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Everything posted by KarenLukens

  1. We've been in ours fulltime for over 2 years and it's fine. The ac noise is cut almost in half when using the micro air easy start option. Other trailers with slide outs have a lot more room but they also come with a lot more problems and will not go into places as quickly or easily that our Oliver will. We love our Olli because it's a boondockers dream with the twin axles.
  2. Honestly, you can tell right away if they need to be resealed by running a strip of duct tape over the top of the window seal. Run it so that the top of the tape is stuck to the hull and the rest covers the top window seal. If your leak stops with the duct tape over it after the next rain, then it needs to be resealed. Or just continue with using the duct tape as a quick fix.
  3. Leaking Windows need to be sealed. I've used duct tape across the top of the windows for a quick fix, plus I added rain gutters over all of the windows and that helped a lot. My old 85 pace arrow motor home never had a window leak in the 30 years we used it but the Oliver windows need to be all torn out and resealed when it comes off of the line. We also had to seal everything on the roof that had been overlooked by Oliver on our build. Plus, the rain gutters that were put in our windows at the factory actually blocked the drain holes, so they would fill up completely with water and run over inside. I ended up removing the windows built in gutters, cutting and modifying the plastic by putting drain holes where they should have been. The thing that you should do is just pull out the windows as soon as possible and then remove any old caulk and then install and seal them properly yourself. I used a dremel tool to cut the drain holes in the plastic gutter liners and to enlarge the drain openings. Ours leaked from day one until I did this. It was by far, Oliver's biggest fail in our long list of problems that we have all fixed on our own. Don't wait like I did while trying to find the leak. Ours were never sealed at the factory.
  4. When we picked ours up, we were told not to use the auto setting because it will cycle between the ac and furnace. So we set it to either furnace or Heat pump depending on the outside temps. If we need to heat the hull to keep the pipes from freezing, then select the furnace.
  5. The regulator on the Oliver is rated at 175,000btu. You can add up the btu on all of your propane appliances to see how much you need. Fridge - 1500btu, Heater - 30,000btu, stove - 10,000btu... And that's it. 55,000btu plus or minus. These are all aproximates obviously and if you add another 55,000btu for a fire pit, then the 175,000btu regulator that the Oliver comes with is more then enough with lots of extra room. The life expendency of auto switching propane regulators is mayby 2 years and they can be found locally for under $40.00
  6. Just spotted an Elite II going south on 101 towards Florence Oregon :)
  7. Is it only when using the hot water? If it's actually sulfer then it also depends on the water heater.
  8. Yea..... Everything listed above and then some. 1/2" Hammer Drill with bits, SDS Plus with bits. Both will drive awning stakes almost thru concrete really fast. A full set of wrenches from 1/4" to 1-7/8 that live in the truck tool box under the hood. Everything up to a 24" Crescent wrench that I end up using mostly to help others change their drop hitches to level their trailers more often then I thought... Then the 4" angle grinder with both cut off and grinding wheels. Still my most used tool that stays right under the driver's seat. Then this year for the first time I started carrying my Dremel tool with a ton of different heads and that has really become one of my most used tools. Yes... There's lots more but that's all mining related like my metal detectors, a #2 Shovel, rock hammers, and then there's the blasting equipment, but that's another story :) Reed
  9. Look at both, it really depends on your wife and how much space she needs. If I was single an Elite would be huge but after having a Casita Liberty Deluxe, we found that she prefers a lot more room for her kitchen supplies. We have one cupboard that's simply full of different spices in our Elite II and she loves it as do I. As a couple, I would definitely look at both because the Elite II really isn't much bigger. Reed
  10. That sounds like exactly the one we almost bought Jim. Just make sure that a front passenger can sit comfortably. We almost bought the 2017 fully loaded crew cab ecodiesel Laramie but the floor of the passenger side was uneven and not suitable for extended driving times for the front passenger.
  11. More changes in 2017... I just have the upper fan and the switch on Hull #200
  12. If they have changed the gaskets, that's a good thing ? They started putting the new lights on the 2017's and the gaskets were leaking then. I looked at the pics of the new 2019's and it still has the same lights. It takes a few months to a year for it to start but being that this has been a known issue, you can call Jason and ask if itsi been fixed. Captain Tollye's is a quick easy fix either way and even though the new gaskets leaked some, the real big black streaks from the old lights and their gaskets is long gone. Reed http://olivertraveltrailers.com/topic/its-raining-its-pouring-all-the-windows/page/3/
  13. Just open up the outside upper cover John. Reed http://olivertraveltrailers.com/topic/refrigerator-boondocking-vent-mod/
  14. Mine seems to have fixed itself for now. It closes completely again and we haven't had any problems with it in a couple of weeks. I went to push down the pin last night again and it was closed again for the second time. It was up 1/2" when stuck but now it's maybe 1/16". I will still be checking the plunger after I dump, but that's just normal routine now ? Reed
  15. That was great info Bill ? I have the Suburban heater and wasn't sure what was in his trailer. It had the reset! That's good to know ? But your info has opened my eyes and we'll be coming to you when we need some teaching ? Thanks Reed
  16. Did they show you the reset switch under the rear curb side access door? You should call Jason if you didn't and have him walk you thru it. Have the door open when you call. It could be a priming problem in the gas line also. Turn off the tanks, remove both gas lines from the tanks, then reinstall and turn them both on. If you have the rear propane access port then you can bleed it if necessary but start the stove, then the water heater, then the heater and see if it works. I've had it happen once on Hull #200 and it worked. Ours also had a thermostat that wasn't programmed right and shut the heat off every night at 10:pm until I read the manual, reset then changed the programs over to furnace... Reed
  17. How do you add water when boondocking? Reed
  18. Along with the ones listed above there is rvparky and park advisor. Then we always use state lines and roadtrippers. One app would be nice but... Ultimate campgrounds is still on top. State Lines tells you the driving laws in each state and they really vary. Reed
  19. Just a thought, I would turn the bolt so it's at the top just to make sure it can't rub a hole in the hoses down below ?
  20. We have one 10' Rhinoflex connected with a regular straight cap, no need for the extra valve for us because as soon as you raise the hose, if it has something in it, it stays down below bumper level. We used to run a 15' piece but found that the 10' section works for 90% of the dumps that we do in state parks. Reed
  21. One of my best friends was a biochemist and patent writer for Scripps pharmaceuticals and said along with my doctor in camp one day, that pills encased in a coating will last forever as long as they are kept out of moist environments. They both say that the expiration dates are there just to make a bigger profit. He said that they will still be the same powdered form encased pill in perfect shape 20 years down the road. Reed
  22. Our blog isn't on YouTube, that's just the movies. I made movies for years but basically retired almost completely from it this year. The continuation of our blog is on this forum, here - http://olivertraveltrailers.com/topic/reed-karens-blog/ We went to a desolate part of Arizona that had almost no cell service from January to March and I was back gold mining as a hobby. I tried posting a few times but the service was too slow to post pics, so I lost interest for a while... Now we are back traveling finally and at a place with good service ? Reed Another way to see what people are writing is to visit their profile page on here, then scroll down and choose their topics. John's page and posts are all listed on his page and basically it looks like a blog when you put the posts all together ?
  23. The improved quality in your trailer if it's over Hull #230± has all of the proof built in. All of the fixes and modifications have been documented with pictures and movies right here throughout this forum with the inverter grounding cable fix being documented as the latest known improvement. A couple of the easily visually seen improvements on your trailers over Hull #195± are 1, the full sized spare tire, and 2, the smooth bottom sewer clean out area. Then as time moves on, the propane area floor encasement and access door that came out this year... and these are just the visually seen exterior improvements... With the water tank pick-up tube, the bladder tank and the inverter grounding cable being hidden under the hood, so to speak. Now the convection microwave, Norcold fridges, and the Dometic awnings will be a big part of the easily seen 2019 improvements. The proof is all documented right here in these pages for all to see for themselves ? Reed
  24. Here's the fridge vent link http://olivertraveltrailers.com/topic/refrigerator-boondocking-vent-mod/
  25. Welcome Paul ? You've made the right choice. If I was single, I would be in an Elite 1 myself because it is the best trailer out there for my off-road, boondock g style also. Once again, Welcome ?
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