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Everything posted by Boudicca908

  1. Today is my Zerk Greasing Day! I'm taking a lunch break after finishing half (the easy half) -- 1.5 hr so far, but that includes reading instructions on the grease gun... Thought I'd read through this thread again and post some comments and questions. Be aware that the video at top of this thread states "14 total" but Oliver YouTube video shows "16 total" for the Elite 2, because there are actually 2 fittings in the middle top on each side. I'm inserting a screenshot from Jason's video here with the diagram (Thank you Jason! These videos are so helpful): photo attached In the SOB video at top of thread, the guy is stopping just as the grease begins to come out of the fitting. Sometimes it's only coming out on one side. QUESTION 1: Is that enough? I thought (from watching Jason's video) that the idea was to see clean grease come out on both ends of each fitting -- or is that overkill? photo attached I'm probably wasting grease, but wasn't sure about this. I do have one (so far) that resists accepting grease. I'm going to try to take some weight off that side as suggested in the thread, and hopefully that will resolve. QUESTION 2: When I went through the process of cleaning all the zerks before beginning, I found one of them LOOSE this morning. It could be turned easily in hand. None of the others seem loose. When I look at the photo, it looks like it's been gripped with something (not the right tool) -- do I need to try to replace this fitting? Or is it okay just to tighten it down? photo attached QUESTION 3: Also while cleaning and sticking my head under there, I noticed that these .... rubber fittings .... (not sure what to call them) look really DRIED OUT. What are they called, and should I be worried about them? I do have between 3,000 and 4,000 miles before I reach OTT for a service appointment. photo attached Many thanks to all the great forum participants helping out here! EDIT : UPDATE For the 2 center top fittings, I switched to the LockNLube 90 degree Adapter -- that helped for 3 of them but the 4th was easier with the original hose coupler. QUESTION 4: (Related to Question 1 above) In Jason's video it shows quite a bit of grease coming out those central fittings; is that necessary? I had some but not nearly as much coming out. Do I need to add more? see screenshot of Jason's video here: And finally, I took weight off the streetside and that cured my one resistant fitting, and it took grease. The loose fitting was tightened by hand and it also took grease and seems fine. Assuming I'm okay on the amount of grease that I applied (questions 1 & 4 above) I'm done. My total job time was around 4 hours including cleaning off the dirty fittings, re-watching Jason's video, and reading the manual on using the grease gun. Well worth the time and tools. Thanks to everyone.
  2. My only experience has been horrid. Sadly, I will make sure to show the OTT home team some of the damage from the only service center I dealt with.
  3. While I'm waiting for my Mystic Grease and tools to arrive for the Zerk maintenance, I forged ahead with the full beauty treatment on my Oliver, using the products that I believe were recommended by @SeaDawg earlier in this thread: Washing: used a Boat Wash that won't strip the existing finish (hand washing with a light spray hose, no pressure washing) Drying: used my favorite tool, "The Absorber" towel (I have one for the outside and one for Oliver's shower walls that I use to dry them down) First Wax: Collinite No. 870 Marine (the liquid all-in-one wash and wax) -- used about a half of one bottle. Second Wax: Collinite No. 885 Heavy Duty FleetWax (the paste in a can) -- used a bit more than half the can. I washed, dried down and did the first coat of wax on day one. Took a day off. Did the second coat of wax on day three. It took me about 6 hours on each of those days, but well worth the time. It's a thing of beauty. My neighbor complained about being blinded. Hahaha
  4. I'll be wishing the best for you down there. I'm in touch with my brother who is staying at my place this summer. Hopefully it won't impact anyone as much as last year's Ian the Terrible.
  5. @John Welte there is a great deal of information just above; I tacked on questions to a previous thread, to get more specific information on the grease type and tools and I've ordered mine. I appreciate the gentle warning on time required to 'do the job' @topgun2 . I started cleaning them yesterday.
  6. I paid a service center to grease my Zerks (and do other maintenance) early this year, in preparation for my current trip, but I'm confident that I can accomplish this task myself and I'll be able to do it in a timely fashion -- in fact, I bet it will take less of my time than driving to a random service center (and waiting).
  7. Thank you all — order will be placed today. I’m looking forward to doing this.
  8. I took note of @John E Davies mention that it's not good to 'mix products' so I thought I should try to use whatever OTT has started with -- that's a question I guess. I'm not equipped to take things apart here, so would like to just add the right grease to existing fittings. Did you push all the old grease out when you added this Marine Grease?
  9. ZERK GREASE JOB: Can anyone tell me : what grease I need to purchase, and how many tubes to expect to use (I would guess only one) to grease all 16 zerks? I want to order everything I need for the job today, and do this myself. I read through my notes from Jason's maintenance presentation during the 2022 Rally, but I don't have a grease type noted. I did find a mention in the Instruction Manual (see item number 4 below - and THANKS to @rideandfly for the link to the installation instructions) -- even with that, the search results on Amazon didn't make me feel confident in selecting one; the prices vary quite a bit, several results refer to "white lithium grease" and clearly everyone's photos show a PINK grease. I hope to order everything today, if possible. I will need to do this twice before I land back at OTT headquarters. Thanks to all our forum members for the great information. So far I have a cart with the following: 1) Grease Tek Grease Gun: https://www.amazon.com/GreaseTek-Premium-Pistol-Grease-Extension/dp/B019P1MRKU/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2DQ0B2P6DLCAK&keywords=zerk+grease+gun&qid=1692793315&refinements=p_85%3A2470955011&rnid=2470954011&rps=1&s=automotive&sprefix=zerk+gre%2Cautomotive%2C144&sr=1-2 (And... is that the "short tip" that Jason mentions in his excellent video on YouTube? I took a screenshot and his looks really short, making it easier to squeeze in the space.) 2) LockNLube 90 degree tip in case it's difficult to reach: https://www.amazon.com/LockNLube-Degree-Grease-Coupler-Adapter/dp/B07STDDN1S/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1PP47DJBKR4DU&dchild=1&keywords=locknlube+90+degree+grease+coupler+adapter&qid=1620267138&sprefix=locknlube+90%2Caps%2C191&sr=8-5 3) LockNLube Caps to add to the Zerks to keep clean: https://www.amazon.com/LockNLube-Grease-Fitting-Count-Yellow/dp/B0779K66DW/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=33IEWTU1ED35D&keywords=zerk%2Bgrease%2Bcaps&qid=1692795061&s=automotive&sprefix=zerk%2Bgrease%2Bcaps%2Cautomotive%2C159&sr=1-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1 4) Search results for "Lithium complex grease, NLGI No. 2 such as Mobil Oil Company Mobilgrease HP or equivalent" from Dexter Instruction Manual: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Lithium+complex+grease%2C+NLGI+No.+2+such+as+Mobil+Oil+Company+Mobilgrease+HP+or+equivalent&i=automotive&crid=KK85VUSHGKDP&sprefix=lithium+complex+grease%2C+nlgi+no.+2+such+as+mobil+oil+company+mobilgrease+hp+or+equivalent%2Cautomotive%2C269&ref=nb_sb_noss
  10. @John Dorrer -- Is that usually accomplished by taking some weight with the stabilizing jacks?
  11. @SeaDawg -- The first thing I see at the top is the "video is private" and it doesn't have a title below it or any identifying information; then I can see a yellow text box and blue text boxes and photos below that (even above the one you mentioned). It's possible, but hard to tell -- I thought maybe there was another video at the beginning. I did watch the one you referenced, and I had accessed it via Oliver Travel Trailers YouTube channel (Thank you to the Service Team for posting those).
  12. Hello to the Moderators -- I am having difficulty accessing this video -- it has a message "This video is private" -- can others access it? Is this posted somewhere else that is available? https://support.olivertraveltrailers.com/portal/en/kb/articles/dexter-ez-flex-overview-maintenance
  13. You might decide later that this info is really handy. I prize my Oliver manuals. I've read them and am still reading and digesting and like @SeaDawg says, camping provides the best opportunity for learning. Enjoy!
  14. I hope if OTT decides to do this, they reach out to existing owners for personal feedback on service experience -- because a service center can have a "great reputation" locally or even regionally and still fail on providing good service for an Oliver.
  15. I know nothing, no experience, but will say that I was warned by OTT not to torque too tightly on those gas lines (IF / WHEN I would try to resolve something on my gas lines) because the copper pipe is so soft. They were likely speaking from experience. I like #3 too, because it's simplest.
  16. UPDATE: Over the phone, the service center rep verbally questioned my need to see the drop tests, and said they haven't had time to finish the paperwork and invoice (I owe them for a faucet replacement.) So, I haven't been successful yet in this. I'm planning another trip to Bismarck area before I leave here, and if I have time I might stop by to try to obtain the make/model of the faucet, warranty info on it, plus the drop test information, even if it's just taking a photo of their notes from that date. Things are still non-operational and in flux. Mike and Jason have been very helpful as much as possible over the phone. To be continued....
  17. Been there and looking forward to returning! So... I can't run (can't outrun a bear in any case) and I probably should stick to easier trails and wading for this year, but I'll enjoy checking out these locations and thank you so much! I don't have the means to do much more than piss off a bear. Are you the person who told the story at the Rally last year about going home and telling someone, "I'm going to need a bigger gun"? I'm pretty sure I've been down that road and fished somewhere in the vicinity but it was 2014, I wasn't driving and I didn't mark it on a map. I might recognize it though when I get there.
  18. This is great. Is that EAST of the Yellowstone Outfitters (horses) on the map? EDIT: If you prefer, send me a message. I know that great spots are hard to find and appreciate your sharing.
  19. I was looking at FS campground east of Kelly. I've stayed in that area once and 5 minutes after being out walking and bird watching, came back to cabin and left again and discovered a bear with cubs on the road I had just traversed. She was large and focused on eating. I felt lucky because my friend had forgotten to carry the spray on that walk. Now I carry my own, always -- but will need to purchase. Other measures being any particular caliper? Fishing -- I would prefer wading actually, but since I just had a hip replacement, I may be sticking to the edges of the water or -- if I can find a guide on short notice -- maybe do a half day trip somewhere. I've fished in Yellowstone, wading with a guide (awesome trip), and did a float trip at Flaming Gorge and also north of Yellowstone in Montana, but have only fished very briefly off the side of the road in Grand Tetons area.
  20. @topgun2 -- when you are camping in this area, do you keep food in your truck and/or trailer, or do you move it all to a bear box? I'm getting ready to head that direction! Really hoping to do some fishing there. Haven't bought my bear spray yet.
  21. Sniffer arrived in mail today. I'm volunteering today, so I'll use it this evening to search. Propane leak was determined through multiple drop tests (I didn't get written copy) and other work by a service center; after tracing to the Truma AquaGo WH, and after replacement of that heater, the alarm went off again (2nd time) and then I had propane off for a few days and it went off a 3rd time. So this is ongoing. There's another thread about the propane leak.
  22. I have (3) 20# tanks of propane, but I can't use propane right now with my Oliver because of an ongoing suspected propane leak (the alarm has gone off 3 times on the trip, but the last time it went off my propane had been shut down for days). I bought a DREO space heater and will try it out tonight. I wasn't sure I could run the heater using the lithium batteries -- wouldn't it drain them? EDIT: Dreo spacer heater is 1500w.
  23. I called them on Friday; the guy they want me to speak to wasn't there, so I'm going to call again today. I'll try to obtain better documents of what they did. I'll have my sniffer today, as well, so I can begin checking this evening.
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