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Everything posted by topgun2

  1. There's some very good fishing at the bottom of the Black Canyon. However, the good fishing comes with three "problems": 1 - getting down there; 2 - getting back up from down there; 3 - rattlesnakes! Certainly those three things do not take away from the beauty though. Bill
  2. I quit AAA after years of membership due to a bad experience. I needed a tow in Hayes, KS on a Saturday early afternoon since a wheel bearing on my SOB RV gave up the ghost on Interstate 70. There I was - stuck - with a ton of traffic wizzing by and AAA told me that they didn't have contracts with anyone in that area that could help me. They didn't even offer to look up the names of ANY local towing outfits and I didn't have a cell phone that could do that either. Lucky for me that a KS State Patrol officer stopped and gave me the name of what turned out to be a great towing company that was located not 5 miles away. The towing bill for that 5 miles was several hundred dollars and once I submitted receipts and waited 6 months I did receive a check from AAA for $75. More than the money - it was the lack of being willing to provide any help. Bill
  3. I've also used a bit of Goof-Off to get sap off the Ollie and truck. Go at it lightly though. Bill
  4. Glad things worked out and that your tour of our favorite travel trailer was a success. Let us know if you have further questions. Since we are "family" - we'll keep a light on for ya! Bill
  5. Speed Demon, seven hub, Parsec, and gland box! Sure do wish I knew what you guys are talking about, but, it sure does sound interesting anyway!😁 Bill
  6. With mine - I've found that there have been times when the latch will "stick" to the inside. A slight quick push in "un-sticks" it and I'm good to go. Of course - my lock isn't spinning either but its worth a shot. Good luck! Bill
  7. Besides turning the lock with the key I assume that you have tried pulling out on the door. But, have you tried pushing in on the door as you turn that key? My experience is similar to yours - people "panic" when they see you packing up to leave and want to take that "last" opportunity to ask questions. Be careful with this in that while you want to be polite and show off your Ollie, you also certainly don't want to miss any important steps in your routine for packing up. Don't be afraid to ask these people to give you 5 or 10 minutes so that you can complete packing up. Bill
  8. And your experience is a classic example of why those of us with the "standard" toilet should always release a bit of grey water first prior to dumping the black. This makes sure that the hose connections are solid AND that the hose is not going to leak. Bill
  9. Rivernerd - As per the quote by jd1923 above. Bill
  10. I've not found anything that looks like this - yet. Certainly nothing that an Allen wrench could be used for. Bill
  11. As long as you make sure that you have closed the water heater bypass (assuming that you have the standard water heater) then two gallons will do the job. Don't forget to add a bit of antifreeze to the toilet bowl (assuming that you have the standard toilet) in order to keep the seal in there in good shape. And once you've done that put some "Saran wrap" over the top of the toilet bowl so that this antifreeze does not evaporate over the storage period. Bill p.s. If I find the pink stuff either on sale or at a good price I buy enough in order to always have 2 to 6 gallons on hand. There have been times (like this time of the year) when RV antifreeze is difficult to find.
  12. I about to join the "re-stringing club"! How many cans of beer or glasses of wine (whine?) does it take? Bill
  13. With regards to see an Oliver - you might want to send a private message to Boudicca908. I know that as of last week that Oliver was in your area. Good Luck! Bill
  14. As far as I know - OTT only stopped doing this for those trailers equipped with lithium batteries. Bill
  15. Actually they are called "scupper" holes or drains. These serve a couple of purposes: 1 - they "vent" the area between the inner and outer hulls. Any condensation that might form between the inner and outer hulls will either drain or be evaporated due to increased air movement from these. Actually when you are driving down the road these cause a "venturi" effect which actually draws air/moisture out from the hulls. 2 - they allow for the draining of any "leaks" that might occur. In turn, this reduces the chances of mold or mildew that might be caused by any water collected within the inner and outer hulls. If you ever actually see any liquid draining from these scuppers, it would be advisable to search for the cause of that as soon as possible. Bill
  16. I use the EEZTIRE TPMS. But most of these are very similar. The "recommended interval" for changing the batteries is one year. But, I simply leave mine until I start to get a loss of signal notification. Since I always carry spare batteries with me while on the road it is simple to change them. Note that I also remove the wheel sensors and batteries when I am not planning on using my Ollie for a month or so. Even though the sensors should not be transmitting a signal when there isn't movement in the wheel, I feel better knowing that the contacts are not being subjected to humidity, heat, cold, etc. On another note - I have never needed a booster for the EEZTIRE transmitter. However, these signals that are being sent from these small transmitters can experience some loss of signal during very wet weather, snow, and heavy traffic. In addition, depending on the types of things that are being carried in both the tow vehicle an/or the Oliver, signals can be weakened. Bill
  17. Well - I don't know. Since this list was being compiled from recommendations submitted by Oliver Owners and primarily submission was via the Forum I really don't see that many recommendations when scanning the thread. It should be a fairly simple matter to simply copy these names down if you're interested. Good luck! Bill
  18. And - this is why in at least one video by Jason Essary (Service Manager) he recommends that owners disconnect this plug from the tow vehicle when stopped for over a few hours. This is due to the fact that even while the tow vehicle is shut off the Oliver batteries can still draw power from the tow vehicle and, therefore deplete the tow vehicle battery. Bill
  19. HDRIDER - As per the very first post in this thread by Matt Duncan, Oliver was/is in the process of collecting this information. To my knowledge - any names on this collected list have not been published to date. Bill
  20. OOPS! It has been brought to my attention (thanks Mossemi) that you have an Elite I. Therefore, my "confusion" is somewhat mollified.🤪 Bill
  21. This confuses me a bit - If you have OTT installed panels - I assume that you have two of them on your roof? If that is the case then you have more than "200" watts up there to start with. Bill
  22. You might try a PM to Patriot - I believe that he has this genny. Give him a couple of days for reply in that I believe that he is currently on the road. Bill
  23. For a time those gaskets were being replaced under warranty. I'm not sure as to which dates are/were covered though. Obviously, a service ticket or call to the Service department will get you the answer. Good luck! Bill
  24. Very nice job - almost to the point of being lovely.
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