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Everything posted by dewdev

  1. I am not answering your equestion but with Trump cut in National park employees I wounder what effect it will have to us campers wanting ot use National Parks?
  2. I use the Timbren suspension systems on my 2024 Ram 1500 Larame as it was a lot less expensive than the air bags. Additionally, you need to check the air bag pressure often as they will loose pessure over time.
  3. Yes, the tires that Oliver uses are rated for a max of 80 psi. a 10 ply tires is heavier then normal car tires. Oliver now recommends that the tires be inflated to 55 to 60 psi, which makes for a smoother less bouncie ride for the Ollie. A lot of owenrs use a little less air pressure0 If you use the Search bar for tire inflation, you will find a lot of discussion on the subject.. Also, a lot of owners when traveling off road on bumpy roads inflate less then what I have listed above.
  4. Welsome to the forum and congrad's on your Ollie purchase. I would stay away from any chemicals on the firerglass. I use Star brite boat soap and Meguiars Flagshio Premium Marine wax. There is a lot of discussion on this frum about what people like for fiberglass wax. Use the Search bar in the upper right of the forum to locate those posts. If you have not already use, Oliver's University page to learn more about your Ollie and all of its equipment.
  5. @John and Debbie John: I believe what you are calling a pressure regulator is actually a backflow preventor. There are two backflow regulators located just under the floor board in the rear storage compartment. They are adjacent to the Fresh Water Connection and another one just adjacent to the City Water Connection. The blackflow regulators can be seen on the plumbing drawing in the 2022 Owner's Manual on the Oliver University page. Check out the drawing to see if that is what you are referring to. A backflow regulator does not regulate pressure. @Ronbrink @John and Debbie I stand corrected; see Ronbrink's post listed below.
  6. I wonder if your local mechanic/garage would take it? Our town recycle facility has a 50 gallon barrel for regular antifreeze disposal.
  7. Congratulations, Great choice. Welcome to the Family
  8. Congad's on your purchase. Welcome to the forum.
  9. I am in the market to buy a scale to measure my RV tongue weight. What has others bought and are you happy with it? Thanks
  10. I use a milk crate all the time to get into the bed of my RAM.
  11. @TxMN2020 There is no auto correct on the forum, but you can edit your responce by clicking on the 3 dots in the upper right corner and clicking edit in the drop down, make the changes and then click on the save tab below.
  12. Message modified @TxMN2020 If you add your trailer information to your siginature, it would help for people to provide you answer's based on the year of your OTT.
  13. When I removed the OTT front decal, I only used a plastic razor blade and a hair dryer, which is less hot than a heat gun. I agree with Patriot that a warm sunny day makes the removal easier. Make sure you get all the glue off after removal of the old decal and prior to installing the new decal. The plastic razor blade also work good to remove the glue.
  14. Mine reads zero when the water tank level is empty.
  15. @ScubaRx Steve - That sounds like a great deal with it including the propane. I have been told that there are some facilities that will/can test your tank and recertify it with new expiration dates.
  16. @Ollie-Haus How will the unit be connected to the Ollie?
  17. In regads to the tires, at a minimum (if you are down south) I would buy covers for the tires so they do not see the UV light. With the fiberglass body, keep it clean and waxed unless you plan to buy a cover.
  18. @MAX Burner I reallly like your solar tracker and would like to purchase one. A few questions: 1. Who can I contact to purchase one? 2. Any idea the cost? 3. How does it connect to the Ollie electrical system?
  19. As I understand it from (the new) Jason at OTT, OTT will obtain the replacement burners from Truma and then send them to your selected Truma Authorized repair facility. (i.e. the replacement burners can not be obtained directly from Truma) So important to send OTT a copy of the picture of your Truma serial number (as directed in their correspondence) to get on OTT's list. They will notify you when your replacement burner is received at OTT and ready to be shipped to your selected repair facility.
  20. @SolitaryPine Paul: One of the nice things about the Olliver's are that they are very aerodynamic and I have found there is almost no sway when towing (at least with my WDH connected). Other Ollie owner's with 3/4 and 1 ton trucks have mention on the forum that sway is not a problem for them. Maybe Ollie owners with 3/4 and 1 ton trucsk can provide their opinion con the need for having a pure anti-sway hitch. Most important is how you feel about the Ollie while towing.
  21. @SolitaryPine Paul: Congrad's on your purchase and welcome to the forum. Hopefully you have the Anderson No Sway Hitch System. When the chains are adjusted correctly, it will transfer some of the load back to the front wheels to provide better handling.
  22. @MAX Burner Art: I really like the solar tracker you have and showed in the video. Can you tells us where you bought it, what brand and model it is and what was the cost? How long have you had it and how is it working out for you? How did you connect it to the Olllie electrical system? Thanks
  23. @Snackchaser Did you install them yourself?
  24. @Snackchaser Nice install Geoff: Can you tell us what the devices are next to your leather plyer holder? Did you install them there or are they new locations in your 2022 Ollie? Also, I see two toggle witches in the upper left of your pictures. What are they for and did OTT install them? Thanks
  25. They can go bad but very seldom. I agree, try unplugging from shore power, then reconnect the shore power and try resetting the GFCI. When this has happened to me, I have had to use a butter knife to reset the breaker as for some reason my finger was not getting the reset button in enough.
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