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Everything posted by Rivernerd

  1. Jason Essary addresses this in his 2021 Oliver Elite II Delivery Walkthrough video. He states that code requires fusing within a certain distance from the power source, so Oliver installs fuses for all three jacks near the batteries. Jason also notes that the front (tongue) jack comes from the manufacturer with the fuse already installed on it, and Oliver chooses to leave it there, resulting in redundant fusing for that jack. See the video below at 1:36. So, Oliver owners get to check BOTH fuses should the tongue jack fail. Or, follow John Davies' suggestion and install an Anderson Power Pole in place of the fuse on the front jack.
  2. I now have a Veepeak scan tool that plugs into the OBD2 port on my 2019 Tundra. $14 from Amazon. It communicates with my Android smartphone via Bluetooth, through an app downloaded for $5. So, the total cost was under $20. I plan to monitor transmission pan temps when towing (after we pick up our Elite II on November, and in warmer temps next year) to inform our decision whether to install an aftermarket transmission cooler. I have inferred from posts on the Tundra forums that Toyota is claiming that transmission temps up to 250 degrees Fahrenheit when towing are "acceptable." Yet, Toyota is now installing transmission coolers on 2022 Tundras, after leaving them off the 2019-2021 model years. Hmmm.......
  3. Smart idea. Glad it worked. And, smarter than my paper clip suggestion. Should I encounter a burner issue, I will try your portable vacuum method.
  4. When no fuel is reaching a propane burner, but other propane appliances are receiving fuel, the most likely cause is blockage in the line supplying that burner, or the burner orifice. Have you tried CAREFULLY and gently sticking something small, metal and flexible (like an unfolded steel paper clip) into the burner orifice to see it maybe there a small piece of debris stuck in it?
  5. It depends on whether your Sequoia has the big engine and the tow package. Lots of Elite II owners tow with Tundras and Sequoias. We plan to tow our Elite II with a 2019 Tundra, with the 5.7LV8 and the tow package. If your Sequoia is comparably equipped, you should be o.k. But, you will need an Andersen weight distribution hitch, the only one that works well with Olivers. The most significant limiting factor will likely be your payload capacity, which should be listed on a sticker inside the driver's door. A loaded Elite II will likely have a tongue weight of between 550 and 600 lbs. Tongue weight is added to occupant and cargo weight to determine total payload. Don't exceed the payload capacity listed on your sticker.
  6. Coming from a Little Guy Max, are you looking at the Elite I or the Elite II? As noted above, the Elite II has a basement storage area. As I recall, the Elite I does not. I recommend you view the excellent 2021 model walkthrough videos available on the Oliver website.
  7. "Occupants" sure seems like it must include a driver as well as passengers. I stand corrected. So, the weight of all occupants must be added to cargo weight, and tongue weight, when calculating whether payload capacity has been exceeded. Good to know.
  8. So, when calculating payload, the driver's weight, whatever it is, must also be added to passenger and cargo weight to determine a total? Can you provide a citation for this?
  9. Seems consistent to me. A driver is not a passenger.
  10. As noted by Frank C, no, you can't add payload and towing capacity. I like to think of towing and payload capacity the way car manufacturers do. Rated towing capacity presumes there is nothing in the tow vehicle except a 150 lb. driver. This enables car companies to advertise the highest possible numbers. In the real world, few folks tow a trailer with nothing but a 150 lb. driver. Payload capacity makes the same assumption: a 150 lb. driver, nothing else. No passengers, no cargo. And, when towing, the tongue weight (usually about 10% of a properly-loaded trailer) must be included in payload calculations. So for me, the critical limitation is payload, not towing capacity. Given that about 10% of the weight in a properly-loaded trailer is tongue weight, if your goal is to stay within your tow vehicle's limited payload capacity, you are better off putting more of your gear weight in the trailer, so long as you don't exceed the tongue weight capacity of your tow vehicle. That way, only 10% of it "counts" against your payload capacity. For example, if your actual tow vehicle payload capacity is 1200 lbs. and your properly-loaded trailer weighs 4500 lbs. (so tongue weight is 450 lbs.), you have 750 lbs. of remaining safe payload capacity. With your 115-lb. wife, you are down to 635 lbs. If you weigh more than 150 lbs., you must also deduct the difference between your actual, fully-clothed weight and 150 lbs. from your payload number. If you use an Andersen weight distribution hitch (and you should with a Highlander towing a Legacy Elite), subtract another 60 lbs. The residual determines the weight of additional gear you can safely carry in the tow vehicle. I, too, will be surprised if your Highlander actually has 1600 lbs. of payload capacity. I expect it may be closer to 1200 lbs., like my hypothetical above. I second the recommendation above that you post a photo of the sticker on the driver's side of your Highlander. Only with that information can a sensible calculation be done.
  11. Maybe this 2-gallon gas can would fit, along with the Honda EU2200i? https://www.amazon.com/Sanycool-No-Gasoline-Container-Plastic/dp/B08HYNQ4YF/ref=asc_df_B08HYNQ4YF/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459647904235&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16644264739175586450&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9029558&hvtargid=pla-984610809534&psc=1
  12. While I laud Lithionics customer service response, I presume there is no way for a user to recalibrate the BMS, even with the app?
  13. So, to summarize the important data gathered in this thread: (1) You can upgrade to the more expensive, but quieter and more efficient, Truma air conditioner; (2) but, "you won't need" (and you can't install) a Micro Air Easy Start in it, therefore (3) you must also have at least a 2200 watt generator to run the "more efficient" Truma unit when boondocking. Thus, bbrault, you cannot start and run the Truma Aventa Eco with your Yamaha 2000 watt generator that will fit in the front basket of an Elite. But, for significant additional cost, you can run it with a Honda EU3200i, which will also fit in that front basket.
  14. The fact that trailers can actually be damaged by use of a weight distribution hitch with too heavy a tow vehicle is an excellent point. It would be important evidence supporting a defendant in a personal injury suit, driving a 3/4 or 1-ton tow vehicle, arising out of a trailer towing accident. It supports using a WD hitch when it is "required, and not using one when it is only "recommended."
  15. I am a retired lawyer. I concur with John Davies' statement. In contrast to the "recommended" language in your Ram 3500 owner's manual, my 2019 Tundra owner's manual states that for trailers over 5K lbs., weight distributing hitches are "required." From a legal standpoint, the difference between those two words is huge. As an illustration, if I failed to use a weight distributing hitch on my Tundra when towing an Elite II, I would expect that failure to be considered negligence per se. As a result, I would likely be held liable, per se, in an accident where I lost control of the vehicle/trailer. If you choose not to use a weight distributing hitch with your Ram 3500, any plaintiff seeking to prove that your decision to not use a weight distributing hitch was negligent would be looking up a very "steep cliff." Night and day difference in a courtroom. If I had a Ram 3500, I would not use a weight distributing hitch towing an Oliver Elite II.
  16. So, per Truma's specs, you can't run a Truma Aventa Eco with a 2000/1600 watt generator. Since the Truma Aventa Eco requires only 1296 watts (10.8A at 120V) for regular running, I infer from the data that startup power consumption is higher, maybe as high as 20 or more amps. bbrault, perhaps the Honda EU3200i is the only generator/inverter on the market that will provide sufficient wattage to start and run the Truma Aventa Eco, and still fit in the Legacy Elite front basket?
  17. Every air conditioner with which I am familiar requires quite a bit more power at startup than when just running. Does the Truma Aventa Eco draw the same amount of power all of the time (10.8A on high), i.e., no additional power is required at compressor startup? It seems to me that to reliably answer the Original Poster's question (whether he can run the Truma Aventa Eco with his Yamaha 2000/1600 watt generator), that is a critical fact we still don't know. bbrault, I, for one, am still interested to learn whether Oliver tested the Truma Aventa Eco with only a generator, and if so, how many watts it requires at startup.
  18. Looks like the EU3200i will fit in a Legacy Elite front basket. Impressive, at 59 lbs. and 58 db.
  19. Was the Truma rep specifically asked about running the Truma Aventa Eco with a generator with only a 1600 continuous watt rating (i.e., enough to meet regular electrical demand, as the Truma Aventa Eco draws 10.8A on high, which equates to 1296 watts at 120V)?
  20. The EU3000is is 22" x 17.6". The EU2200i is 20"x 11.4". The EU2000i will apparently fit in the Elite front basket, which is 26.75" x 14.375" x 7.75" (L x W x H). The EU 3000is will not fit.
  21. This appears to be good news, bbrault. But, it is known yet whether a 2200 watt inverter/generator will start the Truma Aventa Eco on its own (since Oliver cannot install the Micro Air Easy Start)?
  22. I am confused. Corvus' recommended stainless steel replacement caps are 4.25" diameter. John Davies' recommended stainless steel replacement caps are 1.98" diameter. And, the description for the 1.98" says "Fits Most 5-Lug Trailer Hubs." The wheels on the Elite II sure look like 6-lug to me. Will either fit the Elite II wheels?
  23. ScubaRX, thanks for tracking down the "nugget" you cite. But, it appears to me that the reference is to a 240V (Australian) Truma Aventa Comfort (15Kbtu), not the 120V (USA) Truma Aventa Eco (13.5Kbtu) Oliver will be installing in 2023 models. Here's the quote from the referenced comment to that 2016 article: "I’m looking to power a TRUMA Aventa Comfort Mk2 AC with a Cromtech Outback CGT2500i generator that, according to the data above, should be sufficient. However I’m concerned the start spike input power of the AC will be to high for the generator. Truma state that the AC requires 20Amps for start-up..." I understand that Truma has just recently re-engineered the Aventa AC models for the US/Canadian 120V market, which includes lower power draw. So, it appears to me we still don't have a reliable answer to the question: "How much generator wattage is required to start up the120V, 13.5Kbtu Truma Aventa Eco air conditioners Oliver will be installing in 2023 Elite models?" bbrault, I still think this is an excellent question for your Oliver sales rep. Please post the answer you receive!
  24. X-chocks between the wheels may help. https://www.amazon.com/X-Chock-Wheel-Stabilizer-Handle-28012/dp/B002XLHUQG/ref=asc_df_B002XLHUQG/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312098740701&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9066806933936176184&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9029558&hvtargid=pla-365326661179&psc=1 Also, are your stabilizer jacks fully extended, or are they on jack blocks? The further the stabilizer jacks are extended, the greater the potential for movement as weight is shifted inside the trailer.
  25. Many thanks to John Davies for including instructions on drawer removal, and removal of the access panel behind the drawers. The Oliver video linked below includes instructions on removal of the access panel, and shows where the fridge plugs into the receptacle behind that access panel. Legacy Elite II Drawer Removal & Components Hope this helps.
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