@Steve-Gwenne, you will enjoy a very special relationship with the grandchildren. I know I do. My little grandson is my little buddy. I have the joy of spending 4 days a week, sometimes 5, watching him grow and learn, and play with me. I count myself lucky to be able to experience these days. I'm sure you feel the same.
My daughter spent her days with my parents until she was three, and still has so many wonderful memories of those days.
Who knows, you may even find that the grandkids enjoy the Ollie as a playhouse, and an early introduction to camping, even if it's just in the driveway, and daytime. (Our daughter loved camping in the boat, as a little girl. ) All the rounded corners, and stovetop closed away, make the Ollie ideal for Littles, with a bit of thought in childproofing outlets, bath door, etc. , imo.
If you're not going to camp other than maybe local for the next 18 months, I would definitely not change out the tires now. Cover them. I wouldn't worry about flat spots, as we had to worry about with bias tires and old school radials.
Depending on where you live, waxing with a good marine wax twice a year provides a lot of protection.