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Everything posted by Overland

  1. I'm guessing that they say professional installation because they don't want to be responsible for someone taping their dish to the roof of their car and taking off. The home dish is roughly the size of the wine guard antenna that Oliver installs - maybe a bit smaller - so it shouldn't be too hard to find a spot that works. Or maybe they'll just let you use the home version, which can be set on the ground.
  2. No photo, but I did find this post from the ever helpful David Stillman. My slides are slightly different from his, though the operation is similar...
  3. Lol. I don't know if it can be explained. But there are some clips under there at the front of the drawers that you press and they'll release the guides. I want to say that they're on the inside of the rails and that you press outward - just keep feeling around, pressing on things and you'll find it, some day. And once you find them, they'll be obvious. I'll see if I can find a photo for you. I'm sure that I've taken one at some point.
  4. I almost signed up for Starlink a few weeks ago when they finally opened up their beta to anyone, but it was quickly made clear that it wouldn't work at all for mobile use. That is, they specifically prevent you from doing so by tying your dish to a specific region. I wondered if that was a limit of the technology, but apparently it's just a temporary restriction due to the limited number of satellites in orbit right now. And it looks like that's changing already, with the announcement yesterday of a dedicated mobile product in the works - https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2021/03/spacex-plans-starlink-broadband-for-cars-boats-and-planes/ Very cool. Also, the download speeds are looking pretty darned good. About 150mbs now, and they'll up that limit to 300 later this year. I'm lucky enough to get fiber where we live, so it's usually above 900, but I could get by with a third of that even at home, and certainly for the trailer. Pretty neat how quickly this is moving. Just a couple of years ago, this was a 'someday in the future...' thing that got mentioned every now and then here, then in just October it became a real product, and now it's looking like within a year it will be a true option for us - cost aside, probably the best one.
  5. I guess the short answer is that it would be a lot easier to add lithium batteries to a trailer with solar than vice versa. Another way to answer would be that it's no different to add solar to a trailer with lithiums than it is to any other trailer. You've got to mount them, run cable, and install a solar charge controller. Or you could see about getting Oliver or someone else to do the work for you. It's something people ask about occasionally but I've never known anyone but the early few pioneers actually do it. I'm curious what led to the question. Maybe if you can give us some info on what you're thinking, we can better help you figure it out.
  6. Yeah, there’s been no moderation or censorship that I’m aware of. After all, I think I was the one who first brought up the tire pressure issue back when so it isn’t like we’re at odds over the matter. SherMica, you’ve had nothing but kindness and help from the moderating staff so please don’t accuse us of things we haven’t done. I mean, moderators have supported you on the forum, contacted Oliver to try to finally get this issue settled, given you personal contact info to try to help, and one actually drove to a campsite to help you. Apparently that’s not enough.
  7. IMO, Ford's FX4 packages aren't worth much. I'd argue that if you want an F250 with offroad capability and tough tires, get the Tremor package. FWIW, I have the same KO2's from that package on my truck and I've no problems so far towing with them - rain snow, mud, etc. They really are amazing tires offroad.
  8. No, but you can easily add shutoffs if you want.
  9. For a battery that advertises "unlimited mounting possibilities", you'd think you could fit more than zero in the LE2 battery tray (it's 23" long and the battery tray is 21"). It might be more easily fit within the hull space I suppose, somewhere. Or perhaps it would work in an LE1. The other battery they announced, the BB8D - you could fit one of those in the Ollie 2 tray, so maybe a good solution for an LE1, if it fits. For LE2 owners though, it's $100 more expensive than buying three of their standard 100Ah batteries, for 30 less Ah, so maybe not a good idea unless you really want to simplify your battery box. So, I think these may be solutions for someone trying to do something unusual, but at least for LE2 owners, not practical for a typical battery swap. It's an interesting case though - looks like it may be user serviceable.
  10. Are you thinking what I’m thinking? A noise cancelling trailer?!?
  11. I disconnected my black tank monitor when I removed the tank and it didn’t cause an error. I’m pretty sure that I just unplugged it and tucked away the wire. Possible that I clipped it, just don’t remember. The only result is that I think the monitor says ‘open’ when I click the black tank button.
  12. Hey, that looks familiar - I second (third?) the recommendation. It’s a good match for the Ollie, well made, and extremely useful.
  13. I have the Sony WM-1000XM3. All the reviews I read emphasize their comfort, and I agree. I can fall asleep on my side with them on without waking up later with a sore ear. No idea what my hat size is, but contrary to what some might say, my head is on the smaller size - small enough that the headband doesn’t extend any when I put them on. As such, they’re just ever so lightly loose and will want to tilt forward if I bend down, but they stay in place otherwise. If I’m doing anything active I’ll wear AirPods. I don’t have the noise cancelling version of those, but I’m very curious how well they work and how comfortable they are to wear. I do have software issues with the Sonys, in that they don’t seem to hold settings (the capacitive touch buttons on the sides can be a pain and they simply won’t stay off like I want), and they don’t always want to switch Bluetooth connections without turning them off and on again.
  14. Yes, supposedly disks are in the works. But if not, and for those who might want to upgrade or don’t care for whichever components Oliver chooses, I think Steve’s own post in his Outlaw Oliver thread is worth a read. As far as the heavier axles go, I think Oliver used them on mine because that was what Dexter offered. They also came with the never lube bearings, which was unusual for Oliver at the time. In other words, I don’t think that heavier axles are required. Disks do come in different sizes, and I suppose that the larger ones could generate enough torque differential from side to side to twist an axle, say if one disk was wet and the other not. At least I assume that’s the reason. But then I can’t see any tire providing enough traction to make that an issue. I’d prefer less unsprung weight myself, but I’m ok with what I’ve got. My experience with the larger size disks is that it’s hard to find a good brake controller setting that keeps them from locking up - smaller may be the better choice. Remember that brake performance begins on the ground and if you can’t maintain good adhesion then whatever you do otherwise is irrelevant. Personally, I think that the Kodiak brakes and hydrastar controller are the way to go - I’m not a fan of the Dexter controller - it’s huge and slow to react, and if I find myself with ample spare time and money some day, I just may swap it out. It also requires so much brake fluid that you’d have to carry a case to replenish it if you ever had a problem. IMO, if your choice from Oliver is between Dexter disks or Dexter drums, take the drums and save your money. Of course, it’s not like I can do back to back comparisons of different brakes and controllers, so I could be wrong - but as it is, that’s my opinion. The timbren upgrade is interesting, but there are easier options. I’ve installed the Lippert Centerpoint suspension and it was extremely easy and does what it’s supposed to do.
  15. You can kind of see it in this photo - back in the shadows above the plates.
  16. The outlet is in the cabinet above, and there's an access hole in the top of the microwave cabinet.
  17. We've monitored our toaster oven (also the Breville) and it doesn't seem to transfer much heat to the cabinet. I mean, I wouldn't close the door while it's on. We do make sure that it isn't in contact with anything else but that's all. I was a little worried after I added a shelf above the oven, which closed down the gap at the top to about an inch, but even after 30 minutes with the oven on 450, the bottom of the shelf isn't particularly hot. I think we had some discussion a few years back about adding some heat insulating board to the inside of the cabinet.
  18. Patriot, if that's where you're making your martinis, I hope you don't mind if I skip your cocktail party at the next rally. 🤢
  19. It's nice looking. It looks matte. Can you tell if the finish is in the plastic or if it's paint?
  20. Interesting comments. I agree that the forum would benefit from having a FAQ section of some sort to answer common questions. I think that in itself would/should cut down on a lot of the repetitive discussion. I've felt for a while that a simple list of links to Important Topics could be easily maintained once it's set up, and would serve the purpose of a FAQ probably better than a FAQ itself could. Perhaps a separate one for each forum area. I've just been too lazy to create one myself, and uneager to suggest it since that's just an invitation for the assignment. 🙃 But I don't think that segregating the forum in any way is advisable. I think all you have to do is look back at the number of topics that each of us participated in before putting down our own deposits, and that should be evidence enough to halt that discussion. At the end of the day, if you don't want to read whether or not someone can tow their trailer with two mules and a large dog, you don't have to click on it. (A: Inadvisable on mountain passes.) Since I don't follow the Facebook stuff, I have to admit that Russell's post might as well be written in Aramaic, since I don't understand a single sentence of it. But I gather that there's drama somewhere on Facebook? I won't pretend to be shocked.
  21. If you go here, and scroll down to the Elite II Measurement Index, you'll find all of those dimensions plus many more that you'll probably want to know at some point.
  22. If Dometic's threshold for consumer satisfaction is "Does our product cause you physical pain?", then that would explain a lot.
  23. Odd change. We didn’t get the bumper, since we were getting custom upholstery and that’s part of the package. Like Andrew, I’ve never come close to hitting my head on the way out. But a few times coming in, directly on the edge of the frame . That hurts!
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