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dharmardr last won the day on February 9 2017

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
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    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. I haven't been on the Forum for some time but I just got off the phone with Steve Landrum and he mentioned that someone was talking about possible having a Mini Rally in Maine. We are Ann and Grayson Cook and are the owners on 112, and also a Cottage in Chamberlain Maine, on the Pemaquid Peninsula. We would be very interested in meeting Oliver Owners in the area.
  2. If I remember correctly, I picked up my Oliver with a basket up front and a 30A plug to connect it to the trailer. I had a Honda 3000, which has a 30A receptacle. The Oliver people hooked up the Generator to the trailer with the short jumper they had made for it and could not get it to work. They had to made another jumper with the 15A plug on the Generator side to get it to work. Has been working fine like that for Three years.
  3. We picked up on Dec 16, 2015 and returned to CT, after a stay over at the Campground down the road from the Factory. We had water on board and were ready to camp, which we did on the way home. We kept the trailer cabin at 60 degrees with the propane heater for two weeks through Christmas and then headed south after New Years. We returned to Hohenwald to have some minor things corrected, and experienced some very cold temps in TN. One night in the Showroom parking lot it went to 9 degrees. That was our pickup experience, one that proved Our Oliver to be a "Four Season Camper" for sure. Attached are pictures of us leaving CT on our first trip south in our new Oliver and another of a 9 degree sunrise in Hohenwald. Thanks for the memories. Enjoy your new Oliver.
  4. Thank you for your input Steve, valuable, as always.
  5. Thanks Steve, not overly concerned but more curious. Received this back from Ryan at Blue Sky, reply to e-mail Hi Grayson, It sounds like your controller is accounting for the "monthly self discharge" which is normally set to 3% for AGM batteries. The controller is able to see the input from the "shore power", so no excessive draw is reflected, but since it never completes a charge cycle, it does not consider the batteries completely full, so it applies the monthly self discharge as if the were never able to be fully charged. The controller will automatically readjust it's estimation on the batteries state of charge (Reflecting 100%) once PV input becomes available to the controller and it completes a charge cycle (transitions from absorption to float mode). Please let me know if I can be of further assistance either by replying to this email or contacting me directly at 760-208-2149. Regards Ryan
  6. Thanks Steve, not overly concerned but thought I would post as I was wondering about the change over the last few years.
  7. I have a 2016 Ellite II with Blue Sky Solar. I have in the past plugged into shore power while storing it to keep the AGM batteries topped off. It has, in the past, always remained at 100%, but this year, after two weeks dropped to 99% and 97% after 4 weeks. Is there any need for concern, or anything that needs to be adjusted. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks in advance Grayson (dharmardr)
  8. Merry Christmas everyone!!
  9. Welcome, We love to travel as well and love Texas. From CT but travel South in the winter and will be headed for the Hill Country and BBNP again in Jan/Feb. Safe travels to you two.
  10. Sure, I remember you Julia. Congratulations on your Oliver and good to hear from you.
  11. Looks like New England!!
  12. Love your beautiful photographs. Had the opportunity to travel down the Arkansas River, in Colorado, this past trip out west. We came away thinking, it is one of the beautiful valleys we have ever seen. Planning a return trip, to spend more time, in 2018 after the Oliver Rally. Thanks so much for the pictures.
  13. Ann and I have been to Newfoundland and Labrador many times. Never in the Oliver but tent camping on the motorcycle. It is a wonderful place, much to see and people to meet. Hope to get back there with the Oliver for a month stay.
  14. We have been fine at O degrees with the furnace set for 63. Last month in Angel Fire New Mexico went to 11 degrees, furnace set at 62. I just disconnected the hose I had connected to City Water, drained the hose and left it unhooked until temps got above freezing the next day. I would say yes Four Season Camper but that's just me.
  15. Steve and Tali Thanks for the invite, this trip sounds very intriguing. We never had any interest in Quartzite before, not a big fan of crowds, but now seeing the camping options it looks much more inviting. Ann and I just returned from Colorado and will be in Maine for a few weeks returning for Christmas and then leaving January 4th for FL and TX. Our trip will find us in BBNP again about the same time you are in AZ. We will be returning to CT end of March and then leave again for Oliver Rally in May. Our, winter 2018 plans make accepting your invite impossible, but you have peaked our interest. We would love a rain check if Quartzite is in your plans every year. Grayson and Ann
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