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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2016 in all areas

  1. We chose the twin bed configuration and purchased the "escape" mattresses from Oliver. We had the mattresses shipped to us and had them covered with the same material as we used for the cushions on the side dinette. We then had back cushions made so the twin beds also serve as seating surfaces. Don't make beds at night. Just remove the back cushions and pillows and use a sleeping bag when it's cool/cold or a sleeping bag liner when it's warm. It's worked out well for us. Oliver-Deliver-2-copy.pdf
    1 point
  2. Had to go out and look, there are no AC outlets under the king bed on ours. Wouldn't matter cause we never camp, well seldom if ever camp, where AC is available. I've probably plugged our Oliver into an AC outlet maybe 2 or 3 times max, not sure why I did it then. It probably wouldn't be too difficult to install an AC outlet in this area though or below the control panels under the pantry area would be more accessible.
    1 point
  3. The previous owner installed a 110V outlet in the overhead storage compartment over the TV. We use the 110V and existing 12V outlet for device charging that's out of sight:
    1 point
  4. We had an additional outlet installed in the bed area on the underside of one of the overhead cabinets. Otherwise, there aren't any power outlets under the bed that I'm aware of, at least in the standard/king configuration.
    1 point
  5. Mike & Carol, I can just feel your wheels turning as you head toward the Mothership. Its actually REAL now. Good luck tomorrow and Tuesday. It sure is a fun experience. Bill
    1 point
  6. Great pictures! Looks like Pete is quite the mountain man... Glad he has Oscar to keep him safe!
    1 point
  7. My attempt at elk calling was a poor imitation of the hellacious guttural sound you summoned from the depths of your being that actually resulted in the bull elk below sending a resounding challenge back to you. I was impressed mightily.
    1 point
  8. We were originally going to order an Elite II with King Bed Configuration. A used 2015 Elite II with twin beds became available, so we decided to give twin bed configuration a try. Our Ollie came with 5 1/2" Poly Foam AB Lifestyles mattresses ordered by the previous owner and installed by Oliver during Ollie construction. We ordered a set of 11" memory foam custom size mattresses (special order for the Elite II) from AB Lifestyles today, 29" X 74.5" X 11" with 15" radius cut one corner of each mattress. We both like memory foam mattresses, so we ordered new 11" memory foam mattresses today. It's easy to make up twin beds standing between them. We like the walkway between the beds, too. I'm 6' tall and 215 pounds, the twin is comfortable size for me. My Wife is 5'2" and 120 pounds, the twin is comfortable size for her, too. We're happy we bought the used Elite II twin bed configuration.
    1 point
  9. We opted for a custom split king mattress that was purchased through Oliver, so it's a fulltime bed and we just use the side dinette.
    1 point
  10. We went with the standard king configuration and never change it to the dinette, finding the small one more than adequate for our needs. No complaints at all. Like Ed and Marsh we use the bed in line with the camper, the back being the head board. Easy to get in and out of during the night too. The twin configuration is a nice idea but they are also considerably narrower than a real twin bed.
    1 point
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