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Everything posted by topgun2

  1. I would doubt that the battery heater is run via the inverter - but - I really don't know. Don't forget that there are other considerations such as state of charge to be concerned with. Bill
  2. Went down to Lowe's and got a number pieces of 1/2 inch foam pipe insulation like THIS. For that outside shower insulation - if you don't have some regular fiberglass insulation laying around then you can simply use a couple of old rags. Bill
  3. Hopefully you have sent Oliver a Service Ticket on this issue given that I'm not aware of any Service personnel that monitor the Forum on a regular basis. Also, these "tickets" are used to help monitor quality control issues among other things. Thanks! Bill
  4. Except for the 26 degree night (unless your weather forecasters are like our - i.e. not worth a darn) I'd would not do a thing. For that 26 degree night I'd make sure that my kitchen drawers were open (warmer air to the kitchen faucet). and the access hatches to the basement area were open and the closet door open as well as the bathroom door. Finally, you might place a small wad of insulation in the outside sower door and pour a 1/2 cup of RV anti-freeze in each of the drains (Bath sink, Kitchen sink and don't forget the shower drain) . All of this is to make sure that you get some warm(er) air into the areas where the pipes are. In my case, I've put pipe insulation on all pipes that I can get to so I'm really not concerned until things get down below the middle 20's for short periods of time. On a side note - you might want to PM Patriot about restaurants and other details concerning HBSP given that he just returned from there. Bill
  5. Yes - Connect coax cable to campground pedestal and then to "cable" input on the exterior of the Ollie. Then set TV control for "cable" versus "over the air". Then "scan" for channels. Once the scan is done you should be all set and the TV should show you on the screen whatever program is currently on the first channel found. Bill
  6. Yep - off with their heads! A dab of white paint or fingernail polish will help with looks and sealing (even though mine have never budged since new). Bill
  7. The costs of producing these "colored" Ollies was very expensive - they were not painted and the color was obtained in the same basic manner as the white is obtained. Therefore, the cost of cleaning ALL of the coloring out of the machines and anywhere near the production space was very labor intensive when it came time to switch back to another color. There may have been another color - blue - but I'm not sure that this was painted or produced like the red and black ones and I've only seen a picture of the top outer shell - not the complete trailer. Here is the red one before it was lovingly restored by its current owner. Bill p.s. I found it! Below is a pic of that blue top outer shell.
  8. Are you sure? This "switch" is simply a little black button that gets pushed in and out and has a little LED light that indicates if the signal boost is on or not. Bill
  9. Now all you need is a Blue Man Group outfit! All of this at 2am? Did you hit that bike trail too hard or not hard enough? Bill
  10. Where's that black Oliver when you really need it?
  11. Since the charge from the truck must go through the batteries and if the batteries are toast then there is no way for that charge to get to the fridge - or anything else for that matter. Bill
  12. Sure enough one would not want their face or private parts in the way of that anode! Bill
  13. I'm sure that Foy would be very happy for you to give him a call about that table top. Both will surely look good in that new Ollie in five months. Bill
  14. Welcome to the Family. Indeed, you are now a full fledged member with one very nice looking rig. Perhaps a PM to Foy would help in getting the measurements you need and even might help in getting a source for that insert. Bill
  15. My bad! I'm running 0 for 2 today. Hopefully this is not old age.😬 Thanks for the update! Bill p.s. I have edited my post above to reflect the change in the 2020 models.
  16. B & B - Note that Patriot is presently on the road, so it might be a couple of days before he can get back to you. The BuiltRight platform for the Ford's is great. On my F-150 I did not use the backing plate (and I do not think that Patriot did either) and have had zero issues with vibration. I'm not sure if Patriot has his 890 mount connected directly to the BuiltRight or not (I think he does), but, I connected a 6 inch RAM arm to my 890 and then to a RAM ball mount on the BuiltRight. No vibration with this set-up. Also note that I removed the rubber tray liner in the area where the BuiltRight is installed. This way, in the event I replace the BuiltRight and/or sell the F-150 I can simply remove the BuiltRight from the tray and replace the rubber mat thus covering the holes. Bill
  17. While we are on the subject - Note that there are currently both software and map updates available for the 890. There are also map updates available for most (if not all) other Garmin GPS units (like the 2797) Bill
  18. Yes - unless you have something else plugged into one of the ac outlets.
  19. That was quick - I simply Googled the question and here is the response: Wi-Fi capable Garmin devices support 2.4 GHz frequencies and cannot connect to a 5 GHz Wi-Fi network. For more details on Wi-Fi network compatibility and ... Sorry about that - I (obviously) simply assumed that 5 G was it. Bill
  20. Time - out! I just rechecked my Garmin and it actually does not specifically tell me which of the two networks I'm connected to. More research is needed to make sure it is actually the 5G. I'll be back! Bill
  21. The TV in the Oliver runs off DC - 12 volt. At least up to the 2020 models. Bill
  22. Yes, it automatically connects to 5G but even though my router has both the slower and the faster networks, I only saved the faster (5G) to the Garmin. Therefore, the Garmin has no choice. Of course I could add another network (i.e. the slower one) but since I've had no issues I'll leave sleeping dogs lie. Bill p.s. perhaps you might try deleting and then reconnecting your networks to see if that helps?
  23. What was that old saying? "You place your bets and you take your chances". Technology is always changing. It is likely that both charging and storage tech will continue to improve. But, I've read recently about difficulties with both the amount of lithium available and the ability to mine it. Will these conditions improve over the next year? How about over the next five years? And what about "new" storage tech that promises to totally change the way energy is stored in the first place? Perhaps better questions to ask would be along the lines of how long do you expect to keep your Oliver? What climates do you plan to use it in? What is the "payback" time on the lithiums versus the answers to the first question versus what the potential impact on resale value? Certainly not an easy thing to figure out! Good luck! Bill
  24. My Garmin 890 is better in all respects as compared to any other GPS unit I've owned. This includes the GPS navigation system in my Ford F-150. Having said this - none of these units (in my experience) are perfect. Speed limit signs/zones are delayed or missed, wrong turns and/or directions are given and these units can be a bit slow when it seems that they are needed the most - heavy traffic and congested areas. School zones are missed, etc.. It really does help to: have a navigator who really knows how to use these devices. Knows or at least has a general idea of where you are going and the general direction you should be taking to get there. Has a "sense of direction" and can read a map - both digital and paper. These devices are "aids" but do not replace my responsibility for knowing where I'm going and what the conditions are in getting there. I can only wonder what that State Trooper would say when I'd tell them that my Garmin told me it was "x" speed limit when in reality the speed limit was "y"? Perhaps there is something wrong with your specific unit. Mine always connects to my 5G here at home. Bill
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