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Everything posted by topgun2

  1. In most places WalMart will deliver. I've been told by a friend that gets deer corn delivered that WalMart now automatically adds on a gratuity for the driver to your bill but it will save you a round trip of over 160 miles. The stuff I showed above should NOT be diluted. I doubt that you will ever get your fresh water tank totally empty. What does your gauge inside the Oliver tell you as to how empty it is? Even if there is a little water left in there and it freezes there will be no harm done. Perhaps just to make sure that you have the valve in the "open/drain" position, you might want to try putting more water into the fresh water tank while keeping that valve open. The water you are adding should simply (almost immediately) start to flow out from that drain tube under the Ollie. Bill
  2. Try THIS stuff from WalMart. Either order and have it shipped to a store near you or shipped to your home. Its good to 50 below! Bill p.s. another hint - in order to keep your toilet seal from drying out (assuming that you have the standard toilet) pour a couple of cups of this stuff in the bowl and then use "plastic cling" material (Saran Wrap) over the top of the ceramic bowl to keep it from evaporating.
  3. Mossemi put me onto a series of audio books by C.J. Box. The main character is a Wyoming Game Warden by the name of Joe Pickett. These are easy listening and if you have ever spent time in and around the Buffalo, WY area you will recognize a number of the places. I've tried to listen to these books in order but there really is no need to do that - each can stand on its own. Bill
  4. I must be living under a rock! On the drive back to North Carolina from Wyoming I heard the song below and had never heard of this lady.
  5. I assume that the small bottle is liquid wax?
  6. No question - covered storage is the best! Having that kind of storage at your home has to be absolutely wonderful. Unfortunately, I've got neither close to me. However, several years ago I found a place 10 miles from the house with fenced storage and 24 hour camera for $200 per year! The CalMark I bought for the Ollie 8 years ago is still going strong. Can't complain too much. Bill
  7. Since I've already "sorted" the music into the categories noted above on separate USB sticks, I felt no need to further sort by artist or album. Generally, even though the individual files are not "sorted" they do come in sequence by artist because I tend to have each artist separated on my home computer. So, even though I play music using the random function I could play all the songs of one artist at a time. I understand your comments about the Jensen limits on capacity. I only found out about this because I could not figure out why I couldn't load a USB stick and emailed Jensen thinking that I was doing something wrong. Since that was eight years ago I've lost the actual email from them which is the reason I was not more specific with the numbers in my post above. But, since I'm happy with the solution I found, I really didn't care to investigate further. Bill
  8. Great pic - looks like "ad" quality. Bill
  9. Again prior to my last trip my wife 😍 got me one of these (meatloaf and gravy with mashed potatoes). Certainly not the best I've ever eaten, but, surprisingly decent and certainly quick. Bill
  10. I do like to eat - but - I really do NOT like to cook. I fully understand that there are those who get into that cooking thing and I really do appreciate it when they feel sorry for me. My wife found some of THESE (in the chicken flavor) at some discount store. Throw in some hunks of real cooked chicken and its a quick decent meal fast. Bill
  11. So - No one told you about the Ghost of Ollie Past?😇
  12. And I've thought for the past several years that I was the only one that was/is so plebian.😊 I swore to myself after the time I spent in the Army that I'd never eat anything freeze dried again (especially eggs). But, these things are actually rather good. Bill
  13. Actually - me too. However the towels that I referenced above are slightly different and even lighter than the "Absorber" jobs. While I'm here I should add that it was Mike that actually found the towels that I have since the ones that Shallowgal recommended were no longer available. So - thanks to both Mossemi and Shallowgal. 🥰 Bill
  14. For years I've used dark colored towels that had seen better days for camping. Obviously, the color was to hide any real dirt they might come into contact with and being a bit fraid around the edges or having a couple of small holes really didn't hurt the function or my fashion sense. Unfortunately, even when camping in the relatively dry western mountains, these "normal" towels would tend to "sour" and during the occasional periods when it might rain for a few days in a row, they might never get dry. In talking about this with Shallowgal it was recommended that I try towels like THESE. I was warned that these towels would not be as soft and fluffy but that they would pack down to a very small size and would dry me and wouldn't "sour". I don't know (and really don't care) if it was the pups or the humans - but - Shallowgal was right. These towels are exactly as advertised. The smallest of the three in the set linked above I use in the kitchen. The middle size is about perfect for the Ollie bath while the largest size is good for the beach, campground bath houses or my shower tent. Bill
  15. David & Paula - I'll add another "thing" to watch for: If you use a USB stick for music (and I assume for video), the older units are limited to something between 2 and 6 gigs before they can no longer handle any greater capacity. Yes, you can still use a larger USB stick, but, you can put any more than something between the 2 to 6 gig on that stick and have it work/load properly. To help get around this issue, I bought a bunch of 8 gig USB mini sticks (like THESE) and placed different types of music on each one (i.e. country, pop, classical, movies, nature, spa, etc.). Depending on my mood I get the music stick of choice, put it in and then hit the random button and rock on. Bill p.s. larger amounts of data will not actually "hurt" anything - they will simply not load thus leaving the player and TV just sitting there looking at you until you take that USB stick out.
  16. Mossemi put me onto the CGEAR type mats a couple of years ago. The biggest benefit that I see with these mats is that they fold/roll up much smaller as compared to the recycled plastic bottle mats. However, from what I've seen, the CGEAR sand mats are also somewhat more expensive. Bill
  17. Your assumption is very likely correct. And, that bang is a bit startling even when you are expecting it. If this happens to you again and you notice that the shackle has flipped then all you have to do is slowly drive (on the side that is flipped) over a curb or a 4x4 (this is what they do in the Oliver Service Dept). Bill
  18. Yes the museum(s) there are all well worth visiting which I've done a couple of times. If you are only interested in the firearms then a half-day might be enough. But, a very full day if not the better part of two days is required to do the whole place justice. Bill
  19. Yes - it is the Lower Sunshine Reservoir. The Lower is easier to get in and out of as compared to the Upper and it is less crowded. No ticks - ever. Yes, I normally leave the Meeteetse area and then head up to Cody. Laundry and re-stocking are my basic activities in Cody since I've done just about all of the tourist stuff in years passed. Bill Lower Sunshine Reservoir GPS - N44.093283 W 108.991420. Also note that there is an RV dump located in Meeteetse at GPS N 44.157200 W108.873819 And, there is a pit toilet right at the water by the boat ramp just outside the upper right side of the picture above.
  20. Is that a back in or pull through space next to the house? Either way - awesome job of getting it that close. Bill
  21. I went back up and looked Brian's wiring and you are correct. He wired these batteries in parallel. This wiring results in being able to use the capacity of both batteries while maintaining 12 volts. I have gone back and edited my post to reflect this. Thanks for spotting the error. As per the Battle Born website: "The main advantage of wiring batteries in parallel is that you increase the available runtime of your system while maintaining the voltage. Since the amp-hour capacities are additive, two batteries in parallel double your runtime, three batteries triple it, and so on. Another advantage to wiring batteries in parallel is that if one of your batteries dies or has an issue, the remaining batteries in the system can still provide power. " This last statement above is what I was referring to when I said that the readings would possibly not be the same for both batteries. Bill
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