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Everything posted by topgun2

  1. I've almost always had my Ollie attached to my Tow vehicle when using the rear "jacks". You have identified the thing that worries me - that the Ollie will want to shift/roll forward. In the one instance that I remember when I didn't use the tow vehicle I was one nervous puppy and triple checked my chocks to include chocking the side I was lifting. I also used jack stands under BOTH axles while doing this. I'm guessing that OSHA would not approve. Be careful! Bill NOTE: It is NOT recommended to support or jack up the Oliver via the axles. My use of jack stands above is only as a safety measure. Instead of placing the stands under the axles, they could be placed under appropriate places on the frame. Thanks to Mossemi for pointing this out!
  2. Try starting HERE. Then you might want to go to the Oliver University where there are videos on what to expect at/on Delivery Day. Included in those vids are items that Oliver includes. Let us know if you need something else. Bill
  3. At least "boxed" is lighter than bottled. Look at the weight savings - particularly after you drink it!
  4. The basic answer to your question is - NO. Unless you want to make modifications to the fiberglass of the Oliver as ScubaRx mentions above. Bottom line is that it is usually cheaper and certainly easier to simply use the Andersen. Bill
  5. Where do you guys store/carry the cases of wine? ☺️
  6. Change that from "probably" to definitely! Even if you don't get and Oliver you will learn things about camper manufacturing that will help you make better decisions in this regard. Bill
  7. I realize that your truck is not a 1500 - but - have you looked into something like THIS ? Also, perhaps there is a RAM 2500 forum out there where this issue has been discussed for you to get ideas. Bill
  8. These RAM mounts as shown by both Steve & Mary and myself really are solid. I had used them on motorcycles for years without problem but this was the first time I have used them in a vehicle. Very solid and the Garmin doesn't bounce around at all. Bill
  9. Not knowing what engine or even vehicle you are talking about makes this a bit difficult. However, as a ballpark estimate you could expect you "normal" gas mileage to be cut in half while towing. If that is correct then you are looking at about 9 miles per gallon and a maximum range of about 180 miles given the size of your tank. Of course anything like mountains and/or head winds will cut into those numbers dramatically. For instance - several years ago I was towing a camper across Kansas when I encountered a 40 mph head wind. My gas mileage with my Tacoma dropped to 4 miles per gallon and I was right at 60 miles per hour! Add to this that the camper I was towing weighed right at 3,500 pounds. To be fair - this camper was shaped like a brick versus the Oliver with its smooth lines. Bill
  10. Get a Ford where the display is horizontal and there is a nice little tray in the top center of the dash for the Garmin to sit in 😁. Seriously - I don't know. The screen on the 890 is very large. With all the mounts out there on the market, there has to be someplace on the dash where it could be mounted and still get reception without blocking too much of the windshield. Good luck - hopefully someone with a RAM has figured that out. Bill
  11. Two more things to add: 1. Map updates are also available for other Garmin GPS units - specifically, the 2797 2. I just saw that there is a "NEW" Garmin In-Reach Mini satellite communications device called the Garmin In-Reach Mini 2 ( found HERE) So, if you have interest in buying one of these Mini's be sure to recognize the difference in that I would assume the original Mini will be discounted. Bill
  12. A couple of times a year I'll do a fairly through job on the top and (mostly) use a ladder to reach all that needs to be reached without actually climbing directly onto the roof. For all other washes I use a ladder and long handled brush/mop. Bill
  13. Just to make absolutely sure that everyone is clear on this subject - John Davies is absolutely correct with his statement above with regards to the battery compartment door! However, additional insulation and weather stripping can be applied to the basement door in order to improve the seal around both the outside shower, the dump valves and the basement compartment itself. I simply used another layer of Reflextix on top of the layer that comes standard and then added window weather stripping around the entire outside shower/dump handle area. Many owners will have to adjust the length of the door lock when doing this. Bill
  14. Sounds to me like you could use a bit more weather stripping around that basement door?
  15. A couple of things I've recently observed about the 890 - 1. Just yesterday I found that Garmin has released BOTH a software and a map update. These do not take too long to download and install but if you have an 890 you might want to think about getting these updates. 2 - The 890 has a "red light or traffic camera" alert feature. I don't normally pay a bunch of attention to this - particularly when towing - but a recent article I read said that some locals are using Covid relief monies to purchase and install these types of cameras. Apparently the logic behind this is derived from statistics showing that during the Covid pandemic fatal traffic accidents have increased and these cameras would be a way of slowing or stopping this trend. Bill
  16. I've never before seen those parts - and hope that I'll never have to see mine. However, it appears that in the top photo the bottom of the flange has been cut off and then "filed" down. Is that correct? If yes then is that so the flange will "slide" into that rubber gasket in the top of the black tank? Bill
  17. If you live in an area of the country that is FLAT and will never tow outside that area and will never load things in the Oliver that cause it to exceed that towing limit, and never have an emergency situation and always keep EVERY SINGLE THING in the tow vehicle up to date and are one of the most careful drivers on the road and ........ All will be fine. But, you still will not have any fun. Bill
  18. Sorry I didn't mention the brand/model of my dashcam above. It is: Apeman 4K Touch Screen Dash Cam Front and Rear. This used to be sold on Amazon but a link to it is currently not working. Bill
  19. Since I don't know exactly what you were asked to sign - I can't comment. However, I will assume that it is some sort of standard contract language that was written by some corporate lawyer from the viewpoint of "protecting" the corporation and not the buyer (counterparty). I do remember when it came time to sign my Oliver contract I balked at several areas to include language that said something like Oliver was not responsible for delivery delays and there was nothing in the contract about what was to happen if they could not or would not actually produce a trailer. I "demanded" financials, a clearer understanding of what happens in the event of ...... , and in general for all parts of the contract to be adjusted to more "fairly" be written so that what was good for the goose was also good for the gander. Well, basically, those demands were turned aside (stonewalled). Luckily I used to be in the investments business and was able to get financial data on the Oliver companies that most people would simply not have access to. This plus keeping copies of ALL email correspondence where I received assurances that I had nothing to worry about somewhat assuaged my nervousness. So, here I am 7 years later not regretting my purchase one bit. You are right to feel that these contracts are (usually) very one sided. But, there are at least two things on your side - 1. consumer protection laws, and, 2 - history. Bill
  20. At the end of my 2 month western trip late last summer I tried a Blue Beacon truck wash. Not bad for the price but if I do it ever again I'll only have them wash the Ollie or wash the Ollie and the tow vehicle separately. The reason for this was that the "soap" that they used dried on the tow vehicle before they got a chance to wash/rinse it off and this left a very difficult to remove film. Previously I've used those do it yourself spray washes and even though they take time and some effort I personally prefer them. Particularly if I have my own cleaning pad which I almost always carry. Good luck! Bill
  21. Try THIS thread for starters. Note that Mike & Carols dimension post is down a few posts from the top. Bill
  22. Yep - me either. Remember, while the standard water heater "only" has six gallons of water, any "new" water that is added to the tank is being heater as it comes in (depending on the pre-set sensor on the heater). So, as you use hot water it is being replaced by cold water which is then heated. The only problem with this is if you use up the water in the tank faster than the heater can heat up the new water coming in. This is possible by two people taking back to back showers while using a fairly hot shower or in other similar situations. Bill
  23. My dashcam(s) have a couple of things built in so that battery drainage isn't a problem. First, there is a low battery cut off so that when/if the dashcam senses a low vehicle battery it will shut itself off. Second, when the vehicle is off and the dashcam hasn't detected either movement or noise for a set period of time (in minutes) it will shut itself off. However, it will continue to monitor for sound or vibration and turn itself back on record mode when disturbed. Bill
  24. Cowboy coffee can be very good or very bad. The longer you have been out on the trail, the more that you (and those around you) smell like campfires, horses, horse poop, saddle sweat, human sweat, etc., the better the coffee usually tastes.☺️
  25. I too installed a dash cam - to include a rear camera - about two years ago. I did this for the obvious reasons above and for, perhaps, the not so obvious. Fairly often the places I am out West are well off the beaten path and it is generally fairly obvious that I'm fishing and/or hiking which would mean that I will not return to the truck in the near future. Certainly I realize that there are not people out there that are looking for a truck out in the middle of nowhere to break into - but. Having said this - dashcams have been used in legal proceedings to both help and hurt the case of the owner of the camera. Bill
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