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Jason Foster

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Everything posted by Jason Foster

  1. I wonder if some positive air flow would improve upon the basement heating and return?
  2. The shims are talked about here (time stamp 6:30):
  3. Too bad you aren't in Texas, I would install it for you.
  4. Those look like shim clips to make the window tight against the sill. I could get a better idea by looking at the hole and the window.
  5. This is just for fun. 😁 I was travelling on Highway 59 north of Center, TX, when I came across this sight: Sorry for the grainy image. I was driving and took a quick picture. From a distance it looked like a new little fiberglass trailer. Turns out, it was just cars covered with a white vinyl cover. Now I'm just looking for fiberglass stuff on wheels.
  6. I don't have issue with anyone's particular camping style, as long as it doesn't bother others (referring to loud, obnoxious and bright during the night people). Personally, I love being outdoors most of the time. However, I'm not a big fan of heat and humidity and I sweat a lot during the summer. A/C is a must in the southern latitudes, especially at night because I don't particularly sleep well on wet sheets. If I could chase mild climates during the year, I would, leaning more towards colder regions. In Spring, Fall and southern Winters, I will gladly park my rear in a free location and just use the batteries. This is the ideal situation. The Oliver is the first camper I have ever had that contained batteries with enough capacity to boondock effectively. The option I chose when I bought the trailer was 390 ah and 400 watts solar. I believe that if I don't use the A/C, watch TV all night long or run the microwave/convection oven, I will likely never run out of power. Of course, if the weather doesn't cooperate, and the solar panels don't get the optimal amount of sunlight, I will either have to cut back on power output or break out the Cummins generator. Most of the time, I would consider this the backup plan. For this reason, the power cable isn't all that important to me. I suppose I would change my mind if I owned an Airstream with one battery mounted on the front. Those things are dependent on external power sources unless someone refitted them with a much larger battery bank and solar. This is also one of the other reasons I went with Oliver over the Airstream. I don't want to be dependent upon someone else's power.
  7. I would love a copy of that, if you don't mind sharing with me.
  8. Now they do. I have a trailer sitting in my side yard that I haven't been able to get rid of. If I had only waited a little longer. Oh well. Spilled milk gets cleaned up by the cat.
  9. Thanks for posting this. I think this is what I will do as well.
  10. At the moment, I am not going to worry about the condensation. However, it will concern me if it starts to grow mold. So far, it dries out fairly quickly. I wonder if it is a problem with those staying in theirs full time in the north climates.
  11. I don't know why something like a rubber cover with a slit in it wouldn't work to keep air out and allow water to drip out using gravity. That would solve the air infiltration while allowing the water to escape. Best part is it would be cheap to do.
  12. As far as Oliver being able to build one, as HDRider originally asked, I don't see any reason other than cost vs. benefit. As it sits, the LE2 is 208.5 lbs per linear foot. At 30 foot as mentioned, that would increase the dry weight from 4,900 lbs to 6,255 lbs. That is a substantial increase. Keeping with the current 30% allowance for cargo and water, the GVWR would increase from 7,000 lbs to approximately 9,000 lbs. I'm not an engineer but spanning that extra distance with fiberglass makes me wonder if they would have to build it up some more to keep the rigidity. That might add another 500 lbs. A 10,000 lbs Oliver doesn't sound too appealing to me. Then they would have to consider the extra 6.5 feet per trailer in their warehouse. For every 3.5 30-footers, they lose one 23.5 trailer on their floor. Not only would the molds need to be replaced, but the infrastructure would have to be increased. If they were to shut down production of one of their models to accommodate the space, it might not be so bad as long as the sales price compensated, but there are a lot of people that still want the LE1 and LE2, so the LE3 (30-footer) would need its own space.
  13. Same. That closet keeps all the clutter out of the living space and the TV. I wouldn't do it any other way.
  14. This was exactly what went through my mind before buying the Oliver. My wife and I went back and forth on it for a month before deciding that we just don't spend that much time in the bathroom. Sure, a dry bath, and one I can actually stand up in, would be great, but the differences in quality between the Oliver and the only other contender out there in my opinion, the AS, was like night and day. The AS I was looking at was the 27-foot Globetrotter. It marked all the items on the list, but the build quality was suspect and the hull, although pretty, seemed like something out of nightmares for those parked under tree limbs and suffering the occasional hailstorm. I honestly think the Oliver already is in Airstream territory, if not in fact beyond it. A 27-foot dry bath Oliver would be so far beyond AS, they couldn't catch up.
  15. Yep. And I can also watch from my driveway. I will be going to the annual Oliver Rally, so I will likely pass on this trip due to time conflicts.
  16. In answer to my own question, I don't think I would. I love the size of the LE2 and I am still in a bit of sticker shock after purchasing it. However, if Oliver added a full size head? hmmm. Tempting.
  17. The real question is, who here would buy a 30 foot Oliver that weighs somewhere south of 7k for roughly $115k?
  18. My bank account agrees with this assessment.
  19. I will have to walk around with a notebook to write people's names down. Good with faces, bad with names.
  20. That is good to know. I just picked one that was available. Love my trees.
  21. It will be great to meet some of you in person. I will be in site F23. I don't have a name for my Oliver yet. I am a good biker and look specifically for hills like that. My wife has an ebike, so she won't have an issue. Plus, I'm not sure I can resist the allure of the Mountain biking trails and single tracks in the area.
  22. I reserved and registered for the Oliver Rally. As far as the Eclipse Rally goes, that was in April and only 4 hours away in Fredericksburg. I don't know anyone there and I was just going to meet people. The Oliver Rally looks like what I was searching for to begin with. This Eclipse Rally was mentioned here:
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