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Geronimo John

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Everything posted by Geronimo John

  1. Neither do I so believe. My question has no answer from my end. And now that I am a little bit informed by Mr. Google of the ownership and leadership of Dexter, nor do I feel it proper to speculate further from the rabbit hole.
  2. BLUF: When we get into a hurry, sometimes we miss the elephant in the room. I was trying to find an on-line way to get my axles SN/LN Configuration Build Sheet. Was not successful, so I'll take two aspirins and call Dexter in the morning. In the mean time, for reasons unknown, my pea brain wanted to know where our axles are made in China. So Mr. Google stepped in and told me: From Dexter Web Site: Founded in 1960 by Leonard Dexter, Dexter is recognized as a progressive industry leader providing quality products manufactured in the U.S. and Canada, employing state-of-the-art robotics, precision welding equipment, and automated machining processes. Well that can't be true because we have Chinese springs???? So asked specifically a different way: Are Dexter axles made in the USA? A second reference said the same thing. YEP! All right now I know that can't be right. I've seen those Chinese springs. So I asked WHERE ARE THE DEXTER SPRING PLANTS? Dexter Plants: Answer is here, and not over >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HERE So at this point I am beginning to believe Mr. Google. But wait... WHO OWNS DEXTER? Dexter Parent Company: Dexter is owned by DexKo Global, which was formed in 2015 by combining Dexter and AL-KO VT. This combination created a global leader in highly engineered trailer running gear components and systems, with over 130 years of trailer and caravan componentry experience.  DexKo Global is managed out of Novi, Michigan, by a strategic staff focused on leveraging the resources of the combined companies. Well Ok. But maybe it's a shell company being run by those guys overseas! Right? So I asked WHO IS THE LEADERSHIP TEAM FOR DEXKO? DexKo Global Leadership Team: So now, my brain has to ask if Dexter makes their axles in the USA, supervised by an American leadership who work for a parent company who is also all American........ How is it that we have Chinese springs in our Dexter axles? Friends, my brain jumped me into the rabbit hole and we are buried there. If you want to find us, bring a backhoe because the answer is way beyond me. GJ
  3. From your comment, and this picture: It appears that the Truma is mounted on about a 3" high platform to allow the A/C vertical height for the condensate to drain over to the OTT internal drain lines. Creative solution. The stock OE2 on level ground with the full diameter (16") rims/tires and the Dometic Penguin AC is 9' 8". Any idea how tall it is with the pictured A/C and drain kit installed? GJ
  4. Perfect! 15 years ago I needed one of those wrenches so bought the set. They have been hanging on the wall since then untouched. So, YEA I can use one of them again. thanks for the model number and cartridge info. Very good info to have in my KEEPER file. GJ
  5. Thank you for the get back. I may have gained a bit of clearance with the Houghton low profile install. Not sure how much though. I for sure will be going real slow and checking many times our first reinsertion into the barn post ALCON's. Will
  6. I'm not sure where I would want to use an automatically resetting breaker in an RV. If there is a short, I would far prefer that it NOT auto reset reset. If it is "automatic", it will continue to cycle between on and blown until something ends in smoke. Am I missing the boat on this? GJ
  7. I momentarily thought I saw a model number for this faucet. Have reread the thread, but apparently my eyes are fooling me again. I would appreciate knowing the faucet model number. And golden bonus info would be the repair cartridge you used. thank you GJ
  8. Dave: Your quote is amazing. It certainly can apply to many other situations as well. Even our forum. GJ
  9. Only concern I have is trailer height changes. Reason is that I have only about an inch clearance on the barn door frame. If it is possible and not already too late to do so, can you get an accurate trailer height difference that the new springs result in? Many thanks.
  10. Sherry: Your post would make a great thread starter! Likely it boils down to your camping style and frequency. GJ
  11. This topic having a very high probability of my needing to find the answer resulted in my saving the post in my Ollie KEEPER document. Cut and pasted below: OLLIE CAULKS AND SEALANTS: JEssary Oliver Staff 4 MARCH 2022 (EDTS BY GJ) The Oliver service department utilizes ASI 335 white & clear silicone, Red Devil butyl sealant, butyl tape, and Dicor self-leveling sealant to re-caulk/reseal the exterior of your camper. . Due to Oliver’s double fiberglass hull construction, any leaking water is trapped between the hulls until the water can find an escape point. Those points are typically a window cutout or one of the weep holes in the lower outer shell. Windows being a primary entry point often leads to an initial diagnosis that the window is leaking which is not necessarily the case. During the yearly maintenance, use Acetone for cleanup, and seal the exterior with ASI 335 silicone. Once the silicone is cured, bolts and screws located on the roof then have an additional application of self-leveling sealant to provide an additional layer of protection, again, these areas aren’t typically “seen” surfaces. The additional layer also helps protect the silicone from sun exposure as well as sealing the head of screws and/or bolts. Re-caulk any gaps found. Carefully check roof penetrations and the marker lights. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sadly my skills with a caulk gun are legendary..... BAD. I to love gaskets as a result. Wow you hit the nail on the head with that one. I have been told that the 2018 marker lights don't streak because the black supplier gasket was eliminated and they were caulked. My 2018 trailer has the supplier gaskets and the black streaks continue to this day. About a month after pick up of our hull 342, I reported the black streaks and suggested OTT get a better gasket. The response was caulking. Hopefully one day we'll have a gasket for these exterior lights because if I caulk it, it would be a visual disaster.
  12. Thanks Dave! Eventually I will be needing to get-er-done and having this info will be very helpful. I have just enshrined your pearls of wisdom and the product names in my OE2 "Keeper" document. GJ
  13. My "Engineer" comment was to frame my perspective, never to be condescending to you or anybody, nor or to offend. For that please accept my sincere apologies. I have no special part to play in any decision OTT makes. Your comments are well intended and worthy of note. GJ
  14. As an engineer, I interpret written words precisely. I can read the above to mean that they will assist an owner to get a problem fixed at one of the OTT Dealers. Does the future CST/Tech Services role include the following: Assisting with the research necessary to assess the owner's problem? Gathering the necessary build info to do so? Understanding the cause of the problem so that the DIY owner can fix it? Up-channeling critical failures (Ex. Spring and Bulldog) to QC and OTT owners? That the CST front office staffing be reduced or diluted as a result of their new dealer support activities? These are likely just some of the concerns that remain from the DIY owners. I hope that you are correct, and that I'm at the bottom of my favorite rabbit hole. But frankly, it seems to have gotten crowded down here. 🙂 GJ
  15. But what I, and I bet 90%+ of the owners need to hear from OTT Leadership, not our moderators, is that OTT pledges to continue supporting this forum as well as our and dealership access to Jason and his Tech Services team. Communication is of the essence for any quality organization.
  16. From past experience, I suspect that OTT will be updating us on this spring issue. My recommendation is that if you must replace your springs now, do so. But if you have the luxury of time, I suggest awaiting what OTT's investigation reveals. But DO take some time to inspect your springs. I have taken the liberty of plagiarizing all I could find info about our spring replacements. Additionally with the assistance of MaxBurner (Art) we have incorporated his replacement procedure into the attached DIY MS Word document. . For the attachment, If you find any info that we collectively have missed, please PM Art and I and we'll make it better. If of wider concern, post it here in the forum DYI - OE2 Replacement Springs Replacement with Art's Install Procedure (1 APR 2024).docx Good luck, GJ and MaxBurner.
  17. Geoff: I support your well written post above. Sadly, the change of direction was NOT communicated well to those of us who are also fully invested in the OTT System. Further clarifications for OTT have been slow to seep out and that has obviously been more than a bit disruptive as a result. I support our Monitor's insightful thoughts and suggestions. After all this group have been with the Oliver's from the beginning. I strongly believe that OTT is hearing our concerns and will address them more clearly in information sent to us all DIRCTLY. That way all of us get the message intended and a better understanding as to where this great organization is going. I too am in this for life, and I look forward to working with Jason on Tech Services issues, but hopefully never for major rebuild and frame issues..... But knowing that OTT is there for us for these major problems and the what I call Technical Services is a wonderful start. Again, well written. GJ
  18. This thread has given me a serious headache! GJ
  19. https://www.bestmaterials.com/detail.aspx?ID=20596&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=(ROI) PMax Shopping - Low/No AOV&utm_id=18030280001&utm_content=&utm_term=&gad_source=4 https://www.chemical-concepts.com/product/american-sealants-0240-cleaner-remover-14-oz-net-weight-can/?utm_source=googleshopping&utm_medium=cse&srsltid=AfmBOop8hPEz53xgukj9M1jJ5fHGXYcHM-KH_hwxWI5aSBtTGkVdMxnFYds Never tried to remove silicone....yet. So newbee question from an RoF: Will much less costly Goof Off adhesive remover work vs. the above $20/$30 per can options? BJ
  20. More great info just keeps dribbling out. Thrilled for your sharing this key info. Thanks
  21. Sorry that the "off brand" dealer's performance was subpar. By chance was it one of the dealerships that is now in the OTT program? Your comment about service "being ripe for process reengineering" is true especially for warranty work. Down the road as you get to know your trailer out of warranty, likely you will be much more comfortable to doing repairs DIY style as many of us do. For out of warranty owners especially, this forum can provide you with great details on how to do almost anything you can imagine with your rig. Just ask a question and our members are rarely shy about giving you options. Often we will encourage an owner to put in a service ticket if it is something that needs to be tracked for QC reasons or simply to get the Service Team's technical diagnosis or thoughts. I do believe that transitioning the Service Leadership Team to that of a Technical Services role for dealerships and with owners via this forum will serve all very well. Likewise having trusted dealerships out there, for both and routine service, will be very much more convenient that only the Mother Ship Option. I wish you well. GJ
  22. Sherry: Thankyou for your response. I would like to tie together the discussions about the changes being undertaken by OTT and the feelings of many owners. Concerning documentation, June and I are lucky as our 2018 Owner’s Manual has a pretty good set of schematic drawings. The difficult part of technical record keeping and document production is the frequency of change. For OTT, each year more than a few individual components change and new features are added. So, the schematics and their supporting documentation have to be updated just about every year. This takes time and resources. Cumulatively over the years the changes creates a lot of data points that Service has to keep up with. Jason and his team do this exceptionally well. But at the dealership level it would be impossible to do so at the same level. So, in addition to the owners needing the info, the dealerships certainly will need it even more. So long as Jason and his team are employed by OTT with the mission to support the technical and diagnostic questions of BOTH the new dealerships and the DYI owners, we will ALL be fine. However, their departmental name likely would need to be changed from Service Department to maybe “Technical Services” to better reflect what OTT management is trying to do. I can think of no individual at OTT that would be more qualified than Jason to also supervise the individual that will be necessary to produce the technical documentation that is needed by both the dealerships and OTT trailer owners. Now if only OTT would come forward and state that they will continue to support this changed mission of the existing Service Department, and also the continued existence of this wonderful forum, I think the situation would be greatly defused. For me, that would erase all my concerns. Hoping and praying for the best outcome for OTT and all their customers. GJ
  23. I'm not so sure of that. For the sake of example, let's assume that 90% of all RV's are not used year round. Those unused months, mostly in winter, are perfect times for the Service Department to do scheduled annual maintenance. I feel certain that Jason and Team can train up the dealership Techs to do annual service, and do it to the Mother Ship's high standards. For me that is not an issue. It is the diagnosing and trouble shooting of systems that is next to impossible to teach in a short period of time. This is the part of the OTT divestment plan I am most worried about. Followed closely of course is their continued support of that process and this forum. GJ
  24. Sherry: In the military, and civilian life as well, when leadership does not keep their troops in the know; They begin to wander ever increasingly from the line of march. Ultimately the team will spiral down the drain tube of mission failure. From my perspective, that in the past has not ever been the OTT path. Training of tech teams who will be "Authorized" to maintain OTT's is certainly something that must be done for the whole dealership concept to work. And there is no one better than the OTT Service Department to do so. Is OTT obligated to tell us what their plans are. Of course not. But not doing so with respect to the changes being made is not logical. Why? Good will is built over years and many thousands of encounters. It can be destroyed 1,000 times quicker than it can be re-built. It is the Service Department that IMO is primarily responsible for the huge Good Will that is demonstrated to the world many dozens of times a day. Hence, having the Technical Resources at the Mother Ship and this forum to help filter out the work load they see is imperative to the continued success and growth of OTT and their dealerships as well. In some eyes, the Technical Advisory Role and Forum future are concerns by the owners that could continue to fester, or be put to rest in an excellent manner....It just takes communication. GJ
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