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Mike and Carol

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Mike and Carol last won the day on November 28

Mike and Carol had the most liked content!

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  • Gender or Couple
  • Location
    Fair Oaks Ranch

My RV or Travel Trailer

  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
  • Hull #
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  • Make
  • Model
    Legacy Elite II
  • Floor Plan
    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. I put a pair in my cart….
  2. Yes, many times, with and without our Oliver. We often camp at Ridgway State Park just north of Ouray. Our son and family live in Durango which is south of Ouray on highway 550 (million dollar highway). The stretch between Ouray and Silverton is what scares a lot of folks but if driven with care it can be a very scenic drive. Mike
  3. Ken, why didn’t I think of that? I’ve got enough leftover for the floor too! I just need to remember where I put my lava lamp….
  4. We’ve had our Clam for a number of years and don’t use it in warm/hot weather. The screen is so fine that it blocks any breeze. We do use it in the winter and during cool and cold weather. When it’s really cold we attach the sides and the propane fire pit in the middle keeps things toasty. Mike
  5. Nice video. We’ve been up and down Hwy550 between Ouray and Silverton many times with the trailer, so this should fun. Oatman looks to have the same vibe as Tombstone AZ. Mike
  6. If there’s a girl, my lord, in a flat bed ford slowin’ down to look at me, I’m sure Carol will handle it! I’ll just take it easy. 🤣
  7. I definitely want a picture of me/us standing on a corner in Winslow Arizona, such a fine sight to see!
  8. Coy is coming through San Antonio in January with Steve and Tali on their way to Q. We’re meeting them for dinner with Pete while they are here and I plan on picking Coy’s brain on his trip along Route 66. Thanks for reminding me about Jason’s post, I’d forgotten about it. Mike
  9. I’m starting to think about and plan a Route 66 trip. Does anyone have Route 66 experience or have any advice? We’ve done a lot of I-40 but never took the time to deviate on to the old highway where it still exists. Any recommendations for maps/guides? Mike
  10. Congrats and welcome to the group. Look forward to meeting you at a rally!
  11. under 100 degrees
  12. Anita was our sales person in 2015.
  13. Is this for real?
  14. I’m not. I sold the Andersen Hitch 4 years ago when I got the 2500. I used the Andersen for almost 5 years with the half tons. Mike
  15. I have the Husky from Home Depot. Nice size and thickness. It’s usually on sale around Christmas.
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