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Shawna and Scott

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Everything posted by Shawna and Scott

  1. John, Is there a reason you left the chain couple in place for you mod? I saw another thread where several folks had them failing and thought this might be a good idea to replace that piece also? We pick ours up end of July and I have no experience with the Anderson yet.
  2. This looks permanently attached? Any info on parts or how you did this?
  3. Welcome and congratulations! I not anywhere near that part of the country but hope to visit that part soon. Scott
  4. congrats, safe travels. Lots of pics !! Our pickup is not til July but it feels like we turned the corner.
  5. Do not yet have the Ollie (July delivery date) but we were looking at this one. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00V94W7UW/?coliid=I1GF1UKDPDZJLP&colid=3KEOTVVEK2CKX&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it Mike statement of having different sizes makes sense to me. Area could determine what we could use.
  6. Can you share what your payload capacity is one your new F150. I have a 2014 F150 and I have been going back and forth with staying with F150 for TV or moving to 3/4 ton truck.
  7. Congratulations !!! We will be first timers also, well if you don't count tent camping. Our delivery date is July and I have been busy trying to finalize our build sheet. I have learned so much from the folks on here willing to share their opinions and lessons learned. Use the Oliver University and read all the manuals, research what options you think you might want, watch videos, etc. I find I learn something new almost everyday reading these forums and using the search facility. We are just using this time as "part of the journey". Scott
  8. I live in Ohio and inquired recently with dealerships in Ohio, WV, and NC about ordering a new F250 or F350 and was told 28 weeks for delivery from my order time. About the same when I inquired about Chevy 2500 or 3500. That's 7 months, almost puts it a year behind in model numbers. I think I will keep my F150 and wait this craziness out.
  9. Our pickup date is July 22. We were going to stay at least one night right at the factory in new sites they recently put in. Hope to go through most of the stuff there but also plan to spend a few days exploring that part of Tennessee. Good info on some of the options to look into in that 1-2 hour drive.
  10. Congratulations as your big day arrives !! Please post plenty of pictures. Safe travels !!!
  11. Just put in order for some Foyables, in our case the twin bed platform.
  12. Congratulations, we are a mid July delivery. Take advice of reading as much as you can here, you may change your mind on some choices and the nice thing is you still have time. There is a ton of information and videos to look thru.
  13. Congratulations !!! We have a Mid July pick up. We are, as others have said, taking the time to explore accessories and trips.
  14. Congratulations!!! Enjoy and safe travels. Hope to meet you on the road some day. We were just there on Oct 11 and got one ordered. Cant wait.
  15. We live in southeastern Ohio. Close to little town called Vincent between Athens and Marietta
  16. About four years ago I found Oliver and these forums while browsing the Airstream forums looking for our 1st Travel Trailer (some tenting camping). The next four years consisted of mostly reading these forums, sending for brochures, to "unofficially" spec'ing out ours (dreaming), to using the referral program to see one in person, and to finally scheduling a tour this past Monday. I was impressed with the detail and thought that Oliver puts into these but not surprised since so many on here had prepared me without any of you knowing it. We sat down with Jason and went thru all the options then the question came, "do you want to secure a production date?". I couldn't have been more happy to tell him absolutely. So we now have a delivery date next July (15th I believe). We are newbies to the travel trailer scene and look forward to meeting many of you over the next few years. I will continue scouring these pages to help me finalize the options before April and to help prepare us for alittle life on the road.
  17. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ for all
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