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Everything posted by gatorewc

  1. Congratulations!!! Welcome to the family.... Erv & Sherry
  2. Congratulations!!!! Welcome to the family! We pick ours up on the 27th. The time will fly by and you will be driving away soon with a big smile!
  3. Welcome!!! Hope. to meet you. We pick up our Ollie in 3 Weeks! Erv & Sherry
  4. have to pay Georgia sales tax. My came to the tune of $4200.00 to get my tag. I had to pay a similar amount of sales tax in Utah when I registered my Ollie at the DMV We are in Fulton County GA about a mile from Coweta County, so I guess my price for my Ollie just got bumped up a bit. Oh well, the price we pay! In my mind I figured that was going to be the case, but with taxes you just accept the fact and move on. We may not like it, but we are blessed to be able to buy an Ollie! Thanks for the comments guys and gals.
  5. I will let you know after I get mine home after July. I am not thinking it will be that much. Is Montana the state people use for registering exotic cars? I guess I may have to do a little research too. Maybe some Montana residents can chime in. I always assumed you had to register where you lived or had property. I do have a house in NC, what is the tax basis there for Ollie owners?
  6. Gary, My wife and I did a ton of research before purchasing a new Oliver which we will pick up in a month. We looked at Bigfoot and Lance and were very impressed with those trailers but once we took the Oliver factory tour, our minds were made. The Oliver is at another level with the quality build. You will find a few problems with Bigfoot and Lance that are related to other RV's with wood interiors. Leak problems and other irritating issues are far less in the Oliver. We looked real hard at the single bed but the issues that Mike and Carol mentioned were our thoughts exactly. The twin beds were much more versatile and you can always make some modifications like ones shown on this forum. These are some very wise and crafty owners who can modify their Ollie to fit their desires. We also looked on the forum at many of the used campers which were some very good deals. At the price of a used versus a brand new we made the decision to buy new figuring it would be our last camper purchase. I do not think you can go wrong with either choice. Oliver still have issues. but almost all of them are with RV appliances which cannot be avoided. The Ollie will be as sound in 10 years as the year you purchase, that is why the resale prices stay high. Good luck with your search and I recommend the tour. Erv
  7. Congratulations !!! So exciting. We can't wait! Erv & Sherry Carter. Hull 650. Picking up July 27th!
  8. Congratulations! Love SE GA. We are down on Crooked River often and it is beautiful country.
  9. We have a small mountain home outside of Maggie Valley NC that is a 1/4 mile from the Blue Ridge Pkwy. Western Carolina is filled with so many neat little towns that have their own uniqueness. Looking for elk around the Maggie, Cherokee and Cataloochee area makes for a great afternoon. Haywood BBQ in Waynesville, Dillsboro, and now in Franklin is some of the best BBQ east of the Mississippi. I always dread leaving when we have to leave and head back to Atlanta. We are blessed to spend time roaming around the mountains. Erv Carter
  10. Congratulations!!! Welcome to a new adventure! Erv & Sherry Carter
  11. I purchased 2 of the A1 2300/1800 generators from Sam's on sale for $700. I researched every brand out there and the Honda & Yamaha were the front runners for sure. With the amount of use it was hard to justify the expenditure to purchase one Honda.... and with the current recall that kinda made my mind up. (Plus having $300 in Sams rebate cash made the decision much easier.). The reviews on most all different brands are very positive. Availability and trust in your neighborhood store or repair shop is really what makes or breaks having a good experience. Usually if you do not have problems from the start when you purchase a product you normally are satisfied. I have ran one of the generators around 2 hours now and it seems to do a very dependable and capable. Only time will tell. Once we get our Ollie in July we will do some testing to make sure everything runs great. Erv Carter
  12. Welcome!! Hope to meet you at the Rally. We will have ours about a couple of months when we attend the Rally.
  13. We pick up Hull #650 July 27th. I am getting a bid on a shed build so I hope to have it covered. We already have a friend store his 35' 5th wheel on our land so we may be accused of having a storage lot. The 5th wheel will be left out in the field while the Ollie will be treated like royalty. I have been asked if the 5th is ours and I always say no and they do not interest me at all. My reply will be quite difference when we get our Ollie.
  14. We just placed our first big deposit this week and went back and forth with many of the options. The option we struggled with the most was the Nature's Head. We almost always use the campgrounds facilities when we camp at National & State Parks and I do not enjoy the smell of the black tank additives. Our kids were shocked we went in that direction but we are giving the compost toilet the thumbs up. If we find we totally do not like it we can always do a refitting. I also felt like with the cost of the Ollie, I was spending so much more than any other camper, how much more did it really add in the scheme of things. The rear hitch and the street side awning were two items I will probably use the least. I figured the street side I could operate manually when I used it. We did not get the TV booster because we have found we watch internet tv and almost never network programming. In 40 years of camping, TV watching while camping was never on our mind but that is a personal thing. The solar option to me is a no brainer since technology is moving in that direction by leaps and bounds. The twin beds are a better use of room and flexibility. and the final note....the stock markets swings so much in both direction I figured I gained or lost more than the options every day.....
  15. I just purchased a 2020 Tundra and will be picking up my new Ollie in late July. (I Hope). I looked at GMC and Ford. I liked the looks of the Dodge but a 2012 Jeep Rubicon that was the most undependable car I have ever bought prevented me from ever looking at another Dodge. A current friend has a new Dodge and the dealer is trying to fix a truck that has already met Lemon Law requirements. What sold be on my Tundra is that I have a 2011 Lexus 570 that has 215K and has been unbelievably trouble free. The engine is shared by the Tundra. It does lack some of the latest bells and whistles that GMC & Ford offer, but the motor just runs and runs. My cars always seem to have over 200K miles on them before I get something new, so I am accustomed to not having all the latest and greatess. Dependability was my most important factor which is why I guess the reason I am buying an Oliver. So here is my Tundra plug! I would have liked to seen what the 2021 Tundra was like but when my F150 with 267K transmission when out and my wife said "why don't you just go buy a new truck"..... you have to strike why the iron is hot.
  16. Congratulations!!! You will enjoy it!!
  17. I feel your pain. We have been pushed back to the end of July for our pickup. I really think when this all starts to subside, camping is going to take off. Travelling by staying in a hotel room or cruise will have the stigma of who used your room last night or bumping elbows in the dining room. Campgrounds will be one area where you will have your 6' of space and be away from the majority of crowds. I just hope the light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer before society changes to a stage we will not recognize.
  18. A tie from the Natures Head jug draining to the black tank.
  19. No one freaking out down my way, maybe be going a little stir crazy, it was great to see the lighting issue corrected. Just reinforces the service when there is an issue. Just glad you guys and gals are out there when we do have issues!
  20. I appreciate your openness to bring to the table possible areas Oliver might need to step back and look at their quality control. I have 2 weeks before I pay my 1/2 payment. I find myself looking at other RV's just to solidify my choice. The Bigfoot and Black Series are 2 that I look at but in the end my vote always goes back to Oliver. I will certainly be looking to make sure everything is working when I pick up my RV in July. Another concern is if the State Parks and NP may be still closed and the only way to truly check everything out is to camp for a few days trying all the systems out. I can't imagine having the camper brought to my house and the lights not working. Not being a happy camper would not be a "tongue in cheek" statement. Hopefully they will find it was just an easy to fix issue as we all make mistakes and the end result is what is important. I appreciate all the comments and informative discussions as I find myself excited for our delivery.
  21. We pick up our new Ollie in July. My wife and I have talked about looking at each of the used Olivers that have been available in the last six months. Most of the trailers have been in the $50K to $62K being anywhere from 1 year to 6 years old. We have been tempted to inquire seriously about buying one, but it is never exactly like what we want. We have owned 7 campers in our life between pop-ups, 27' trailer, and 35' motor home, and this camper will probably be our last purchase so we are getting exactly what we want. The bottom line is "will you be satisfied with your purchase?". Nothing worse than making a substantial purchase and then start second guessing yourself and wishing you would have waited. If you can find exactly what would make you happy, then used is great, if not the additional $10K -$15K will be money well spent knowing how well they hold their value.
  22. Totally agree oil change every 4 years is not what the doctor ordered. Yep, working operations in a power plant for over 20 years I know all about start up friction, moisture accumulation in oil, and proper preventive maintenance. Sometimes we get lazy at home from the exact work we focus on every day. Generators are really getting very efficient and low maintenance if you follow guidelines for upkeep. Hard to justify name brand when they have recalls. I was real impressed with the Westinghouse generators too. When you pay for the best, you expect the best!
  23. I actually bought 2 of the Sams A1 2300 generators 2 weeks ago after reading a 1000 reviews on all makes. Really wanting the Honda or Yamaha, I could not walk away from the $350 a piece deal especially since I had $500 in credit refunds. It came with parallel jumpers and all I need. I have only ran 1 for an hour and it really seems okay. Only time will tell. I figured it will be available for my kids during power outages and whatever circumstances come our way. I have a 20 year Coleman 1000 watt that I run about once a year, have changed the oil maybe 5 times and it runs forever when called upon. Of course it is much louder. I intend to be a little more diligent on maintenance with my newer ones. So bottom line, Honda better up their game if they want to stay the leader, all brands are catching up.
  24. Yes you will get some newer members in the fall! We will be picking up our Ollie in July and look forward to being at the rally in September. This is probably the only bright side I have found with the virus. Maybe the other bright side is people have stopped and refocused on what is important and how truly special each day is. I too am not buying all the media hype and feel for people whose lively hood will be drastically affected. Hopefully some resemblance of normalcy will return soon.
  25. Very cool picture! WE love Maine!
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