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Everything posted by topgun2

  1. The Winter of my discontent? Do I hear Santa bringing a bunch of Ollie gifts?🎅 Seriously - I'm guessing that you have been doing a bunch of reading here on the Forum and in the Oliver University. But, I'm guessing that there is still a bunch more to do. Spring is such a wonderful time to get an Oliver (like there is really a "bad" time?). All that planning for where you will go and the things you will do - exciting! Bill
  2. Good luck and enjoy the process! Bill
  3. I've never seen THAT before. Almost looks like some Hamster's run. Please let us know what Service has to say. Bill
  4. All good choices. However, I found that even though it does a good job (when applied correctly), Rejex is harder to deal with as compared to similar products - like the products from DuraGloss. After a couple of years of using the Rejex/DuraGloss formulations I have simply returned to using Meguiars Premium Marine Wax (Like This). Bill
  5. I can smell that popcorn from here!😊
  6. I'd be a bit careful using the "Citrol" product since most degreasers are not all that kind to a good wax job. Bill
  7. John & Debbie - Can you believe it? That loooooog wait finally came to an end. A nice brand new and very shiny end too - looking good. Hopefully there will be more pictures to come but most important - have a safe and fun trip west. Unfortunately, it looks like things are turning colder for you. Finally, let us know if we can help in any way as you two are now on your way. Bill
  8. A small can of compressed air is your friend. Just do not use that can and direct the air back into the propane jet. Dusty roads are not your friend as aren't bugs. Obviously it only takes a very small amount of dust to "gum up the works". Bill
  9. Sure does beat rolling the Oliver over on its roof so you could lay on your stomach!😇
  10. Oooooo.. Just got to be some nice fish in that stream in CMSP, Oregon! Very nice! Bill
  11. You should have stayed for dinner - the Patriots are great cooks! 😍 Bill
  12. Hopefully you meant to say "terrific"?😊
  13. Any idea of what that stuff does to your wax job? Bill
  14. Also, be prepared to purchase and install additional chain since most (if not all) Andersen's require longer chains than come standard. Bill
  15. If you get the twin bed floor plan and you travel solo (mainly), you can have one side or the other set up as a sofa by ordering the "back cushions" with the other side a regular bed. A couple of throw pillows or a wedge and you are in business. When you have a guest you simply remove the back cushions and they sleep on the couch which is now a bed. My Ollie is designed this way but, unfortunately, I don't have any pictures to post of it. Bill
  16. Or - you can use something like THIS shield. Of course it doesn't do much for tipping over that wine glass but it is great for keeping splatters (think burgers, bacon and the like) off the bed. Bill
  17. Welcome Mike11! You're in for an interesting ride. I'd suggest that you start reading as many of the questions that those unfamiliar with Olivers have already been posted - some many times over. Also, don't forget about perusing the Oliver University where much can be learned not only about Olivers but many times about RV's in general. Have fun and don't be afraid to let those questions fly. Bill
  18. The "subscription plans" that Garmin offers can be found HERE. I normally use what Garmin calls the "Recreation" plan. If you calculate the "breakeven point" of this plan versus the other two if comes out to right at 5 months. So, if you plan to use the InReach for at least the 5 months it becomes the least expensive out of the three available. Normally I keep my device "active" for about 6 to 7 months paying the monthly fees during that time and then when we are not traveling and/or hiking/fishing as much I inactivate it unless we decide to hit the road. Bill
  19. Yes, this is basically what I meant by my comment about never considering at least a couple of the possibilities. These devices are not "cheap" but at least for me the potential downside of not having one is or could be VERY expensive. In addition I've found that there are several features of the Garmin Mini that are very helpful and/or entertaining. You can track where you have been in virtual real-time and share it with others and you can save these tracks and/or places such that you can either go back again or re-trace your steps in order to get back to the trailhead. My point is that these are not just "rescue devices" - they can be very useful for all sorts of activities. Bill
  20. BUMMER! I'm guessing that you would have mentioned if anything besides the truck was injured. Therefore I assume that other than nerves and, maybe, ear drums (from the screaming) all is OK. Bill
  21. A number of years ago I purchased a Garmin InReach Mini satellite communications device to use primarily while I'm in the Western US and out of cell phone range. Certainly the Garmin is not the only one of these devices but they recently published a statistical analysis of where, who and why various "SOS" calls have been made. Actually I had never considered at least a couple of the possibilities as reasons or situations to use the Mini. While I found the commentary to be a bit self-serving at times, the general nature of the report can probably be applied to many of us that spend a bunch of time exploring the great out doors. HERE is a link to that report. Bill
  22. TW & Christie - Welcome to the Family! Your new baby sure is nice and shiny! How was Joe Wheeler camp? Did you do anything interesting on the way home? I look forward to meeting you at the Owner's Rally. In the meantime - get out there and break-in that new beauty. Bill
  23. No and there is reasonably little "R" value in layers of Reflectix. But, where insulation is already thin or where it adds another layer of "dead" air space then - why not. Bill
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