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Everything posted by CnC

  1. We had the same problem - a crew cab truck would not fit in our garage. We ended up with a 2021 Ram 1500 eHemi DUAL cab - same as other's extended cab. The pedals are adjustable. The gas V8 Hemi engine is plenty powerful. We average about 14 mpg. We use the factory tow/haul option and we have pulled our E2 more than 5000 miles without an Anderson hitch. We had no sway problems - BUT we just added the pesking hitch (as John calls it) because of porpoising on overpasses, etc. Charlie
  2. We had a 3500 MB Airstream Sprinter - we never towed with it - it had a 5k tow rating. My concern would not be the power of the sprinter - but its wind issues are a problem without towing. If you select the shorter E towed by a 2500 - I'd think there may be little problem if using an Anderson hitch. If you select the longer E2, I'd give some serious thought about wind issues. Charlie
  3. With a 2021 Ram 1/2 ton eHemi pulling an E2 with a camping load in the bed... A recent 5000 mile trip through mountains and flatlands got as good as 16.5 mpg and as poorly as 11.5 mpg per tank of gas. The best day was with tailwinds - the worse day was climbing elevation from 1200 ft to 7000 feet. We typically average around 14 mpg at 65 mph per tank on days without head/tail winds. The Ram has lots of pulling power and the tow/haul function holds the cruise except on VERY long 6 degree down grades. Charlie.
  4. I understand Discount Tire now owns Tire Rack... Charlie
  5. Has a factory reset been done on the inverter? I think there was fairly recent post about how to do that. Memories can get scrambled... Charlie
  6. Trainman, Glad to hear it as I have a similar set-up (dual cab as the crew won't fit in our garage.) 🙂 Charlie
  7. As previous Airstream owners, we too felt the E2 ticked all our boxes - and eliminated so many problems with other designs. The idea of the cabinets molded into the unit meant never having to reinforce screw holes. When you analyze the many things - so many things - that Oliver has built into their design, it makes one smile. And, as production continues, they seem to listen to those of us commenting on their product. Good choice! Charlie
  8. We too use the Champion 2500 dual, but only use it with LP, which makes it an 1850 watts unit. It runs our AC with soft-start without a problem. Love it! Charlie.
  9. We have had Solis Skyroam for a couple of years. We bought the device, but found Skyroam simply would not connect in some areas (like Lake Powell, AZ). We can see using it oversees, but frankly, we don't use it much because our $45 a month 5G T-Mobile hotspot works almost everywhere and it's 100 GBs a month. Charlie.
  10. Karin, John told you correctly and most likely you are not getting a full charge on the lithiums from just the solar panels. If you add up the wattage for those items you'll see CPAPs can be pretty energy thirsty over a sleep period. I'm assuming the inverter is running and that, along with the parasitic draws occurring all the time... like your smoke & LP monitors discharge additional amounts. Like ScubaRx said, a shunt answers all you questions about battery useage. Charlie.
  11. Alerts? We don't have the Lithionix upgrade. We have self-installed Battleborn with Victron equipment. The Victron apps can alert/alarm via software settings. Charlie.
  12. Congratulations, Spike. 😀 Charlie
  13. 2021 Ram eHemi & E2 - We just completed a three week 4500 mile trip from Arizona to Michigan and back... Had wind everyday! We got as high as 16.5 one day with tailwinds and as low 11.5 with headwinds - averaged 12.6 overall running mostly 65 mph (some 70 toward the end of the trip as I could tell the barn door was open.) FYI, we were loaded - took waaaay too much stuff with us. My bad habit! Charlie.
  14. We use a Victron shunt and Victron battery monitor that displays on an app all DC power coming into and out of the batteries. That way you can watch as you turn on or turn off separate things and their usage. Charlie
  15. Well, there you go Kelly. You have a camper using DC and a glamper using AC relating real life experiences. Only you can decide the amount of AC/DC usage which pleases your lifestyle. Charlie
  16. Simply said... Your son is correct. There are so many variables involved that simple answers are not easy. Maybe this will help - we use about 100 to 120 amp hours in 24 hours of boondocking. Our solar on top of the Ollie can collect up to 340 watts (that equates to less than 6 amps per 100 watts per hour in direct, full sun). As you can quickly see 6x3.4= 20.4 amps an hour just isn't going to replenish the battery usage each day. Starting out with a full lithium battery bank of 300 amp hours in our Ollie, we can go about 5 days in the best of circumstances (direct, full sun.) Charlie.
  17. We had no existing USBs there. We installed two USB plugs - one on each side of the rear center console. We accessed the constant hot 12v to the garage light and ran it to the USBs. Be sure to use "smart" USB plugs. Charlie.
  18. You might try unplugging from shore power, turning off the batteries and resetting the inverter/charger as something may have went wonky in its little brain. I had a similar issue once that involved 12 volt lights not acting correctly and that complete "reset" fix it. Thinking similar to a "computer." Charlie.
  19. We recently installed a Victron MPPT controller (100/30) to the pantry wall inside the area where the Zamp controller was. Wiring was straight forward for the roof mounts. We temporarily have plated over the hole using a white 3-gang blank AC switch plate. The six screw holes allow some relief for the Victron heat sinks. Then we removed the Zamp external connector and replaced it with a standard SAE connector. Then we wired it to the Zamp controller now located in the bay below the curb side twin bed. Now we can use the two old 100w portable solar collectors we bought from GoalZero years ago - they have no controllers. Together we max out at 540 watts of potential solar wattage under perfect conditions. Charlie.
  20. We purchased the Leveler-Pro and mounted it using VHB tape to the wall inside the garage door. That way we can "see" any needed tweaks to level on the Bluetooth app while adjusting the rear stabilizing jacks. Easy setup, easy to use. We liked it so much that we bought another one as a Christmas present for a friend as she was always bickering and he was always tinkering to get their TT level. And we use the Andersons.
  21. Two of these DIY vents (a left and a right) would allow choices for "directional" in/out air flow via the ceiling fan in the Ollie in the raining season. Love the idea of it being installed in the area needed and then removed and easily stored when not needed. Too bad we didn't have this during shifting winds and rain for eight straight days in Colorado last year. Charlie.
  22. Very, very nice! Charlie.
  23. Jim, we bought our #617 with BB batteries already installed by the former owner (incorrectly I might add) so I wasn't aware of what LifeBlue's BMS monitors. Thanks for clarifying. Charlie.
  24. These questions about what charges/discharges during various conditions can be answered by simply installing a smart shunt. Then you can "see" the changes when things turn on/off - start/stop - connect/disconnect. It's the best money you'll ever spend on your electrical system. I use the Victron Smart Shunt with the bluetooth app to monitor ALL energy flows via the negative buss. Charlie.
  25. What was the cost for the Ollie job? Charlie
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