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  1. So we were due to pickup in Feb. We prefer to boondock but we have spent the past 2 months making reservations for state parks ( the ones that had openings) and such - mapping harvest hosts out....so we could Pick up our Oliver, sight see Georgia, South Carolina Florida, Alabama (Bellingrath Gardens has been on my list) Gulf Coast without have to worry about were or if there was boon docking available. Take the Natchez Trace Parkway from Miss to Nashville, ending up at the Oliver Rally in May. Then head back to Az. When we originally placed our order we wanted a particular color and pinstripe we had seen on the site but for a 2022 they were no longer offering that. It was disappointing but not a deal breaker. We really wanted to get a hull # under 1000. We would have been 1024. Still not a deal breaker. We were notified earlier today that a slot had become available - pick up the end of Sept. If we went for this today...it will be a 2021. We get the color , pinstripe and hull # under what we wanted. We both agreed .... fate! We are getting exactly what we originally wanted! The only difference between the 21 and 22 will be the bearings - we will have to do the maintenance instead of the no maintenance ones on the 22. We already do that so no big deal. So we will be hull # 914 and be picking up the end of Sept. We have so many items on backorder sure hope they arrive but if not....we will make it work! Theresa
    4 points
  2. I went back and reread JD's post about his drawer restraints and replacing the drawer front with the pantry style latch and I now see the relevance between the 2 posts. I will admit to not reading JD's post in it’s entirety as I had previously read his, yours and Reed's version of drawer restraints. So I thought I was up to speed, which reminds me of father's axiom "don’t think, you’ll weaken the ball club". And that reminds me of another of his many axioms, "never resist the opportunity to keep your mouth shut"- nuff said, Mossey
    4 points
  3. When we purchased a new Leisure Travel Van a few years ago, it came with a list of model numbers, serial numbers, and support contact information for all components. These were compiled as the RV was being built. When I asked Oliver about this, they said they do not keep a record of these. Too bad, since some of the components are "buried" where you can't get to the service tag.
    2 points
  4. This isn't a full HOW TO install them, there are plenty of videos you can watch. Here's one: ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsEjREGiBj0 ... The most important thing is prep, you must get ALL the old junk and wax off or the adhesive won't stick well. I started with isopropyl alcohol, then followed up with 3M Adhesive Cleaner, with an old clean tee shirt. One big problem I had was with the rounded corners, they would not lie flat. This was indoors at 78 degrees F. I used a heat gun on LOW to warm the plastic, then pressed it down hard, and held it for a few seconds while it cooled. I then warmed the entire length and worked it hard against the gelcoat with a plastic tool and my fingers. The 3M VHB adhesive is heat activated and it set up well, and there are no worries of the gutters lifting, there is no need to tape everything down for days, as some people have done. I am not sure why I waited so long to do this mod, it isn't very difficult. However, I ran out of material and was unable to complete the rear window, so I am waiting on another 10 foot section. When I measured, I did not plan on running the gutters so far down the window frames.... I bought a 25 foot roll. Drat. Large windows 3 @ 76" = 19.0 feet Bathroom window 42" = 3.5 feet Fridge upper vent 21"= 1.75 feet Rear hatch 68" = 5.7 feet TOTAL 359" = 30 feet MINIMUM, buy this: ... Esssentials UW05004 Polar White 50' EZE RV Gutter John Davies Spokane WA
    1 point
  5. Melanie and I made it back to Vancouver WA in one piece. Ran into a error code which turned out to be a poorly wire pedestal that my surge protector didn't pick up on. Then we set off the fire alarm. Finally, the propane worked, then didn't work for some reason. I suspect there was some air in the line. The technology is the trailer was a little intimidating as I was afraid I would break and/or ruin sometime like a pump or solar system. The manuals were really helpful. We had some trouble with the Anderson Hitch as the initial install was not done correctly. We still haven't learned how to disconnect the Anderson hitch without loosing it underneath the rig which is a hassle. It was a long trip from Tennessee back home, but I am happy to say we were able to back into every campsite with out much trouble. We are really happy with "Joni" and miss not being on the go. Retirement is just around the corner, so we are looking forward more happy travels. Melanie and Kathie
    1 point
  6. I tow slow, mainly because I have been scared far too many times by wildlife crossing the road. Last summer I crested a blind hill to find three huge elk standing in the center of the two lane highway. Once you have experienced a panic stop like that you won’t even consider 80 mph, regardless of how many fences there are along the shoulder. If you do choose to tow fast, make very sure that your trailer brakes are actually working correctly. And have you ever even tried a full on emergency brake test? That will wake up any passengers….. Normally I cruise at 62 mph, it seems to be the sweet spot in terms of power, minimal downshifts and keeping up with traffic. I avoid Interstates entirely, unless I have no other choice. The fast guys are very welcome to pass me. I won’t mention mpgs, it is too embarrassing. Land Cruisers are known gas hogs because of the full time 4wd system, high ground clearance and lack of aerodynamic add-ons. John Davies Spokane WA
    1 point
  7. Mike, That's exactly how we felt about that number! Thank you!
    1 point
  8. Good idea, but Oliver should be providing serial numbers for components. Mike
    1 point
  9. We are going to Sunset View campground Monday - Thursday next week. We are looking forward to it. I haven't been that far up the coast in a very long time!
    1 point
  10. He probably did. Or didn't. 😁 Most people here weigh their answers with their experience.
    1 point
  11. 914 is a good number! Congratulations - Mike
    1 point
  12. Glad the trip home is complete. Each trip will be a learning experience and soon you’ll be giving advice to new owners! Mike
    1 point
  13. Thanks, great advice - yeah I figured I'd better snapshot my current settings so as to not end up with an improper set of default settings.
    1 point
  14. FYI I started a separate thread (here) while trying to hear from others who may have dealt with Xantrex on fixing or replacing units that won't update the firmware. Long story short, once it became clear that the firmware update was failing on my unit, Oliver service pointed me to Xantrex who walked me through the steps I'd already done with some files they emailed me (identical to what I downloaded from their site) and then I sent them the log files that had been written to my USB drive in the process of trying but failing to update. They got back to me a day later asking me to send them my inverter so they could troubleshoot - I balked and tried to negotiate receiving a replacement and simultaneously let Oliver know what was going on. Sounds like perhaps Mike Sharpe from service worked behind the scenes with Xantrex to prod them to send me a replacement and have me send mine back after receiving the replacement. Jason Essary emailed me to let me know they've been trying to get Xantrex to change their standard policy of having folks send in inverters (and thus have no inverter in their unit for potentially several weeks!!) and instead do as they finally agreed to do for me. In the meantime, it seems that perhaps enlisting Oliver Service to advocate on your behalf will do the trick if you have this problem. I suggest anyone who has been dancing around the E20 issue w/o engaging with service get a ticket open and walk through the steps that Oliver will suggest, and if you find you're unable to update the firmware (as Susan and I and at least some other owners - per Jason - have had happen with their units) get that unit fixed or replaced as you really do want to be able to install firmware updates and you want to get this fixed while still under warranty!
    1 point
  15. Some tiny seeds are falling this week, and light rain pretty much every night. Two mornings in a row, I've cleaned the two x 100 watt portable panels with a soft cloth, and doubled my (very small) output from 1.6 to 3.3 amps. Somewhat surprising what a difference some tiny seeds and small raindrops can make. Guess I'll go down to the barn and get a stepstool and the string mop, and clean the fixed panels while I'm at it.
    1 point
  16. Welcome, we also considered airstream before discovering Oliver. Zero regrets with going Oliver! Welcome from Tennessee - hope to see you on the road!
    1 point
  17. Thanks to you all for the warm welcome, information, and some humor (unless Mainiac really meant it about correct answers :). It just makes us that much more excited about being part of the Oliver family. Looking forward to seeing all of you in our travels!
    1 point
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