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connor77 last won the day on December 31 2022

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
  • Floor Plan
    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. I originally thought I was mistakenly shipped 1/2" u-bolts but after I learned that I should be measuring the diameter of the threaded section, not the smooth section, I realized that I received the correct parts.
  2. I'm sure it doesn't draw much but if you have the composting toilet it has a small exhaust fan that is constantly running. It's easy to just unplug it. Again, probably doesn't draw much but I also wondered if I had some sort of very minor parasitic draw but realized I didn't once I shut this fan off. The above probably represents the complete extent of my electrical knowledge 😄
  3. Similar report to Art's.... We're almost back to our home in Maine. Right around 3,200 miles round trip. No new issues to report. Our Oliver has always traveled well behind our 3/4 ton truck with virtually no porpoising but there's even less now that the leaf springs have been changed. Longer drives are less fatiguing. I checked the torque of the u-bolt nuts at 2,000 miles and none of them needed to be tightened so I think they're set. I had to tighten them twice after having the new leaf springs installed. I haven't checked frame welds but will when I get home. I'm not expecting to see anything unusual. I think an important adjustment is to tire pressure. When we picked up our trailer in 2021 the first thing I did - based on helpful feedback from others - was to lower the tire pressure from 80lbs to 60lbs. With the switch to the Alcan's I've lowered the pressure to 48lbs. Based on some of the roads we've traveled on, I think I've found a good number. I'll keep an eye on my new Monroe shocks that were installed at the same time as the leaf springs and Timken bearings. If the bulldogs are noticeably better or they last longer, I'll switch to those when I service my trailer again.
  4. 5/9/24 Update Have traveled just over 1k miles with the new leaf springs and, so far, so good. Like others have mentioned, there is less side to side movement which is nice. Having lowered our tire pressure seems to have tempered the stiffness and the ride softened up a bit at around 500 miles. I re-torqued u-bolt nuts at 390 miles and 1,020 miles and feel like if I do this one more time they should be good. At 1,020 miles only one nut needed about a half turn. All the others needed just a quarter turn or thereabouts. After having traveled for 1k miles I no longer have concerns about them being overrated and too stiff. Special thanks to Mountainman198 for starting this thread and for all those that have contributed to it.
  5. I have had my leaf springs replaced with the Alcan's and will soon share my feedback. My short ride home from my mechanic's place didn't tell me much but we'll head south soon for the rally and I'll report while we're on our way down. I'm planning to run my tires at 48 PSI. Will do as so many others have suggested and re-torque u-bolts regularly.
  6. Just had my leaf springs replaced and my mechanic informed me I have a few wet bolts that are spinning because the splines have worn off. I have searched the internet but would like confirmation from the forum of what wet bolt part # I need. There are multiple part numbers online and some have completely different bolt measurements. Would prefer to only have to order once and get the correct ones. Also, my mechanic seemed to think that the forward and trailing suspension mounts might have different sized wet bolts than the ones for the equalizer. Can anyone chime in on this and clarify? If they are a different size wet bolt, would appreciate part #'s for these as well. There are 4 of these allegedly smaller ones and 8 of the "regular" size....again, according to my mechanic.
  7. I wanted to improve the sound quality in our trailer so I bought a couple of JBL Charge 5 speakers after reading lots of reviews. The speakers are small and both will easily fit in any of the overhead compartments. I bought these so that we could use them while camping but I can also use them while working on projects in my garage and around our home both inside and out. About 2 minutes to pair them to my phone and they were up and running. We enjoy listening to music considerably more than watching TV while camping...at a reasonable volume level of course 🙂 The sound quality is really quite impressive and the volume at the 50% setting is more than ample. Reasonably priced IMHO to boot. https://www.crutchfield.com/p_109CHRGE5G/JBL-Charge-5-Grey.html?tp=63331
  8. Just fantastic pictures! Thank you for sharing. How long are/were you in Newfoundland if you don't mind me asking? Would a couple of weeks be enough time in your opinion?
  9. Just updating this thread....RecPro now offers covers for Houghton AC's. I've ordered one but haven't received it yet so I don't know anything about the quality. Around $30 for the cover that fits the 3400 model that many (not all) have installed. Free shipping too. Free shipping might be Fourth of July related. Happy Fourth to all!
  10. Does anyone know what is causing all these wildfires in recent years? Is it only drought-like conditions that are triggering these events or could it be something else?
  11. Craig - We'd be interested in learning more. We definitely want to spend some time in our Oliver in the Pacific NW and next year would work for us.
  12. This is consistent behavior with my trailer and also what I was told by Service. I did not, however, have all of my lights go dim - just two of them. I actually sort of like that one light on each side of the trailer comes on when I turn the master switch on. I am keeping my eye out for a better quality light just in case these don't last long.
  13. Brian, I just replaced two touch lights - the one over the cooktop and the one over the street side bed. They would only come on partially (not very bright at all) and weren't helpful. I ordered enough replacements for all of the touch lights. When I placed this order with Oliver, Jason did tell me that whenever I turn the master switch on, any lights that have been replaced will come on automatically which they now do. The others do not come on automatically. This new behavior is not a big deal to me. Just as a heads up, I think tapping the light "hard" causes them to fail quicker. A very very light touch is the better way to turn these on. As Dave mentions above, there is a small, sensitive spring that activates the light and it doesn't like to be touched too hard.
  14. Hi Rivernerd, Thank you for creating this thread. I *may* have a similar issue but I'm currently 2 states away from my Oliver. I will check and respond to this thread when I'm home this weekend.
  15. John, I had the same issue with my awning. There is a small allen-head screw that needs a quarter to half turn that will likely fix your awning to close all the way. I believe the screw gets turned clockwise but this detail is in the Girard manual for sure. I would try this first before adjusting anything else. Mine looked like yours in that it wouldn't close all the way. I made a very small adjustment to that allen-head screw and now my awning retracts completely.
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