ThreeZero, 5one5, 9 2 eight seven”, or for an email address, something like “Bill DOT Fisher at flyboy DOT com”. Please reread this, and help us continue to make our forum a great place for everyone. We hope you enjoy our forum. Thank you, bugeyedriver, SeaDawg, ScubaRx, Mike and Carol, topgun2 , Mossemi Oliver Owner Moderator Team
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  20. 1st TV, 2008 Tacoma w/ 4.0L, V6 --- towed Wonder Egg 111,000 miles before "retiring" from towing duties. 2nd TV, 2018 F150 Lariat, 5.0L, V8 --- has pulled Hull # 14 about 30,000 miles so far.
  21. Awesome! You now have more insight than most into what a wonderful family the Oliver's have. Serendipity happens.
  22. Topgun2 referred to the "date code" on each tire. Each tire will have a 4 digit number you can find on the sidewall. The first two numbers will be the week of the year and the last two will be the year. So, a "3222" code will tell you the tire was manufactured in the 32nd week of 2022. LT tires may show wear on the treads to indicate degradation, but ST tires treads can appear robust even after many, many miles, hiding the fact that they are "tired" and worn out. Failure to maintain proper inflation and loading within limits are the things that risk failure. An under inflated tire will result in excessive flexing of the sidewall as it rotates down to the bottom and bulges before swinging around the rest of the revolution. This repetitive motion may cause internal friction in the sidewall and overheating, leading to failure. Using a Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) is a great way to avoid this. The Wonder Egg gets new shoes whenever they are 6 years old.
  23. While EVs may be coming and ICE engines going, it cannot be accomplished on an arbitrary date. Population density and relatively shorter distances in the northeastern corridor of the nation are not the same conditions as west of the Mississippi. A reliable and well spaced charging station infrastructure must exist before mandating the end of ICE vehicles. And then, we will need a reliable 24hr energy infrastructure, capable of supplying the enormous amount of energy to replace all of the BTUs found in the gasoline and diesel in all the vehicles plying our nations's roads. We do not live in ' Fifteen Minute Cities'. We hit the roads and explore . . .
  24. What? Where? Was it parked in a driveway (If so, on what street, (so I can conduct a drive-by) Or was it possibly just passing through our neighborhood
  25. One of the concerns about installing a microwave / convection oven is the ability to allow any extra heat between the hulls to dissipate. Many hulls did not come with adequate vent holes in the cabinet walls to enable the heat to escape. While the oven does vent heat out of the front, there is a concern about any extra heat trapped between the hulls. Fortunately, The Wonder Egg - Hull #14, has extra vents in the side walls behind the oven, so I have gone to the micro/conv. option. The unit is deeper than the oven it replaced, so a plenum was added to accommodate the extra depth, resulting in a minor loss of space on the "chopping block" in front. It cooked a fine, crispy chicken once. Woohooo! Should you go with that option and your trailer does not have cross ventilation behind the oven, you may consider adding some before making that modification. How many, and how large, is up to you. I would think the more, the merrier.
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