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carnivore last won the day on August 21 2019

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
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    Twin Bed Floor Plan
  • What model is your other RV or Travel Trailer?
    2023 F250 7.3

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  1. I replaced a leaking LP pigtail. The tank connector on the original was light green while the replacement I found while on the road happened to be a dark green. Later while at a campground making my repairs, a fellow camper said that he once replaced a leaking light green tank connector with one that was dark green and then began to have various propane flow problems. He said that he switched his dark green out with a light green fitting and solved his problems. He didn’t provide any details of his problems. I did not know that there were color codes on LP tank connectors. Evidently different colors have different internal spring tensions for managing different flow rates. According to Etrailer the light green connectors are rated for 200,000 Btu per hour. The black are rated for 70,000-100,000 Btu per hour. The dark green are rated for 450,000-500,000 Btu per hour. The Red connector is the strongest spring and is often used for high pressure adapters and T-fittings. The question that I can’t seem to find a specific answer to is: Do the higher btu or flow rated dark green fittings work fine in our application. In other words, even though the dark green are rated for higher flow rates than I will ever need in my camper, do they perform just as well when they are used for lower flow rates as those of the light green ratings?
  2. Ron, I don't think it is a propane flow problem. The burner lights immediately when the control board demands. I don't have a manometer or whatever the necessary tool is to check propane pressure, however when the fridge burner is burning, I have lit both stovetop burners as well as turned the water heater to propane and fridge burner tube and stove burners stayed blue with no sign of fuel starvation. This problem has me baffled so far.
  3. I’m beating my head against the wall on this one and would love some input. Our 2019 E2 has a 3 -way Norcold model N412.3 FUL fridge Sn# NR00iy5 It seems to work perfectly fine on both AC and DC but has a problem when running on propane. The temperature won't get any colder than 50-55 and the freezer and only goes to between 25-35. The flame seems to always ignite just fine and looks blue and normal, so I don’t suspect a propane or solenoid or gas flow problem. Steps taken so far: 1-The burner tube with gas jet looked fine with no carbon buildup but I changed it out for a new one anyway. Flame still looks blue and good. 2-Replaced the thermistor with a new one and put it on the same fin as the original which is center of #5 from the right. Problem NOT solved so I 3-changed out the circuit 628661 board. 4- Ran a 12 gage swab down the burner tube but it as well as the helix diffuser was already clean with zero carbon buildup. Problem still unresolved I did not change the smaller approx 2”x4” green board that sets next to the main board. I believe this one is called the DC control board. This could be next step but like I mentioned, it works fine on AC & DC. Anyone have any suggestions for my next course of action?
  4. I'll chime in here on the Alcans. I have 7K on mine so far without a problem. I haven't noticed any difference in the way the trailer handles or tows.
  5. I spent all day yesterday installing Alcon leaf springs, Alcon U-bolts and new Monroe shocks on our trailer. I did the work myself and have to say that I recommend tackling it yourself if you have even average mechanical abilities and a torque wrench. I haven't had time to give it a test tow yet but am optimistic that the tow to the rally will be trouble free.
  6. Try cycling cycling each valve one at a time while the faucet is open and the pump is on. This can burp the system.
  7. I placed an Alcan order this morning with Luo for springs, 9/16" u-bolts and nuts.
  8. I am ordering parts to do some Maintenace on my LE2 suspension. Mine was manufactured in 2019, came standard with the EZ-Flex and currently has a little over 62k on it. I am hoping to get answers to a couple quick questions: 1: Does the center pin of the EZ-Flex have a serviceable/replaceable bushing and if so, is it the same size and type as the bushings on the spring ends? 2: Likewise, do the two outside holes on the EZ-Flex have replaceable Bronz bushings like the spring ends? Thanks in advance. .sj #512
  9. I followed AndrewK’s plan and couldn’t be happier with the results.
  10. Mike, I am a recent AndrewK graduate that self installed solar panels and lithium batteries on my 2019 LE2. Like Andrew, I too am willing to offer any help. Pm me your contact info if I can help.
  11. Seadawg, yes, the backing plates were part of the standard construction, at least on our 2019.
  12. I am actually on day 3 of a 2 week shake down test of my recent self install of: 2-Zamp 170w panels, a Zamp 3 port roof box, Victron 100-30 solar charger, 2 - 100ah SOK lithium batteries, a blue sky cutoff switch for the solar panels as well as the appropriate circuit breaker and the proper sized cables and lugs. I had previously installed a blue sky battery cut off and a Victron 712. My 2019 has the PD4060 with the lithium jumper. Our camping style doesn’t call for an inverter and I want a less complicated system. I did all of the work myself and have probably $3k total in it, including the harbor freight lug crimper tool and wire locator. I learned a lot and the project was fun. I totally relied on AndrewK’s instructions and lots of advice / encouragement from Andrew as well as ScubaRX and Mike Mossy. These guys are the best!! I have kept the PD charger circuit breaker switched off when we plug in and batteries are quickly getting back to 100% by midday from the panels. I’ll give further thoughts as I get more familiar using the system. The Install took probably 2 full days by my self but knowing what I know now, to do it again I could pull it off in 10-12 hours. Probably less with some help. I’ll give further thoughts as I get more familiar using the system. So far I really am impressed
  13. I'm embarrassed to admit it but mine would mysteriously come on in the middle of the night too. I figured it out in the middle of the third night of ownership that it even had an alarm clock function. I didn't intentionally set it but it blasted out some wrap song @ 03:17 at full volume. I didn't wake up happy. I don't remember what I did but I found the answer in in the manual.
  14. see if the alarm function is activated..
  15. Mike, I look forward to what you learn from Zamp. It probably doesn't matter but I'm going to likely go with a Victron 100-30 solar charger.
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