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Shawna and Scott

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    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer

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  1. I believe there is a Facebook group page for folks wanting to sell their Oliver --- "Oliver Travel Trailer for Sale"
  2. That is great news and as most expected it was a simple fix once it was found. Thanks for posting the resolution as I am sure it will help someone down the road - folks like myself.
  3. We have a Jackery explorer 1000 and plan to use it with our Truma portable refrigerator along with running some items during any power outages we might have at home. I have yet to use it camping but it has been handy around the farm.
  4. Not what I was hoping to hear. We live in a rural area and have been using a line of sight solution where a Cooperative put dishes on cell towers. They installed one on my barn and works very well, only $60 a month, unlimited and I see speeds in the 80-90 GB down and 8-10DB up. Hate to have to use at home to make use of the mini.
  5. @Patriot This is very interesting and probably made us wait on more information. We were ready to pull trigger on Gen 3 but will wait a little longer now. Thanks for the update!! Scott
  6. Are there any modifications needed to attach to the Oliver? When I questioned about upgrading to the Truma I was told that it needed a platform to sit on, available thru Oliver. Other fiberglass work was involved.
  7. There is an Oliver Travel Trailer for Sale Facebook page. Oliver also suggest listing the trailers for sale on the usual RV trader sites. Good luck with your purchase.
  8. Happy Anniversary !! Here's to many more and safe travels along the way. Shawna and I are on number 39 this year. We really enjoy the times when we are traveling and staying in our Oliver.
  9. I am by no means an expert in this area but I understand that the bonded neutral plug is needed. I have one but have not used my generator yet to charge the batteries or run anything in the oliver. I copied this from a thread on this topic: https://www.rvtravel.com/rv-electricity-generator-neutral-bonding-basics/ Also found this in another thread: "Without a neutral/ground plug in an outlet on the generator, no electricity will pass through the EMS" Scott
  10. Here is a link you can try - https://www.amazon.com/Southwire-Company-LLC-44400-Generator/dp/B07F4R7BDL/ref=sr_1_3_pp?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ze77urC3E0cv-Sgy2WBsnrvWHUzSct3XLNL2KRQJF5jRV26fObiFrn-fdZ9V6ncjRqGkCLXsrfyTmnKguORXLUfA_JKxet2ICSQxoPvuTc3hCJLLcKRzlYEC5-VZyzT798M5op3pqiInJ11dYfB8Euf6jd4m4F6Blflkk94yVnDsw4Qj1WLAR65hHtvwqhgli8Bs8EMxQE2wC4D8U5kgLaHkVl3BIzxZmMjQLqiyb4A.h0dBUVDPH0kSJAixrF7N_6HAJVNoU0KaEwuMFPX1d_Q&dib_tag=se&keywords=generator+bonding+plug&qid=1716918903&sr=8-3 This seemed to be one a few folks used when I did research on it back in 2022.
  11. Your leaving out that precious little puppy you have. Enjoyed being your next door neighbor at the Oliver Rally. Scott
  12. Bill thanks for letting us take shelter in your Oliver during the storm. Enjoyed the conversations and glad to finally put face to name. Scott
  13. We have a policy with Progressive currently that gives us full replacement up to five years. After that they give us what we paid or it. It is cheap and seemed to be what everyone was offering in our part of the country.
  14. I also recommend the four Harbor Freight chocks. We have had our since we picked up our Ollie in '22. They work well and are holding up well, pretty heavy rubber chocks. Price was right to give it a try. Happy so far.
  15. Our Oliver being our first and last travel trailer I cannot comment on service from other RV dealers. I have heard from some on here and have friends that have SOB and hear their stories. I understand that Oliver's decision to move all their service (except for major repairs) to the new dealer network has made people very nervous about their new experience. I can do some of the normal DIY stuff but I get nervous when working with the electrical items yet. I am getting a new inverter in a couple weeks. Oliver offered to walk me thru installing it myself but I did not feel confident so off to the factory we go, about 10 hours for me. I do plan to pick their brains a bunch around the inverter and use. My opinion only - I think it would be good for all of us if Oliver went forward with the idea of training service at the new dealer network. Gives us options when we are on the road and need some service. I also think many here would feel better if Oliver continued to offer service at the factory. It could be a limited amount of appointments instead of their current service model if resources are an issue. After reading threads here for over four years I can see where Oliver has heard from Owners and have made changes/upgrades over the years. I believe that same will hold true in this instance. I think owners will post about their good experiences and not so good experiences and then we as owners can make more informed choices pertaining to where to get service. I am sure Oliver will be monitoring this as it moves forward and take necessary steps to correct and improve these experiences. We would like the choice to go to the factory for service if possible. I get to see the new toys they are offering in person, I get a reason to go try out some Tennessee State Parks and make a mini vacation out of it. All that on top of the quality of service I have received at the factory. I don't think I am going to consider throwing away our investment and retirement plans just yet.
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