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Mike and Carol

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Everything posted by Mike and Carol

  1. Thank you Scott and team! Oliver service has an outstanding reputation and keeps owners in touch with the company through personal contact. I think this is a great decision. Mike
  2. I had a screw fall out of my Dometic AC cover. Couldn’t find a replacement locally. Called Dometic and they sent me 5 screws. No charge. Mike
  3. We use a 3.2K grain softener. Fits in the basement standing up. Lightweight. Check Amazon, we got it probably 6 years ago. Mike
  4. Just to quote myself before the transition….🤣
  5. I admire those that can do most or all of the work on their Oliver. I’ve learned how to do a lot over the years, mostly from knowledgeable friends and owners who were willing to take the time to help and explain (in person, over the phone, in emails, etc). It makes a huge difference when traveling to have confidence in your abilities to fix issues while on the road. The Oliver community excels at helping other owners and sharing information. This latest surge for ALCAN springs is just one example. Lew and the crew at ALCAN are impressed with the Oliver community! Mike
  6. No wonder it was so smooth… it hasn’t happened yet.
  7. Welcome back, Rodger! There’s a good chance a used Oliver will be available. Unfortunately, used Olivers can’t be advertised on the Forum any more, but someone may see your post and send you a PM. Good luck. Mike
  8. Concur. That’s about all I can say…. Mike
  9. I forgot the front jack once some time ago. It was on a couple of legos and an 8” wood block so it slid off with no damage. Glad to hear the Oliver team was so responsive (and compassionate!). Mike
  10. There are pros and cons for each system, but the hot water tank has served us well for a long time. Simple and reliable. Mike
  11. My neighbor has a Cybertruck so I see it about everyday. Not a fan, but it doesn’t seem as weird as it first did.
  12. I’m keeping my axles, MAX Burner will be there for the axle upgrade.
  13. We leave on Wednesday the 8th. We’ll probably leave late morning.
  14. My springs arrived yesterday. We leave next week and will have them installed May 6 at Oliver, then we’ll go to East Tennessee before we head to the rally. Will provide observations. Mike
  15. Even if it was digital it would be a lot of work! Mike
  16. Also, it would be helpful if you added a signature with which Oliver you own and your Hull number.
  17. The nearest Oliver dealer to me is a 2 hour drive. I am more likely to go to my local RV repair shop just 10 minutes away. This RV repair shop does work on several local Olivers. An owner, with one of the original Elite’s, found this shop and recommended it to other local Oliver owners. In order to compile a well populated ownership registry someone is going to have to use social media assets, this forum and the FaceBook pages, to ask for data. Also, if you want to find out if someone has found a closer-to-you repair facility, the same social media needs to be used to find out. If there isn’t one, then someone will have to do the research to find one and then share it with other local owners. If you are going to the rally, you could ask here or on FaceBook if there are other owners from your are also going, then do a meet up to establish relationships and exchange data. There are a couple of San Antonio owners that we only see at the rally in Alabama! Mike
  18. Something I dream about!
  19. I’ll get mine installed in 2 weeks then off to East Tennessee for a week or so before the rally. I’ll also tow forward and observe.
  20. I haven’t asked for a break out for the different replacements/installs.
  21. The CGI team (4 young guys) worked on our trailer for about 10 hours. Power washer, multiple buffers, a lot of hand polishing and no beer drinking!!
  22. True, but our Oliver’s could surely withstand more “tree” impact than a sticks and staples!
  23. My ALCAN springs arrive tomorrow. Oliver service will install them when I have them do the shocks, bearings and brakes in two weeks. New information is always good.
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