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Steve Morris

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Steve Morris last won the day on January 28

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My RV or Travel Trailer

  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
  • Hull #
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  • Make
  • Model
    Legacy Elite II
  • Floor Plan
    Twin Bed Floor Plan
  • What model is your other RV or Travel Trailer?
    Hiker 5X8 Highway Deluxe Squaredrop

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  1. My house, built in 1976 with apparently no building codes observed, is severely under-powered and under-wired. It is an all-electric home with a heat pump for heating/cooling, and only has 150A service. The entire garage is on one 20A breaker, with two wall outlets, one ceiling outlet, and two ceiling light sockets (one of which has a screw-in outlet for four LED shop lamps.) There are way too many continuous and/or intermittent loads on that one 20A breaker: the aforementioned LED shop lights, garage door opener, 40 year old chest freezer, dorm fridge, stationary air compressor, 3-4 Battery Tender Juniors, the Oliver, an extension cord to my truck to run the fridge/freezer at home, a buried extension cord to an outdoor weather station and security camera, occasional woodworking tools, two Makita 2-slot battery chargers, a Bose Wave radio w/Raspberry Pi attached, cable TV signal booster, and probably more that I'm forgetting. So, I keep the Xantrax set low to limit how much it draws from the house. The only loads are the fridge, battery charger, parasitic loads, and occasionally the AC. The vast majority of the time the trailer isn't plugged in to the house at all. The batteries can handle any typical loads, and even AC if I'm not using it continuously.
  2. You keep repeating this, but I have no idea where you're getting this information. I don't watch my Amp draw constantly, but every time I have looked, the whole trailer has never shown more than 8-10 Amps, and that includes anything else that is running. I don't have a 30A receptacle at home, and need to run my trailer on a 20A circuit breaker though a 50 foot 10 gauge extension cord. So I typically set the grid draw on the Xantrax to 12A when at home, and have had zero problems. Truma's rated load on the compressor is 8.8A, and the fan at 2.9A, so that maximum is should ever pull is 11.7
  3. Hmm, low 50s and high 40s was as low as I’ve seen this week. When it was in the teens, I had the antifreeze mode turned on. It’s done this during the afternoon in the 70s too.
  4. Yea, sorry, more details would have helped. We only turn on the Truma Aqua Go when we want hot water, usually morning and evening. We use the Comfort setting, and dial it down to about 109 degrees. All the rest of the day and night it is in the OFF position on the panel (but obviously still ON on the outside switch. We have the full Truma package, so our control panel is the digital Truma CP Plus that controls everything. It is mounted above the SeeLevel panel to the right of the pantry, above the rear dinette. What occasionally happens is the water heater fires up randomly even though it is turned off at the panel. BTW, thanks again for the details on the shower and recirculating system, Mike. It is working beautifully!
  5. Anyone else have this happen? Several times over the past few weeks I’ve heard the water heater fire up while turned off at the Truma control panel. It seems random, sometimes days between (unless we’re not there to hear it) and once several minutes apart. I haven’t pulled the panel off yet, but I’m wondering if the cable might be loose at one end or the other. Anyone else?
  6. Registration will not allow for our reserved arrival date of Tuesday April 29th.
  7. Three 20 pounders here. Two mounted, and one for the fire pit. Versatile, easy to maneuver (I’m 5’7” and apparently shrinking), and easy to refill or swap positions. Allows the fire pit to be anywhere, including toting to friends’s sites.
  8. Yep! Yesterday was the fist day it never got below freezing, so that’s an improvement. 60 sitting outside eating breakfast today, high in the mid-sixties. Perfect!
  9. Gulf Islands National Seashore, Fort Pickens south of Pensacola, Florida, 6:30 PM Central. Awesome!! @olivertraveltrailers @curiositysoftware #olivertraveltrailers #curiositytheoliver Curiosity graphics used with the kind permission of the nice folks at Curiosity Software Ireland
  10. We saw dozens of snowmen all around. Local weather station has a very detailed life size manatee snowman!
  11. Yesterday we went to the white sand beach at Deaton Bridge in Blackwater River State Park in Florida. The river is crystal clear, but is tinted dark by the tannin from the trees, with a white sand bottom. There is an outfitter upstream, and I’m told it is packed on summer weekends. But on this beautiful winter day with snow still on the ground, we had it all to ourselves. weird, some are uploading upside down. I’ll try later after we move to the gulf islands.
  12. sorry, almost no service here, and photos have been failing to load on the forum. Let’s see if this works. Santa Rosa County Veterans Memorial, in Milton, Florida. There are memorials to every war and conflict. A moving and powerful reminder. It’s an unexpected find in a small town
  13. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1BPARPYFTV/?mibextid=wwXIfr https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0rDbdidNtoDWST9eodG5SYYHchyxcAPL1ePC8us8iQ7SVnPefMQ8fUBZQ3bCyjcihl&id=100064448631768&mibextid=wwXIfr
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