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rich.dev last won the day on November 20 2024

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
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    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. I already have the 1/2” trim lok drip rail above the windows and door! 😊
  2. Just an FYI on lubricating dump valves/seals by Ray from ”Love your RV and boat”.
  3. Welcome Thomas, what is your hull#? Anyway, here are a couple posts about Nature’s Head install in Oliver.
  4. Art, it’s still early and I haven’t had my coffee yet, so maybe I’m reading it wrong, but didn’t you mean to say “they have kept that typical paint-rub & oxidation from happening on the bottom”? 😊
  5. I was looking at CGI and MAC (Master Applied Coating) and decided to go with MAC The appeal of MAC’s proprietary ceramic is their claim of it being a permanent application and made in the USA, it would have to be sanded off to remove it. I have an appointment with MAC April 2nd, time will tell I guess!😊
  6. @Galileo Per my previous post, we have a 2023 and I removed the awning seal and installed THIS 3/4” drip rail that works very well. Only issue is the drip rail comes wrapped in a coil and having it straightened up was a mission, almost impossible. Even after I managed to get the drip rail somewhat straightened out and stuck to the side (below awning) of the RV, the front top edge of the "J" is still warped, even now 4 months later. That said, it’s just aesthetics and I still like it much better than the stock seal, all it did was catching junk and it was hard to clean behind it.
  7. Was great meeting you and Chris, save travels back to Prescott and “normal” live!
  8. Here’s another Oliver thread with good read about the shock bushings.
  9. X2 what John said! I love these friction hinges, they work wonderfully. I don’t have to use the latch = no pressure against that back stop. I can leave the door open when there is a breeze and the door stays where I put it and no more fly away door! 😊
  10. Received your dm @topgun2 Bill, I responded and invited John @jd1923
  11. Sorry let me clarify John. I always fill up the freshwater tank and use the water pump for everyday use, even when at full hookup campsites. Why I do this is a discussion for another day! 😊 In this mode, when the water pump starts sucking air, the SeeLevel shows still 13% left in the tank. On the other hand, when I drain the freshwater tank by opening the valve like in THIS video, it drains 100%, ie SeeLevel shows “0”. This is obviously because the drain point is at the bottom of the tank. So my thinking is the water pump suction tube is off the bottom of my water tank, ie when it starts sucking air there is still approx. 13% water sitting on the bottom, like a few others have noted as well. Hope this makes sense! 😊
  12. Is this when you use the water pump or when you drain it? Mine also drains to 0, but with the water pump it starts sucking air at 13%. My grey and black tanks also show 0 after draining/dumping
  13. John, is this when you use the water pump or when you drain it? Mine also drains to 0, but with the water pump it starts sucking air at 13%. My grey and black tanks show 0 after draining/dumping.
  14. John I think this is it…. Oliver 2025 Rallies 1. Lake Guntersville State Park Guntersville, AL April 30 - May 4, 2025 2. Texas Oliver Rally 2025 is set at Lake Mineral Wells State Park Oct 21, 2025 - Oct 23, 2025
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