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Everything posted by topgun2

  1. The last set (individual grommets) I purchased was found at Lowe's and the set before that was at Ace. Good luck! Bill
  2. Things a bit slow down there in sunny Florida?😇
  3. I like the door window, I like the view - but you're going to have to get a longer propane hose for that grill so that you can grill in the shade!🙂 Bill
  4. Welcome to the Family, Mark. Normally I'd strongly suggest that you seriously consider attending the upcoming Oliver Owner's Rally, but, I see that you are located in California. That's a bit of a distance to travel even though it does provide an opportunity to see a bunch of Olivers and talk to their owners. In years past, shortly after the Rally pictures and sometimes even brief shots of some of the presentations will show up here on the Forum. This many spur questions on your part and if it does then be sure to ask while these things are still fresh in the minds of those that were fortunate enough to be there in person. Bill
  5. Certainly just one of the many reason that I have to work harder to make anything near me look good.😁 Besides - someone has Bosker's cuteness to draw attention away from a lack of altitude.😇
  6. Don't forget to plug those "scupper holes"!🥰
  7. Twist will be subjected to the CGI treatment at their home base in TN the week before the Rally. While Twist isn't as old as the Wonder Egg I'm sure that it will look just as good. See ya soon!
  8. I (finally) found blank copies of the forms Patriot shows above. These details plus copies of your driver's license, medical insurance cards, and any health directives that you may have (medical power of attorney, living will, DNR instructions, etc.) should be together. Hopefully these things will never be needed. Bill Medical-History-Forms (2).pdf
  9. Thanks Patriot for the kind words and I'm glad that you have found this list helpful. However, I don't deserve credit (other than passing it along) in that it came from a presentation that was done by a former Oliver owner and his wife (both medical professionals) at an Oliver Owner's Rally a few years ago. This list of medical details and relevant information is to be used in the event that you can't speak for yourself and/or when a medical emergency happens and people are running around in the confusion that many times happens during situations like that, there is one place where all necessary medical information can be easily found. I keep a copy of this in both my tow vehicle and in the Oliver. Both copies have a medical alert drawing (like the one below) on the front of a bright yellow folder. Bill
  10. And here I thought that some "tongue in cheek" person would immediately say, "because the little center $9.00 plug in the "hub cap" is missing!" More than one way to skin THAT cat.🤣
  11. Sure - but how will you know that the grease cap is off the hub if you can't hear it rattling around inside that "hubcap"?😁
  12. Any thoughts that he can share on what Oliver has in store for us in the future?
  13. You might want to send a Private Message to Shallowgal. They have spent several months on the road in their Ollie in the company of two good sized doodles. And/or - as JD recommends above - go see an Ollie in person. Good luck! Bill
  14. Don't know if you two are insulting me or embarrassing me - either way, please don't stop!😅
  15. Like Mike I too have a light right at the top of the basement door opening. On the left side of the light there is a switch that operates the light and the wires I referred to in my post above are easily accessed right there at the light fixture. Since your hull number is between Mike's and mine, I have to assume that you have the exact same light fixture in the same place. One of the problems with this light is its location - being located right at the basement door opening - where you already have the most natural light - there is basically no light way back in the depths of the basement (where you really need it). This is why I suggested the mod outlined above. Bill
  16. Interesting to note the difference in the condition between the two hubs - one is fairly rusted while the other is not. I'd be sure to check both the brake pads and operation of those brakes - especially on the rear. Also interesting is the difference in the two grease caps on the hubs. By the look of the front cap it would appear that it is highly likely that the rear cap was lost while the front cap was installed in a reasonably brutal fashion. I'd replace that front cap soon. Nice job in getting that neglected running gear cleaned up - thanks for taking care of it. Bill
  17. Installing another switch isn't very difficult. Access to the wires that supply 12 volts to the light are easily accessible and all you have to do is use splice a switch into the positive side of the supply. If you are going to do this you should also think about getting some additional lighting like THIS or THIS (there are a bunch to chose from) and install these lights toward the back of the basement. This will allow you to see back into the bowels. If you wire it properly the new switch will control all of the lights or you can control each light separately. Bill
  18. AND - now back to our regularly scheduled topic of de-winterization and flea collars! Sorry for the hijack. Bill
  19. Fishing - during the summer months, the Davidson is stocked each week (usually on Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning) from the start of the National Forest up to the bridge at Avery Creek. Note that above the bridge you can only fly fish and the river is not stocked but the fish tend to be larger the closer you get to the fish hatchery. Just downstream from the campground there is a picnic area and if you walk the bank you will come upon the stump of a large tree that is partially in the water. There is a 24 inch rainbow that hangs out around this stump! However, good luck on catching it. Biking - assuming that you are talking about mountain biking then have fun but the trails do get very busy in that area on weekends. Stop into the Ranger Station right on 276 just above the campground and ask about trail conditions. Beer - Don't forget that Osker Blues is a short drive from the campground (get directions from the camp host or PM me or Google it) and for a somewhat "nicer" tour and/or restaurant , Sierra Nevada Brewing is up near the airport - about 18 miles east of the campground on just off route 280. There is also a decent place right at the entrance to the National Forest for a cold brew after a hard ride and another right on Ecusta Road about 5 miles from the Campground. Burning Bush Brewery right on route 280 east of the campground (near the stop light in Mills River) looks nice but I've not been there (yet). Bill p.s. there is a nice little hike right out of the campground that will take you past a old time little cemetery - ask the camp host for directions
  20. On another subject for those that are "first timers" at an Oliver Owner's Rally - attire. Given the location - a State Park - the attire is what you might expect - casual - jeans, shorts, t-shirts/golf shirts, etc.. Certainly during the day - particularly in the campground - bathing suits, shorts and t-shirts are the norm. At "functions" and/or presentations at the Lodge t-shirts and shorts are acceptable but with the air conditioning keep in mind carrying a light jacket, sweater or over shirt. If there is a dinner at the Lodge then while shorts would be OK, a better choice might be jeans or casual slacks and a golf shirt. Again, don't forget some type of sweater in case it is a bit too cool in both the ballroom and/or out on the balcony where you MUST see one of the sunsets over the lake. Regardless of the attire, make sure that you bring good shoes. There are plenty of hiking trails if you enjoy that activity, but, with all of the Ollies that will be there you should make time to simply do a bunch of walking through the campground simply looking and talking to other owners about all things Oliver. Finally, there is a beach with roped off area for swimming, splashing and just generally getting wet. So, a bathing suit would be a great idea if that is an activity you want to do. Bill p.s. Never leave your campsite with your awning(s) extended. Sudden bursts of wind can (and do) come off the lake without warning. A couple of years ago several Oliver awnings were lost. And, yes, this includes those of you with those fancy new awnings that have "wind sensors".
  21. I live fairly near the Davidson River. Drop me a PM if you need any help while you are there. Bill
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