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John E Davies

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Everything posted by John E Davies

  1. Were you actually on snow covered highways that first day? I don’t have the nerves for that. I pulled “Mouse” out just last week onto the 2 inches of dry snow on our driveway to reposition it inside the RV bay and was having trouble steering. I know that some members go skiing with their trailers, I just can’t get over that…. I would be completely freaked out. Count me as one more big fan of COE campgrounds, I love them. If you ever get to WA you can spend all summer in Lake Roosevelt Corps CGs in the east side of the state. John Davies Spokane WA
  2. Here is a great review, from the point of view of a big motorhome. I do wish a nav unit could warn of "dead end no trailer turn around" situations. That is a feature that would be incredibly useful IMHO. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeReHXvyztA John Davies Spokane WA
  3. I tried that, and the hose split wide open eventually at the sharp bend because the bumper was pushing on it too hard. lesson learned. Do not leave the hose connected while traveling John Davies Spokane WA
  4. Thanks, that makes sense in a kind of warped way. I think it would have been a whole lot more logical to install a robust quick detach connector at the jack (like an Anderson Powerpole) and just have the one fuse in the back of the trailer, where the other two are located. Fuses are not real reliable, and having two in a circuit is generally a bad idea. If you are troubleshooting a dead jack, and check that front fuse and find it good, you might not know that you need to check the BACK one also. John Davies Spokane WA
  5. If you will be boondocking for long periods, make sure you fully understand the limitations of the lithium battery packages. As delivered, your tow vehicle will not charge them, in fact Oliver leaves that 7-pin wire disconnected. You must add a special DC to DC charger to the trailer, which is not a huge deal, but it is something to consider. If you are hooked to shore power or a generator every few days, it becomes a non issue. It takes a whole lot of power to recharge a big (depleted) lithium battery bank. The solar array is insufficient. Four AGMs are pretty much maintenance free, but they can fail in just a few years and they weigh four times as much as a comparable lithium battery bank. As a former cyclist, that weight penalty really bugged me, and when I switched to two 100 AH Battle Borns (31 pounds each), I rejoiced at the tremendous weight saving. I used to study Performance and Bike Nashbar catalogs, choosing the component that would save me 100 grams. Saving over 200 pounds was a revelation, like angels singing. These trailers have ample payload, do not stress about reaching their limits. As Trainman commented, your choice of TV is far more important. John Davies Spokane WA
  6. I suggest that you use a different kind of grease entirely, if yours is anything like mine. It needs to actually flow where it needs to go. https://olivertraveltrailers.com/forums/topic/4094-how-to-vip-3000-electric-stabilizer-jack-service/ John Davies Spokane WA
  7. Downloading detailed “offline” maps in any quantity takes a whole LOT of data and even more time. A fast wifi connection is best, and that is often a problem when you are on the road. In BC we had the hardest time finding ANY public wifi, and the commercial campgrounds had it, but it was about $5 per day and had a very low data limit. Enough for web browsing and maybe a low res movie download, but no more. The Provincial Parks have none at all. The USA is not as much a problem, but don’t expect to download a bunch of maps sitting outside of a Starbucks or public library, that isn’t viable. Neither are commercial CGs, they are usually so busy that their systems bog down and stall out. A stand-alone GPS never has these problems. Plus you have more time to enjoy your vacation without having to worry about a cell signal vanishing. John Davies Spokane WA .
  8. I have been using an iPad Mini 4 for most of my navigating, using GAIA and Pocket Earth Pro. It works great, but I sure would like to stream the data to a Carplay display. Unfortunately Apple has some kind of weird licensing restriction, my iPhone will connect, but the tablet will not. No big deal you say? Here are two screen captures, centered on the same location and zoomed to the same scale. Here is the iPhone: Here is the iPad: Ignore the route and waypoints on the lower image, but you can see that it shows about three times as much area. So, does anyone that streams maps from a phone have a comment? Do you find the info adequate? I love Apple products, but this iPad restriction steams me up. BTW my LC200 doesn’t have Carplay, we just bought a new 2022 Acura RDX PMC edition, and it does have it. That will be our daily driver in fair weather, and I would really like to be able to use my phone to navigate with its Carplay interface. My wife won’t let me install a RAM iPad hard mount in her new car… I might end up trying this: https://www.rammount.com/product-lines/tough-wedge instead. John Davies Spokane WA
  9. LIVE TRAFFIC AND WEATHER When paired with the Garmin Drive app on a compatible smartphone, live traffic helps you avoid delays and find detours. Also, view detailed weather forecasts, current conditions, animated radar and more. How well does this work? My old 660(?) requires a wired computer connection (not a portable device) to update maps and the traffic info requires a special bulky “antenna cable”. I paid $5 for the optional weather display (transmitted by the Garmin phone app) and was dismayed to see that it is a still image and only functions at a scale of 20+miles. That is totally useless for searching out thunderstorm cells in front of you…. Does the weather radar OVERLAY the current map and route, and can you zoom way in? I would buy a new one just for these features, and the ability to view in portrait mode would be nice. Oh yeah, and a functional voice command system would be great, mine is at best 50% accurate at recognizing words. At least it gets the country right, when we went up into BC last August it did say “What city in ….. Canada?” I have found that my “Garmin Gertie” is not the brightest kid on the block. FYI, in the past when a Garmin device becomes heavily discounted everywhere, it usually means a new model is close to being announced. You might want to hold off so that you have the latest technology. Thanks, John Davies Spokane WA
  10. I have an older Garmin RV gps, I quickly disabled all those functions and just use it as a regular nav unit. The Garmin RV functions are frustrating and irritating beyond belief, but actual navigation usability and up to date maps are a big plus.. I think that anyone relying on a phone app that requires cellular data will not be happy for long out west where it often fails, or in major parts of Canada where that simply doesn’t work at all. My 2013 Land Cruiser has a built in nav, I hardly ever use it because it is awkward and super expensive to update, requiring a dealer visit. If I had a truck with Carplay, I would stream GAIA to it….. John Davies Spokane WA
  11. Invert a paper cup or bowl over the top of the 1/4” ball valve outboard from the Natures Head toilet. Otherwise you will poke yer eye out! Seriously, it comes out with a lot of force and will end up in your face. Don’t think “Hmmm, no worries, I will just crack it open a little” - that makes it WAY worse. Go ahead, ask me how I know😳 John Davies Spokane WA
  12. Some 80 grit Wet or Dry sandpaper works fine, just be careful not to scratch the nearby shiny gelcoat. I wear gloves when I do it to finish off a cut hole. Those slivers are indeed glass, they are transparent and can be really difficult to see and extract. Ouch! Be sure to vacuum up any debris afterwards. John Davies Spokane WA
  13. That dimming tape looks great, I might try it. You can kill the power to the radio and the “inside the window” antenna completely, in my hull 218 there is a switch type breaker in the rear “attic” cabinet, I don’t know where yours is. Please add your Hull number to a signature so we don’t have to ask. When I added extra USB charge ports, I intentionally picked versions that have no LEDs, they are very hard to find. All those lights are not just a nuisance, they create a parasytic electrical load, that runs down your batteries. The fewer there are (or the more you can switch off manually), the better, when you are boondocking. John Davies Spokane WA
  14. My Hull 218 has an Air Command AC, it does not communicate with the furnace. Oliver installed a cheap mechanical stat (circa 1940, using a mercury switch) for that, it failed after three seasons and was very hard to adjust, so I replaced it with this Emerson digital one. It has been fine and it is easy to use and very precise, with a minimal dead band. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00204WWGE/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 John Davies Spokane WA
  15. I think it would be 100% crazy, but a 3M vinyl wrap in your choice of colors would look fine and also be 100% reversible. Lots of folks like the bright white walls and ceiling, me included. If you painted them, you would have a REALLY hard time selling the trailer. There are a lot of color choices, and also patterns like carbon fiber. Go for it! Rvinyl 3M 2080-G12 Vinyl Car Wrap Film Sheet Roll with Air Release Technology - 5ft x 1ft with Application Card, John Davies Spokane WA
  16. I showed my LE2 to a guy who was 6’3” and he said the bathroom was a no go. You need to try one in for size. If I were your size I would find another trailer, at 5’10” mine is fine. John Davies Spokane WA
  17. Tom, have you considered installing a front receiver? That would make positioning your Ollie in your storage space really simple. If you have a backup camera in the trailer, it would be even better… John Davies Spokane WA
  18. Human excrement from a healthy individual is not a biohazard, regardless of the Internet source quoted. Blood or disease definitely would change that… You must take that advice with a whole lot of skepticism - they are, after all, trying to sell a service, such as cleaning up a feces- and needle-littered homeless camp. I have never boondocked for so long that I couldn’t find a place to dump either pee or the solids. Most places I choose have a pit toilet. You can buy additional pee tanks, or just transfer the pee to a 5 gallon container. You do have to go get food and water, and those sanitation tasks can easily be done then. Your black tank would certainly require a trip into civilization, or else a mobile pump truck. I think you are making a mountain out of a mole hill. The owners that have these toilets generally like them, for many good reasons. For example, what do you do when your black tank is full and all the dump stations are closed for the season? It’s never an issue with a composting toilet, because you can always locate a dumpster and an indoor public toilet. John Davies Spokane WA
  19. Are you aware that that model is probably not approved for use on a trailer? How much weight do you carry? Got pics? Thanks. “Heavy Duty and Super Duty Racks are rated for RV and travel-trailer usage. Two bike maximum with only the 2-in. hitch-bar models.” John Davies Spokane WA
  20. I can’t top SeaDawg’s reply, but I would like to add that I sure wish dump stations had a completely separate grey water hole, so I did not have to walk on top of all the spilled fecal bacteria when I dispose of only my slightly sudsy gray water. On my last trip my 3” stinky hose failed catastrophically - split in two - right at the trailer connection while dumping gray water. Imagine how much more nasty that would have been if it had that poo/ pee soup in it. With several RVs waiting in line. Taking videos….Think about it….😳 John Davies Spokane WA
  21. No surge brakes, those are hydraulic drum or disk brakes, operated by the trailer pushing forward on the tongue mounted actuator. Here is what a surge brake actuator looks like. Notice the fluid reservoir cap. All Ollies are delivered with electric drum brakes operated by an electronic controller inside your truck. John Davies Spokane WA
  22. I guess if you never plan to leave Wisconsin, that is a valid remark😀. When you are actually towing, your panels would have worked perfectly fine, up to maybe 200 amp hours per (cloudless) day, since most highways are wide open to the sky. And most western campgrounds have plenty of sun exposure….. Are you aware that your lithium batteries will not charge from the tow vehicle? How often do you use the generator? How has that worked out? How will you deal with a no-hookup campground that does not allow you to run a gennie? Most allow it, some do not…. Thanks. John Davies Spokane WA
  23. I would like to add that unless the vent holes are sealed as shown in Bill’s pic, this is not a wise location for ANY electronics, other than a water resistant solar controller. When pressure washing the trailer, water will get inside. Sealing the holes pretty much eliminates that. Almost. And none should ever be installed in there if you have lead acid or AGM batteries. The latter theoretically do not vent explosive gases, but if one failed, it certainly could do so. John Davies Spokane WA
  24. What do actual users say about run time? The manufacturer claims 60 hours per 20 pounds at 50% load in the manual, but they say at 25% load on the product page. The onboard DC charger is for lead acid use only. I would never use that feature except to recharge my truck battery in an emergency (just like the DC charger in my Yamaha 2300, which has never been used). The Ollie’s onboard 45 amp converter will charge your batteries way faster. What about service and parts? Can you get consumable stuff like air filters or electronic parts easily? How about ten years from now? I actually like the idea of a 2000+ watt version for home use, do they offer a natural gas conversion kit? John Davies Spokane WA
  25. Here's where mine went, it is out of the way. but relatively easy to see if you lean down. The data cable goes up the gap between the battery compartment and the inside electronics bay. I was thinking about putting it at eye level, but in retrospect it isn't needed, since I always use the app. FYI the center line of the monitor and other stuff in the pictures is 3.5" below the bottom of the removable counter top. The monitor comes with a huge data cable, maybe 50 feet? I bought a short one that was 5 feet and that fit fine, with the shunt located right below the factory 12 volt positive bus. From this thread: ... https://olivertraveltrailers.com/forums/topic/5301-how-to-lithium-battery-powered-vent-system/ Some members have not even bothered to mount it where it is visible, it is OK to just leave it hidden under the street side bed. However I think having it located in the cabin is useful if you have visitors who may not have the phone app. I hope that helps. John Davies Spokane WA
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