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Geronimo John

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Everything posted by Geronimo John

  1. Serrated bolt heads that have been torqued (vs. torquing the nut side) will often have stripped out their mounting hole allowing them to spin. Same problem solved for the EZ flex center bolt. Are you certain that the grease holes have remained horizontal? GJ
  2. Tow vehicle Porsche Cayenne 2008: Sweet ride. Has plenty of horsepower! GJ 2008 Porsche Cayenne SUV Horsepower: 385 to 500 hp Engine: 4.8 L V8 Dimensions: 189″ L x 76″ W x 67″ H Curb weight: 4,949 to 5,191 lbs
  3. Please add your info at the bottom of your posts. There are instructions on how to do so. See above examples. It makes our responses much more accurate knowing the TV and your Ollie info. Thanks and good luck! GJ
  4. I would add a full roll of paper towels, a 5 gallon "Home Depot" bucket (or simular), and a boat throw cushion. The last two items are optional, but trust me if you are my vintage and choose to skimp on them ..... you will regret having done so. 🙂 GJ
  5. Did that for four years and ended up with a trapizoidal shaped awning cover that eventually would barber pole foreward and required replacement. I no longer slope the canopy away from the entrance door. GJ
  6. Looking at 99.9% of storage containers, they are designed for shipping efficiency in bulk to the big box stores. IE: Tapered sides so that they will stack well. The above, as well as the cool clear ones recently posted for pantry use are good examples. For many uses, the tapered containers consume a lot of space. Sometimes it does not matter, but for our Ollie, storage space is managed carefully. GJ
  7. Riding in the back of the pick-up truck everywhere we went is another one of those fond memories. Did I mention a 12 GA shotgun and 30-06 hanging on the rifle rack behind Grand Pa's head? Never know when dinner would present itself to the Country Boy. Grand Pa could hide anything in his stew. Possum, deer, every kind of fish, polecat, mountain lion, armadillo, squirrel, duck, and once rattler snake! He used to say "If you don't like it, you just aren't hungry enough yet. Bet you'll give it a try in the morning!" And we all survived. Swimming in the Trinity River down stream of Liberty all summer long. Making a rope tire swing and learning how not to tie the knots. That one hurt. Running trot lines with over 100 #3 stainless steel hooks. Mixing up blood and Ivory Soap to make catfish blood bait. Window sash weights every 30 feet on the line to make sure it stayed below the flowing logs. Getting hooked, pulled out of the boat, and taken down 20 feet to the bottom ... and surviving. Even falling into the outhouse as a 3 year old. Survived that too. If it was broke, we fixed it. If it was worn out, we took it apart to salvage parts for the next project of creative invention. Nothing went to waste. Those type of experiences are what made our generation so great. Sadly, now days the vast majority of kids don't get a chance to live and experience success and failure in life like we were fortunate to have done. GJ
  8. Growing up, my family camped a lot. Many times near the end of the trip, if I had used and soiled all my T-shirts, my Mom would have me wear them inside out. She figured it looked better to the bears. When we are nowhere near a washing machine, I have to admit thinking about that experience and our sheets. Turn them inside out and swap sets, and it looks like clean sheets for all. Fortunately, my better half overruled the thought pretty quickly. However, it would be easy to put another set of tags on the back side of the sheet if one was "Sheet Side Dyslectic"! 🙂 GJ
  9. Use of the word COMPLETELY POWER down is a foot stomper. Just killing the master switch (if you have one) still has power going into the batteries from several sources. Such power transfers could ignite vapors as I indicated above depending upon their concentration relative to the LEL and UEL's. SO, in addition to not being on shore power and shutting off the Master Switch: You would also need to disconnect from your solar panels (Both installed and portable), your TV 7-Pin, and of course your 12/12 DC to DC Charging System if you have one. And anything else coming into Ollie's hull that could cause power transfer or a spark. Such as a battery powered mosquito zapper, Etc.) Me, I would either move the smelly stuff out of Ollie or turn on the Max Fan and open windows. The odds of any of the above causing an explosion is all dependent upon the level of concentration of vapors. The odds of Olfactory Offense is only a function of dilution. However there are a few soft surfaces in Ollie that will absorb smells only to let them free later for more enjoyment. GJ
  10. Assuming your not going to exceed the VOC Lower Explosion Limit or fall below the Upper Explosion Limit: My suggestion would be to install a shutoff switch for the CO / Propane alarm. John D. has a nice post about doing this in a professional manner. CJ
  11. You surely ought to mention that detail to them. This ROF missed that point for sure.
  12. That's more than just a little bit of sag...... You may want to check in with the Mother Ship Service Guru (Jason). I suspect he has seen it before. GJ
  13. If at the Four Corners, don't pass up the opportunity to visit Grandma's!
  14. If the nut is cracked, that's really serious. But if just the "Look Pretty" sleeve is cracked, I'm less concerned. Am I missing something? Like it may not come off the lug for service/flats? GJ
  15. I like your heat gun idea better than the Rubbermaid box or tire tube mod. My goal is to keep the dust out of the generator so minimal dust entry points is a good idea. It would also hide the precious cargo from not nice eyes looking to finance their habits. Wonder what the fume ignition hazard is in the box or in our enclosed beds? GJ
  16. For grins I checked out the Allison's AB Lifestyles Sheets. Pretty cool beans that they have our cot beds specifically designed for OTT! For sure appear to be well made and custom made for just us! Then I saw the price of those sheet sets.... OUCH! For now anyway, it's "Back to Walmart". GJ
  17. Solution Optimization: Cut out part of the rib for the handle as you suggested. Then pop rivet in rubber tire tube to make a flexible roof over the handle area to keep dust out. It could have a slit for fume venting or made separate as you suggested above. GJ
  18. Having containers such as yours in the pantry is UBER important. And pretty sweet too! This past summer our pantry shelving collapsed when we were in Canada. The white plastic clips that hold up the shelves failed and the wires on the rack also failed. The loose wires locked up the latch and it took destructive drilling of the latch to get the pantry open. Those latches are are quite expensive. Having containers spreads the load, keeps broken containers from being a REAL mess, and greatly reduces the propensity for the contents from successfully playing bumper cars on the shelves. Did I mention that one of the caultities of our event was a 1.75L bottle of Jack D? Tragedy of the highest order! If you have the white plastic shelf holders, please replace them with metal ones. While you are at it, I suggest adding 100% more of them too. Trust me we had a MESS. Thank you for the clear plastic suggestion! GJ PS: OTT Service is very aware of my terrible loss (1.75L) and the fix.
  19. I double sided print two copies. One copy I highlight the text "Inside Trailer Copy". the other one I highlight Outside Trailer Copy. My "Cinc House" copy stays in the kitchen drawer. The outside copy in my truck. She does hers, and I do mine. The highlight trick has eliminated any question as to which copy is missing. 🙂 The check list has evolved each year and lets us fully prepare for departure each and every time. I have attached it as a .docx so you can tailor it to your needs. Enjoy, GJ CHECKLIST 2023 OE2 Pre-Departure Check Lists (25 NOV 2022 Version).docx
  20. Sent you a PM. I'll be down near Splashway in mid July. Geronimo John
  21. Re-read your post. I think Paul answered it better. There may be some adjustment in the hinges, but first make sure your Ollie is dead level as Paul suggested, then loosen the hinges and see if you can take up some slack to level the bathroom door to the OTT Frame. GJ
  22. Paul raises a good question. IS your reassembled mirror frame not square, or is the installed mirror and frame not aligning with the OTT door opening? I'm addressing the former, and Paul I think is addressing the latter. GJ
  23. Our 2023 Summer voyage is 1 JULY to October. Quite a bit shorter than our 2022 15,000 mile Houston to Alaska tour. Just heading up to Oklahoma and then SLC and King Mountain near Arco ID. Just about 6,000 miles or so.
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