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Everything posted by topgun2

  1. Potentially - yes. If you only wire to a single battery then you will only get readings from that single battery and those readings will not necessarily be the same for each individual battery. Bill
  2. Yes, I believe that doubling up is unnecessary. However, there have been other members here on this Forum that take the other view. In the eight years that I've owned my Oliver, the on-board Oliver installed EMS system has never let me down. Having said this though I should note that most of the time I'm not at commercial RV parks Bill
  3. You do know that your new Ollie already comes equipped with an EMS don't you?
  4. The easiest problem first - Do you have an Allen wrench and know how to tighten the backflow valve that is located just inside that fitting? If not instructions can be found here on the Forum. Second problem - Have you tried turning your inverter on/off via the switch that is located ON the inverter itself - I presume that you are using the remote switch and it can sometimes fail. If this works then you know that your issue is with the remote switch and we can work to correct that. If using the switch on the main unit doesn't work then the "hard reset" should be tried. If that doesn't work then a call to the manufacturer is in order. Let us know. Bill
  5. Originally, the LEII's came with all 5 wheels and tires in the 15 inch size. But when 15 inch tires started becoming a bit hard to come by, Oliver decided to start putting 4 16 inch tires on but continued having the 15 inch size as a spare due to the costs involved with changing the molds so as to accommodate the larger 16 inch tire size. There is nothing "wrong" with the 15 inch spare in that it is really a "spare" tire and the Ollie may be run with this spare in use until either a new 16 inch is obtained or the original 16 inch tire is repaired. Like Mike, I do not remember when the molds were changed to the 16 inch size (2018 ?), but, for those trailers that have the 15 inch spare it is certain that a 16 inch tire will not fit - heck, the 15 inch barely fits. Since I still have my original spare tire, I've not researched what is available. However, it would seem that now with 16 inch tires becoming less popular the tire manufacturers would produce a suitable tire in the 15 inch size. Bill
  6. AND for those that sell tar remover!😒 Travel speed - on dirt roads - depends as much as anything else on how smooth the road appears to be. I've been upwards of 60mph on nice smooth dirt roads. Wash boarded dirt roads see me doing about 5mph.
  7. In 1423 during the Hundred Year's War, the English defeated the French! I have no idea of what that means but it certainly is exciting. Delivery day will go by soooooo quickly and you will be getting more information than you can possibly absorb. However, relax, take in what you can, ask questions (the Oliver folks are very patient and understanding). Get a good night's sleep both before and after delivery day. If you've not taken the factory tour, see if you can arrange it to take the tour the day before delivery and take pictures of everything. Enjoy yourself! This IS FUN! Bill
  8. I really do like the idea of them being attached to the underside of the tow vehicle and not the hitch assembly (like Rock Tamers that I have). By attaching them in this manner, the sensors that are in the rear bumper are likely not affected by these. However, I noticed that the recommended road clearance seems to be a bit high which will allow rocks to possibly hit the lower sections of the Ollie. Also, there is no mention of installing these with a bit of "sail" (the flaps angled towards the rear at the bottom). Hopefully you will gives us a report as to how they perform in the real world after you have had a chance to test them out. Bill
  9. I've towed my LEII with two different 1/2 ton trucks both here in the East and through out the Rockies out West. Absolutely no problems . However, you will need the Andersen weight distribution hitch AND you will need to pay particular attention to your payload capacity. Bill p.s. picking up a new Ollie in October is fantastic! You've got the better part of two months to do some serious camping and then you have the winter to do your mods plus get all those things you've learned that you want for that new baby. Welcome to the family!
  10. Is that a screw or some type of push pin at the rear of the cover in your diagram? Bill
  11. Interesting - I was camped at basically the same elevation west of Buffalo about two weeks ago and the furnace handled the morning temps (mid 40's) without a hitch. I'm sure that I've got the same model furnace as you do. Quality control is a wonderful thing. Good luck in finding the solution. Bill
  12. GC - Remember that the EZ Lubes do not really free you from bearing maintenance. I'm not aware of that many (if any) owners that have made this switch. I'd send a PM to Jason in Service and see if he has any experience with this. Bill
  13. RV number 13 and hull number 1307 - it must be a "thing" for you two. Welcome to the Oliver Family. Sorry that your Truma furnace was "bad" from the factory but glad that you got it taken care of and it all worked out. You've got a bunch of Oliver company in Texas and you always have family with any of us. Let us know where you go. Bill
  14. Another point to consider in this discussion revolves around those that might have a sensitivity to the different mineral content of water that can be found from place to place. Actually this is what started me on drinking bottled water while on the road. If you can take enough water with you - either in your fresh water tank and/or in something like jerry cans - you will not generally risk upsetting your body's system with something that it is not used to. Bill
  15. Like Mike and Carol and Steph and Dub B, I use bottled water and only use the fresh water tank for washing dishes, and , bathing. However, with RV's I owned prior to "seeing the light" with my Oliver, I used THIS kind of stuff to make sure I was OK even though I normally used bottled water then too. Since I too sanitize my fresh water tank like John Dehne and am sure that there is nothing "dangerous" about that water, I've simply developed a habit that costs a bit more money but allows me to more precisely monitor the amount of water I'm drinking. Bill
  16. Sparklite - Details? price, where did you purchase it? How are those braces attached to the frame? Do you also have "rock tamer" type flaps on the rear of your tow vehicle? How many miles have you put on your trailer - specifically going down dirt roads? What kind of dings have you found on your Ollie? Thanks! Bill
  17. FYI - G-15 is only one site back from those sites with an unrestricted view of the lake. So, if you want a site down near the lake .... Bill
  18. THAT'S one heck of a storage box! Did I miss you telling us about it here on the Forum? Bill
  19. Ya got the clearance for the tote but then you would not have clearance for virtually anything else - like the road.😁 Seriously - we have better clearance as compared to most RV's but it really wouldn't be pretty if you had a partially filled tote and hit something while going down the road. I'm guessing that the guy behind you would not be too happy either. Bill
  20. While driving east towards Hohenwald, the sign below caught my eye. It is located about 6 miles west of the center of Hohenwald at GPS coordinates (approximate) N 35.559305 W 087.654186. Once I got to the Mothership I asked about the sign and was told that it has been there for approximately two years! Such a nice tribute to such a nice person that I was very privileged to know. And, in some small way, all Oliver owners can take a measure of pride in being associated with a company and product this man helped to create. Bill
  21. OOPS! Interstates all look alike - that's my story and I'm sticking to it 😄
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