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MAX Burner

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Everything posted by MAX Burner

  1. Still a bit of the white stuff in Prescott? Cool project, for sure... We've got dibs on that spot, ha!
  2. Made it through last night fairly "high and dry" - although there is a slight after-smell of wet huskies in the camper... Oh, well, it's how we roll. T-storms started again early this AM (0230) through about 0445. Nobody slept - coffee came early and prep for R&R operations with Dusten Bowden (18-year veteran of OTT). The Dexter Nev-R-Lubes swapped without even a hiccup... ABOVE: Removed and replaced the rear axle first then attacked the front... ABOVE: Note the size difference between the 12" and 10" drums... about 19% more braking surface area. ABOVE: Took about 3.5 hrs for the axle R&R, back on the road now and headed toward Nashville over the next several days. Had to stop for this pic - here's "3 hearty cheers" to Jim Oliver for designing what we consider the best TT for the money in the US RV market! Roll-on, regardless...
  3. This is a game changing plan you've got! We did the same thing - just make sure you've got good quality dump hoses. After a couple of disaster dumps at our place, we've got the CAMCO Rhino hoses and haven't looked back ever since. We can dump from either inside the shop or from the driveway - no issues. Plus the 30amp service box on the outside shop wall allows visitors to use their AC in during warmer months in Placitas. You'll be a happy camper when this plan is executed, brother!
  4. It's doable, Steve -- let's compare notes at the rally. I've got some ideas to float by you...
  5. We're headed along that path also - I'm not even going to think about it until the 2kW Xantrax dies its slow death. But for now it meets all our boon docking needs. Granted, we're not in the southern states durning summer when AC is needed at times. In the summer Rockies -- all one really needs are good window screens or maybe a CLAM. Running the AC off the battery bank is definitely appealing - but for us, only after we've used up the the 2kW inverter and he's totally given up the ghost... Then we'll look at the inverter/charger option with our Lithiums.
  6. Just some random thoughts: 1) The roofline is designed for the storage lockers, electrical chases, and headroom down the fore/aft passageway. But, how about a more curved roofline to accommodate future efficient flexible solar module? Massive investment required for designing and making new body molds. 2) Right now, the current size battery compartment can hold 2 x 200A-Hr lithiums (I'm thinking there was recently a post on this 400A-Hr upgrade). The question is, "how many A/Hrs of storage do I need?" That's an individual decision - some camping styles are met with a single AGM w/95A-Hr capacity and other owners need 600A/Hrs to meet their camping needs, neither one is right or wrong -- "if it fits, wear it!" For us, 300A-Hrs works perfectly well for the camping style we practice. A larger battery compartment sounds great, but, like a new roofline, means designing new fiberglass molds - a huge expense that may not yield a return Oliver's investment unless that "600A-Hr market" is bigger than one could imagine. Obviously, more battery capacity can be gained by solar generators or using space in the TV for more lithiums - to make up for the current compartment size if someone's style of camping needs it. 3) We're 100% onboard with a full-on Victron package - but, again, that's for our style. We learned just yesterday from Josh, OTT sales manager, that 2024 models now have an available DC-DC charger. That upgrade was a game changer for us. The point being, OTT may be listening to owners and their needs through these forums. It appears that someone in the OTT decision chain keyed-in on this need - and it's now a reality. As we know, Victron, Renogy, Xantrax, and others have integrated suites (controlled/monitored by a single mobile device app) of smart solar MPPT controllers, shunts, inverter-chargers, touch screens, tank monitors, etc., that can bring the basic OTT well into the future of RV'ing. 4) Built-in water filtration would be nice. There's a rather large list of options from in-line activated charcoal filters to whole-RV reverse osmosis systems - goes back to, y'all know by now, "individual camping style." For us, we keep a Travel Berkey in its carry case under the front dinette seat. Deploys to the nightstand and out of the way of the flat screen. We disinfect the fresh water tank and plumbing no less than 2x/annually, always fill the FWT at the start of the trip with "softened" well water from the house (keeps mineral buildup lower). 5) OK - sometimes size matters, right? A 28 - 32 footer wouldn't fit in our shop, so for us, that's a no-go. A 27'ft- OTT would fit if my storage racks along the back wall were removed - not happening. However, think of what a 28 - 32 foot OTT would look like - would it still be 7 feet wide? That would make it look like an Oscar Meyer Wiener going down the road... IMO! We like the maneuverability of the LE2 - same (basic) width as the TV, great turning radius, great GVWR, and a dream to haul around. Don't even mind the "wet-head." Would a slightly wider (same length) option be favorable? Heck yes... 7-1/2' wide, might be a winner. The LE2 interior length is roughly 18' - that would be another 9-sqft of hard-to-come-by real estate inside! But those new hull molds literally cost in the $-millions to manufacture. So another question might be, "How long can OTT ride the current "RV market wave" using existing hull molds?" Perhaps greater capacity solar modules and a more integrated/higher capability electronics suite could be on their radar - but who knows? End of random thoughts... Cheers!
  7. We sure would like to see that catch on across the country....
  8. Same here in Hohenwald... Just finished up a rainy dog-walk as the sun set somewhere to the west, not viewable with the heavy cloud formations. We'll sit it out here at Camp Oliver unless the tornado sirens blast us out and into proper cover. Stay dry and sleep well...
  9. Right on, Mike. 100%. Turns out that the demand connection fitting from the FWT to the water pump isn't low enough and with a level trailer leaves a goodly amount of water in the tank when it starts sucking air. The fix is done a couple ways - the OTT fix is a plastic thread weld on top of the tank with a fitting for a feed tube/filter & screen right straight down to the tank's lowest level. John's fix was coming in from the side and using the existing tank penetration and a similar feed tube/& screen that's positioned on the bottom of the tank - both are different solutions to the same issue. How sweet it will be to access 95%+ of the tanks volume of water when boon docking, right? Just keep those planets aligned for Friday... HA!
  10. Hey, David; Same here, brother! Keep your head on a swivel, you've got precious cargo onboard! See y'all at the rally... Roll-on! Cheers!
  11. That's an awesome drain design -- easier to keep the working area free of debris and generally a cleaner space. Love it!
  12. So, we're working with Jason at OTT Sales and Service to see if OTT can get us in on Friday for the fresh water tank mod which requires the use of a set of specialized tools that I don't have - but they do. If the planets align themselves correctly over the next few days, we'll have the FWT mod configured such that we'll be able to access virtually all the water in the tank. As of now, we can get all but about 5 or 6 gallons out - if we tilt the nose up, we can get another gallon or so. Point being is that on short notice, i.e., Monday last, Jason did his best to make room for us by the end of the week. That's responsiveness in my book, we don't see that a lot these days. Even if it doesn't work out - his and his team's efforts trying to make it happen is clearly first-class, IMO. Gotta love these guys and gals here in Hohenwald...
  13. Nice set-up @Patriot! Glad to hear you've got into some nice eastern seaboard seafood... Ducking T-storms here at Hohenwald. Jason let me bring the rig under their huge metal awning during what I would call marble to golfball sized hail... No damage to report. Concerned more about the TV's windows and body panels than the Casablanca. IMG_1665.MOV Dodging the storm's bullets... Travel safe...
  14. Arrived at the "Mother Ship" mid-afternoon today. Mike, by happenstance, we also found ourselves in Site #3, no one here -- perhaps because there's a major T-storm headed this way from the southwest. Flood warnings and possible twisters from now until about 1645... Maybe not as peaceful as when y'all were here! The boys liked all the attention from Sarah and Josh in the showroom: The new bathroom door/hatch is fantastic on the 2024's -- it would be cool to see if it's retrofittable in older models. Gett'n real rainy here! More later... Cheers!
  15. We like fast... we do "lightning fast" real well! Kinda like the "speed of heat" or "as fast as a scalded APE!" (which is are both known to be very fast as well), HA!
  16. ....well, in our world, "ONE is NONE and TWO is ONE."
  17. Well, yesterday we spotted our first Cyber Truck in eastern OK - it was a silver model westbound on I-40 strapped, what appeared to be, very securely to the flat bed of a tow truck...???
  18. Dude! You're cracking me up, big time! Sally Fields will never be quite the same now!!!
  19. Hey, Bill, I know of one Ollie that's in FT Smith, AR with a couple Knuckleheads enroute to the rally via Hohenwald. How do I know? Because I'm sitting inside of it! HA! Check out a couple road-weary travelers: The boys put in a long day from Canyon, TX to Ft Smith, and it shows! Ha! Safe travels to all those owners headed to the rally!
  20. 100% concur, Steve - same rationale here... We're hauling our two cruisers to the rally - Oscar and Magnus get connected to the seat post lanyards and trot along with us. It's actually fairly hilarious watching the "dog/bike ride" drill. You'll see. HA! Greetings from Ft. Smith - Hohenwald tomorrow... Safe travels, ALL!
  21. My bride was raised in Chicago, too - and now (as of last November) our daughter lives/works there! Small world for sure and for certain...
  22. You're going to love the SL! Since D still works (from home) - SL makes the Casablanca home no matter where we find ourselves - totally gives us more options for "time on the road." Did you convert yours to 12vDC? Just curious... Travel safe - see you at the rally! Cheers!
  23. Checked it just now, FTR - with 3 bars/5G showing in the iPhone register, switching on the booster the signal strength jumped to 4 bars after several seconds, switching off, back to 3. We're not registered to anything, FYI. Better than nothing, I suppose...
  24. We spotted an Oliver yesterday on I-40 going westbound near Tucumcari, NM connected to a white pickup... any clues who they may have been? Staying at a HH near Palo Dura canyon and headed to FT Smith, AR this morning, we'll be on the look out for OTTs! Cheers!
  25. Tempting for sure! Upgrading to the 5.2k# Nev-R-Lubes this week in Hohenwald... Nice match with the Alcans. Will send updated posting of the process later this week for those interested.
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