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Posts posted by mossemi

  1. 21 hours ago, jd1923 said:

    I'm not seeing the 5G symbol on my phone in this area but have in other parts of Prescott. Is 4G capable of this download speed?

    When I was a working man, the best 4G download speeds I ever saw was 78 Mbps.  I never see a 4G or 5G signal strength reading while connected to WiFi on my iPhone.  Try turning WiFi off and then check your 'bars'.


  2. 14 hours ago, mossemi said:

    I did this mod in 2019 and Oliver used the same latches a little differently than I did with their version.  The latches I used, had a 5 pound pull.  The initial latches I tried had an 8 pound pull which was too much.



    I just searched for them and they are available at Amazon and they are also available on eBay at a much better price.

    Search for "SOUTHCO C3-805"


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  3. 20 hours ago, dewdev said:

    The newer Oliver TT have a method to lock the drawers by pushing them in tight to the cabinet. . Must be some type of locking mechanism. Can these locking devices be added to the older trailer drawers?

    I did this mod in 2019 and Oliver used the same latches a little differently than I did with their version.  The latches I used, had a 5 pound pull.  The initial latches I tried had an 8 pound pull which was too much.



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  4. 2 hours ago, Ronbrink said:

    Your pic shows a  ‘white’ mounting plate under the components, was it glued or screwed down? I was wondering what material occurs immediately under the insulation layer on top of the wheel well, specifically the ‘raised’ platform under the ‘white’ plate. 

    I see that @mountainoliver is a lot faster than I am so there is a lot of duplication in my response.

    I follow Oliver’s lead for hardware mounting, such as the water pump and or accumulator tank.  Although Oliver uses a composite material that is available in larger sheets, I usually use big box stores line of PVC lumber.  You can choose from a wide variety of dimensional PVC lumber and put 2 different pieces side by side as needed.

    After I have decided what size boards I need for the equipment to be mounted, I will determine the location for mounting.  Using the top of the wheel well as an example, I will draw an outline of the mounting board on the Reflectix insulation and remove the Reflectix by cutting and scraping to provide a clean surface for J-B Weld epoxy.  I like the 10 oz. size, it’s cheaper and stores pretty well.  I will roughen the side of the PVC lumber that will be epoxied down, hoping to create better adhesion.  I add some weight to the top and let the epoxy cure.  Flat surfaces like the top of the wheel well is pretty easy, whereas vertical surfaces are more difficult.  


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  5. Follow this link to the 2024 OTTO's Rally registration page:


    Krunch and I are thinking about a group outing on Friday for those not interested in the golf tournament.  A few years ago we went to Cathedral Caverns SP for a cave tour.  I think there were 15 to 20 Oliver owners that went on that day trip.  The caverns are about 30 miles away from Lake Gunterville and was a very nice adventure.

    If anyone has any interest in going spelunking, please respond to this message and I start a list and make arraignments with the park.  Follow this link to the park website for more information.




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  6. 3 hours ago, drfaux said:

    mossemi - "Now it's time for true confessions, dang it ..."

         ... so, in the process of solving a failure/problem, you were able to add an improvement (the Elon Musk philosophy of rocketry!) ... I assume the switch, then, is for the TV charging circuit only, correct? (NOT for all circuits in the 7-pin) ... Assuming so, the only reason to make it "available for future use" would be if you switched your batteries back to AGMs - correct? ... I can't imagine you'd ever want to do that?

    For $10 dollars, it was a no brainer!  After all, who knows what the future holds.  And you are correct, the toggle switch does disconnect only the charge wire from the tow vehicle.


  7. On 1/25/2024 at 4:45 PM, drfaux said:

    mossemi -  "added a toggle switch to the charge line.  This makes in available for future use if needed "

               ... this is a great idea ... how/where did you install it? (in the tow vehicle? the camper? what type of switch - part# perhaps)

    Now it's time for true confessions, dang it.  On the way to Lake Guntersville for the 2022 OTTO's rally, we stopped for groceries about 30 minutes from the campground.  While Krunch went shopping I walked around the Ollie checking tire temperatures and the Andersen WD hitch chains and noticed that the 7 pin connector was laying on the ground.  Apparently I hadn't plugged the connector in properly when hooking up the Ollie that morning.  The cord had fallen out and the outer sheathing as well as the sheathing for 6 of the 7 wires inside had worn down to bare copper.  We proceeded to the campground after a tape repair job on the wires and cable.  I reached out to the Oliver Service Department while at the rally and they had service personnel scheduled to be on site and they were able to deliver a new cable to me.  I did another temporary field repair to hold me over until I reached home.  I added an outdoor rated junction box attached to the frame in the propane box and made a splice repair there, so that is where I added this toggle switch.


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  8. On 1/25/2024 at 12:57 PM, drfaux said:

    Thanks Fellas - exactly the kind of info I'm looking for!

    One other item I've uncovered is that Charging the Lithium from the Tow Vehicle is questionable in this arrangement ... anyone with thoughts? ... worst case scenario I can disable the tow vehicle charging (remove/cut the specific wire from th7-pin?) and, in emergency, recharge using a generator?

    I added a toggle switch to the charge line.  This makes it available for future use if needed.


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  9. If you presently have 6V batteries then they should be wired in a series and parallel configuration.  I don't remember an offerings for 6V lithium batteries so you new 12V  batteries will probably only require a parallel wiring configuration.  That should be a consideration when choosing your batteries in order to reuse the existing battery cables if they are 4/0.  I do not have any working experience the BlueSky charge controller, but I have heard great things about their technical support or perhaps someone will comment on that.


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  10. 6 hours ago, jd1923 said:

    are these thermostats capable of displaying actual temp vs. set temp?)

    I am using a MicroAir thermostat and I don’t remember if it or the Dometic display the set and actual temps.  I am old school, if the AC in running I just assume that it has not reached the set point or if Krunch says it too hot or cold, I can change it with an app, but usually just change it manually.


    And this is the Bluetooth adapter that I am using in the Cerbo GX, instead of the onboard Bluetooth adapter.



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  11. 22 hours ago, jd1923 said:

    Thanks again @mossemi!

    The only question I still have is how did you integrate your tank level data to the Cerbo GX? Did you use Mopeka or Ruuvi sensors (if so, how are they mounted)? Werw you able to tap into the OTT tank level wiring or panel? Or another method?

    The following information applies to Hull 193.

    SeeLevel monitors fresh, grey and black water levels and the battery voltage.  In order to display that information on my Cerbo GX Touch display, a new SeeLevel display and a modified comm cable from the SeeLevel display to the Cerbo GX was required.

    Mopeka monitors the propane level of the propane tanks and required a Mopeka Pro Check Universal for steel tanks for each tank to be monitored.  

    RuuviTag's monitor the temperature, humidity, air pressure and motion.  I have 3 of this model in Hull 193.

    The RuuviTag Pro is available in IP67 or IP68/ IP69 versions for wet and rough conditions.  I have one IP67 model in the propane box.

    Mopeka and RuuviTag sensors communicate with the Cerbo GX via bluetooth.

    I am including some resources that may be of help.



    Victron Cerbo GX Links.pdf

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  12. 14 minutes ago, jd1923 said:

    More interested in Mopeka and Ruuvi

    Mopeka only monitors the propane tanks.  They are magnetic and stick to the bottom of the propane tanks.

    RuuviTags are from Finland and that is where I got mine.  They have been around long enough to be sold on the web.  Check out the web site and compare packaging and photos.  The black one with mounting ears is the 3 in 1 and is weatherproof.  That’s the one I have in the propane box.  My others are all white and the have silicone holders much like Apple Air Tags you find on Amazon.


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  13. 2 hours ago, jd1923 said:

    Mossey, this is so cool!

    I'm assuming the 2nd pic is your computer screen (or smartphone) connected by Wi-Fi and VRM. Besides battery and charge data, looks like you have your GX device integrated to temp sensors placed in the cabin, fridge and other locations (I would place one on the incoming water lines by the rear wall in the trunk). Also, you tapped into your tank level panel or the sensor wires to read resistance for % full. Please confirm my assumptions. Thank you.

    This also confirms @Ronbrink does not need a Bluetooth dongle with the Cerbo GX. If you have a Mod post on your installation, I sure want to study it. Also, please let know what temp sensors to purchase that can be read the VRM as you have shown here. Very nice!

    Thanks for the kind words.  Sorry, I don’t document my projects very well.  The MOP's I’ve written have always been from my point of view and I have a difficult time writing them so everybody can follow my thoughts. 
    A little history of how I got to this point.  My Xantrex 2000 ProWatt inverter failed in my second year of ownership and I wasn’t confident enough to start buying Victron gear and putting in a Multi Plus instead of another Xantrex.  When one of my Trojan 105's failed, I moved to 2 Battle Borns and added a BMV 712.  The Smart Shunt was not available and I never have really used the 712 display, it’s always been mounted in the below the seating/sleeping area’s.  So I used an old cellular phone and Bluetooth to communicate with the 712.  I also have tested the Bluetooth by moving the 712 display high and low and RF always propagate's better with elevation.  Moving on, I used a Raspberry Pi micro computer and display running Victron software.  That was a $400 experiment that just wetted my appetite for more Victron gear.  Because I was already running Victron software, I was aware of Victron's plans to integrate SeeLevel, Mopeka and Ruuvi sensors and decided to upgrade to a Cerbo GX with a 7 inch display.  The Ruuvi tags were the easiest add and the Mopeka was pretty simple as well.  The SeeLevel required a new display and a modified Comm cable.  Some place along this journey I also added a Victron MPPT 150/45 SC and two 90 watt solar panels and a third Battle Born.  I'm never satisfied with the mods I do, so things are in a state of flux most of the time.  And I failed planning one 0 one.  Enough about my limitations!  
    There is a Ruuvi sensor in the fridge, on the kitchen counter, tie wrapped to the SS jack post and the fourth is in the Propane  box for outside temp readings. 


    I am adding some locations for information on items you mentioned.  Victron's community forum is a great place for answers and don’t forget the Air forums.  There are some very smart people there with Victron gear.






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  14. 1 hour ago, johnwen said:

    You are absolutely right Mossey, I don't know how that last sentence in my last post popped into my head.....a very senior moment :classic_blush:

    Just wait until you get old!😉  It was a terrible incident and close enough to home that I do remember when it happened.


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