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Jason Foster

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Everything posted by Jason Foster

  1. I very much prescribe to setting up for the least chance of failure. With this in mind, I like to elevate the jack stand feet off of the ground by quite a bit. Rubber might have a high CoF, but I like the fact that it helps keep the trailer stationary. Slipping off of the jack stand plate is not something that I will do. At least not for some time. I'm a bit OCD when it comes to this. I check, then check twice, then check three more time and think about it for an hour on the way home.
  2. Two hour jobs always take half a day for me. Just ask my wife. Slowest mechanic in the world. Not really, but why do one job when you can do 10 all at the same time. 12 hours later, I've got the Cummins tore down to the block.
  3. I'm usually pretty careful not to pick sites with bad slopes, but it can always happen regardless of careful planning.
  4. That sounds like fun. If our old house ever sells, we might be able to go do some fun stuff as well. Economy. uhgg.
  5. Morning lows in east Texas have been mid 50s but it climbs to lower 90s by afternoon. I worked outside yesterday and got heat exhaustion. Not fun. Better today, but I limited my time out there and drank lots of water.
  6. Makes sense. However, if I was in a place where I needed to leave quickly, I'd just forgo the jacks and sleep on the slant. I think I prefer the northern country anyway. Or at least somewhere cooler. I'm really tired of the heat.
  7. I haven't had much of a chance to use mine since Christmas, but I leave the bathroom door open. I just noticed it was difficult to close on the bottom. I haven't checked the hinge, but I can't imagine it is due to overuse wear and tear.
  8. I'm sorry everyone had to go through this. There are never good answers to why, but there are always good people willing to help. My wife and I live far enough inland not to be affected by hurricanes but they do spawn some horrendous thunderstorms and vicious tornados. I will put my prayer up to God for all of you who were hit hard and those who are helping. God bless.
  9. I use these as well but I put a piece of rubber between the jack plates and the blocks.
  10. No one but me drives my truck with the Oliver attached, so I'm not concerned about taking off with the jack plates down. In fact, I don't put the jacks down if my truck is attached. I have a procedure I follow every time I set up and tear down.
  11. I don't know the torque specs but I would just use loctite and snug the bolt reasonably tight while using a strap wrench to hold the tube. It doesn't really have to be that tight and the loctite will do the trick.
  12. I have never heard of anybody damaging these either, but I have always been an Abundance-of-caution type of guy that just can't allow camp time to be marred by the unlikely breaking, or bending, of a jack tube. Because, lets be clear, if it can happen, it will happen to me. Even saying this, I use them exclusively to level the trailer as long as all four tires can touch the ground. Once they hang, they get blocked.
  13. Thanks for including these. The memories. lol
  14. Mine does that until the air purges from that gas line. Always happens when I change out bottles.
  15. The manual on our 2014 Ram doesn't mention "recommended" or "required". The only thing it has is the definition of a weight distribution hitch.
  16. I would probably just ramp it up on the big 6x6s I keep in the bed of the truck. If it needs to go higher, I need a better spot.
  17. You and me both and I live in Texas, home of tumbleweeds and flatlanders.
  18. I see that the Andersen Rapid Jack goes to 5 3/4 but it doesn't have the stop wedges. Might be something to try when 4 inches just isn't enough.
  19. I didn't consider the Andersen's because of the price. I felt $50 for one was a bit inflated, and then I would likely just drive off the big end anyway. The Rophors are similar but half the price and include a bag. I wonder if they compare.
  20. I tried the remote when I bought it, thought it was great, then just used the manual start button from then on. I guess I just like tinkering with it and checking the gauges.
  21. I do that smile thing too sometime though I think it often comes off like this: I do my best to be sociable but I have to accept that I am more of an introvert. My wife is good for me though because she is the ultimate extrovert. She doesn't know a stranger.
  22. The people at OTT are some of the nicest, down to earth people. It would be easy to lose the kindness with a big business and I have known several who have, but they remain good folks.
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