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Everything posted by topgun2

  1. This "story" is a bit embarrassing but ....🥵 At the end of last year my original exterior fridge fan bit the dust. It had been making noises for some time, but, finally, mercifully, it made no more noise. Certainly these poor things do live in a rather harsh environment and get little "love". So, over the winter I decided to get a replacement (I ordered THESE). While TWIST was in storage I looked at how the old fan was installed and decided to replace the rubber isolation bushings too which I got at Lowes. I also noted how the existing fan was wired and did all that I could in my home workshop (i.e. I installed spade connectors on the fan wires) so that when it came time to install the fan in the Ollie the process would not take very much time. Fast forward to a day before leaving for the Owner's Rally and I installed the fan with my plan proceeding very smoothly. Except for one "small" detail - when I hit the switch just inside the Ollie's door, the fan didn't come on! Of course I rechecked all my work - to no avail. I got out the multi-meter and started checking my wiring and found out that I was only getting a little over 8 volts in the fan wiring. THAT would tend to indicate a bad ground or loose connection but with the time I had before leaving I could not find any problem. Due to lack of time - fast forward to a month ago when I stopped at the Mothership for annual wheel bearing service. I mentioned my fridge fan problem to Jason and asked that if the Service guys had time would they take a look to see if they could identify the issue. That afternoon when I picked up Twist I asked if they had enough time to look at the fan . With a grin and a wink I was told that the issue was with a faulty crimp in one of the spade connectors! Yes - I did the "tug test", yes I've done hundreds of crimp connections over the years without any issues, I even double crimp each connection. Due to the environment that these things live in I also took the extra step of putting heat shrink over these connections! Just shows what being in a hurry will do. Now that things are back to normal - I can report that the fan I installed actually works better than the original and it is quieter too. Bill
  2. You look good to go to me. The only argument for more grease coming out is that it "helps" flush out any old stale dirty grease that may be in there.
  3. Just tighten down that loose zerk - if it still accepts grease, there is no need to replace it. However, hopefully the threads are not stripped. If they are stripped then you hopefully you have the taps and dies necessary to fix this. Bill p.s. the dried out rubber on the shocks has been discussed here on the Forum before. I would not think yours are a issue before you get to the Mothership. Once there you can ask Service about them but I'd guess that they will not replace them.
  4. CRM - I've heard from a couple of FLA Ollie owners who are also OK. One is in the Tampa area and the other is inland from there. Hopefully any that are north of you are OK too. Bill
  5. "Turn around - Don't drown"
  6. From what I'm presently seeing - it looks like FLA is getting hammered. Thank goodness this storm is moving quickly which "should" lessen the destruction. Note that GA is already getting hit too. Hopefully all of the Family is safe. Bill
  7. I like this idea 🙂 Apparently the guys at CGI detailing liked the idea too and are making the most out of it. Starting this Labor Day CGI will be here in North Carolina making Olivers shiny and bright. Bill
  8. From all of the spaghetti plots I'm seeing it would appear that this storm will be way to the east of us here in Western North Carolina. I'm guessing that we will not even see very much rain (if any) from this thing. Bill
  9. Good luck to all of you located in Florida, Georgia and South/North Carolina. Please be safe! Bill
  10. A couple of years ago - Oliver asked (here on the Forum) members (family) to let them know about any RV dealership with whom they have had a good experience. I know that several of these dealerships have been referred to Oliver. Perhaps this was the beginning of the identification process. Bill
  11. Referenced pics in the "for sale ad" have been rotated. Hope it helps with the sale. Bill
  12. But, wait - there's more! It also "kills 99.9% of viruses and bacteria" . I wonder what it might do to ceramic coatings and even regular wax. As Ollie-Haus mentions -concerning regular waxing is certainly still necessary but does this take what wax there might be still on the Ollie off? Bill
  13. In case anyone is interested and has a Harbor Freight nearby - Both the mats and the moving blankets are on sale through this Sunday. Bill
  14. I'd give them a shot of grease - the recommended interval for those is 3 to 5 thousand miles. As far as type of grease - that is covered on page two of this thread. Bill
  15. I'm certainly NOT taking that bet. I spend more time collecting the tools and prepping for the job than actually doing the job. While the zerk caps help a bunch, I still spend a fair amount of time cleaning off the old grease - bring plenty of paper towels/rags to the job. Bill
  16. Certainly TRUE! All Oliver trailers built prior to 2017 or 2018 didn't have the EZ-Flex suspension and thus didn't have the wet bolts which have (I believe) brass bushings. The old suspension did have those "nylon" bushings and were only good for something like 12,000 miles. So, many of us that have the older Olivers switched to the "new" EZ-Flex when it became available or when the old bushings hit that 10,000 to 12,0000 mile mark. Its much better to give those zerks a shot of grease every few thousand miles versus having to replace the bushings. Bill
  17. Learn where the fuse for the propane detector is located - sooner or later at 2am you will thank me!😁
  18. Speaking of which - Back in the day when I owned a pop-up camper, I bought what amounts to a reflective "tarp" for the canvas of the pop-up. This "tarp" certainly kept the tent area much more comfortable when exposed to the sun AND it also helped retain heat at night. Plus, it reduced wear on the canvas. These tent covers that are made by a company called Pop Up Gizmos can be found at: https://www.popupgizmos.com/ Bill
  19. I like the WAY you think. When there is no understandable, logical or definitive information that contradicts whatever warning label or engineering information I've been given, I try my best to adhere by the warning labels and/or generally accepted guidance on the subject. That YouTube video you mention above has to do with an owner ignoring warnings about the proper torque for lug nuts on trailer wheels. Even though he knew better, he tightened his too much and sheared those lug studs off thus losing a wheel. For good reason, he was very thankful that no major physical or property damage occurred as a result of his mistake. We all could learn a thing or two and I certainly appreciate his willingness to publish it. Also, thanks to you for referencing it. Bill
  20. Well - yes and no. Oliver has worked with a few "shippers" to get an Oliver delivered directly to a customer. However, I believe that the actual shipment and arrangements for the shipping are completed between the shipper and the customer versus Oliver handling all of the details. In any case, it can be arranged such that a customer does not have to go to Hohenwald to get their Ollie. Bill
  21. Or - Maybe the Google Maps location below is what you're looking for? https://www.google.com/maps/place/Green+River+Lakes/@43.2506963,-109.8784267,13.14z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x5352b31e958da103:0x4bc4df2737bd80bb!8m2!3d43.2733935!4d-109.8224102!16s%2Fg%2F1hhkrl13j?entry=ttu
  22. Here are the GPS coordinates for that "turnout" above the cliff I mentioned above: 43.844152, -110.404933 https://www.google.com/maps/place/43°50'39.0"N+110°24'17.8"W/@43.8442913,-110.403903,559m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d43.844152!4d-110.404933?entry=ttu If you look at this on Google Maps you will see a dirt road that descends from this turnout toward the river. You can drive (slowly) down this road but DO NOT take your Oliver down there. It is not level and there isn't enough room to turn the Ollie around. However, if you continue on down this "road" past where vehicles are blocked and get to the river, then another fine fishing spot is just 75 yards upstream. Also, given the steepness of the cliff near the paved road, you will want to walk about 1/2 way down this same dirt road and then angle yourself down to the river looking for a spot where you can safely get into the river and then cross to the other side before working your way up to the cliff where the picture above was taken.
  23. Yep - that was probably me telling (explaining might be a better word) my wife about seeing a large griz track on the side of a stream ( a bit closer to Dubois up near Double Cabin) and then seeing a griz headed toward the same willow patch that I was going to fish around.😁
  24. I assume that you are asking about the spot in the photo below the cliff and I assume that you are looking at Google Maps? If yes, then its location is described above or (I think) about a mile west of the Heart Six Ranch on your right as you drive east. Bill
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