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Everything posted by Landrover

  1. In past rvs living in New England I only used the air blow out method. And only used enough rv anti freeze for the sink and shower traps. Now in Florida I still do the same the antifreeze is only used to keep the traps from letting any smell in from the tanks. Last longer than just water.
  2. Here is another option you may look at a rv generator box the company makes aluminum diamond plate Rv generator boxes that are made for small generators and can be run in the box. I’m sure this will fit the Ollie basket then just bolt it down to the basket should be a secure option i can’t link the web site. The web site is rvgeneratorbox.com
  3. I like your map but no Middlefield/ Durham home of the Durham fair. Native to Conn.
  4. Where to begin. The ball doesn’t lock under the coupler well enough, which makes the unit flop around making it un stable. The grab handle flips down when your trying to turn putting on the brake. The wheels require air like a wheel barrel they always go flat the tires are so small difficult to fill and they require 70 psi for a small tire. Just forget the hand crank unless you have hours of time. Slow and exhausting You need at least a18v elec drill to get it to move hold on tight or it will give you a wrist snap. Also the whole unit is low to the ground you have to bend over while trying to maneuver, very uncomfortable hard on the back. So if your still not convinced, I have one for sale cheep, used once.
  5. Mossemi Most likely it was you, things happen in a flash you see the Ollie out of the corner of your eye then do a head snap at 70mphs it was my first Ollie sighting. If your ever in bad weather conditions which happen quickly in Florida and Ocala is close by I have plenty of room for an overnight stay. Bad weather or good.
  6. Nice work 👍🏼
  7. Jordanv i think your looking at the other post picture. Y connection my set up is inline and you can only connect one appliance. The tee stays connected inline. Sorry i cant link you the picture from amazon. If you look at my picture easy to match it up on amazon. I will say there are many different types of connections offered. This is the one that best works for me. Thanks
  8. Another thing about dumping on the ground. Even with the cleanest grey water after a couple of days grey water takes on a smell of its own. If its bad enough you and everyone around you will know you dumped on the ground. As stated the fines are large .
  9. I saw my first in two years the other day in Ocala Florida I 75 south almost as rare as UFO sighting.
  10. The only way I ever make the connection to the tee is shut off the tank valve first for safety. Attach your hose then attach the hose to what ever appliance you are using turn the tank valve back on. Make sure your appliance is also turned off before you turn the tank valve back on When your done with the appliance keep it running turn off the tank valve this will empty any propane left in the line, Diconnect the hose and turn the propane back on. Very simple steps. I think you have to do the same for the quick connect you turn off the valve at the connection before attaching your hose and appliance in stead of turning off the tank valve same steps. Hope this helps. The tee valve you can get on amazon best price $20.00
  11. Just checked they also have a video of a bear chomping one one LOL
  12. Check you tube there’s a lot of videos and reviews on them.
  13. Sea Dawg I remember seeing a bear sticker on it you my be right. Bear proof or not if he wants it I won’t argue. 😳
  14. Here is one more option to consider. It works very well for us. Lifetime cooler from Walmart it serves multi purposes, takes up all the space in the basket just enough room on the back side to store two 2x6 wood blocks water tight, can be used for extra dry food or put food on ice which lasts about 4 days or just use as a anything storage. I also added a theft deterrent chain and lock on the back side. i also plan on getting another fuel pack for the other side of the basket. 4gals of fuel plus all the onboard propane I’m set for hurricane season.💨💦⚡️
  15. Great price. At that rate you can buy about 22 of them and still be cheaper than the new battery solar option Oliver offers🤪
  16. Not sure? Aren’t the Ollie battery’s (4) 6volt AGMs your chart is for 12volt Single? would it be the same results?
  17. Using the Sea level II monitoring system on the Elite II for battery monitoring of the 4 AGM battery’s it appears that a full charge shows 13.2 volts what should those numbers look like in different stages of discharge. Full charge 13.2 to discharge volts? to the lowest voltage rate before recharge is needed or completely dead battery ? these voltage numbers can help if no elect hook up, and no Solar panel for recharging. Thoughts Thanks
  18. I have looked at the suspension many times and thought. If you were to unbolt the sub frame from the main frame. Use the subframe to recreate a new sub frame with the desired suspension then re bolt it back into place it should work. I would go with the setup of a black series trailer I think it is also a sub frame attached to the main frame. Ok i need a nap to much work already just thinking about it. 😫
  19. John You can make your Oliver to an Overland trailer fairly easy. You just need to find the right Company and a lot of Cash . It can be done. If it can be done to a Casita the Oliver should be no problem. Check out youtube The toughest Casita travel Trailer on earth. You have had a lot of good thoughts on the subject it can be accomplished on a after market basis. Just like taking a tow vehicle adding a lift kit, wheels and tires winch, racks etc. convert factory to whatever you can dream of. 💸💸💳
  20. There is a reason for that statement. Antifreeze? I guess that one will work. That black rubber hose that’s been sitting outside for a year I'll run some water through it it will be fine to fill my water tank. It was clean water in my tank when I put it in there six month ago. I heard you can back up to a pond and suck up water to your fresh water tank. Water filter? For what who need that. I’m sure the list could go on. People who actually don’t know any better would think the above is ok. A lot of the reason you see those statements in writing. These things actually happen. Common sense.
  21. Stop the madness
  22. A simple click modern technology love it . It’s back. Thank you
  23. This is now what is showing. It has been this way for a couple of weeks. Not concerned just interested why?
  24. Overland i use an I pad since the start. The Activity area as you show is no longer there? Any suggestions
  25. I’m not sure if things are changing with in the forum. I noticed when I log in, the activity button is not there? It just shows Home, Forums, Service. No more activity. When your not logged in there is a area to the right to click Show all activity?
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