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Everything posted by topgun2

  1. Like Mike and Carol and Steph and Dub B, I use bottled water and only use the fresh water tank for washing dishes, and , bathing. However, with RV's I owned prior to "seeing the light" with my Oliver, I used THIS kind of stuff to make sure I was OK even though I normally used bottled water then too. Since I too sanitize my fresh water tank like John Dehne and am sure that there is nothing "dangerous" about that water, I've simply developed a habit that costs a bit more money but allows me to more precisely monitor the amount of water I'm drinking. Bill
  2. Sparklite - Details? price, where did you purchase it? How are those braces attached to the frame? Do you also have "rock tamer" type flaps on the rear of your tow vehicle? How many miles have you put on your trailer - specifically going down dirt roads? What kind of dings have you found on your Ollie? Thanks! Bill
  3. FYI - G-15 is only one site back from those sites with an unrestricted view of the lake. So, if you want a site down near the lake .... Bill
  4. THAT'S one heck of a storage box! Did I miss you telling us about it here on the Forum? Bill
  5. Ya got the clearance for the tote but then you would not have clearance for virtually anything else - like the road.😁 Seriously - we have better clearance as compared to most RV's but it really wouldn't be pretty if you had a partially filled tote and hit something while going down the road. I'm guessing that the guy behind you would not be too happy either. Bill
  6. While driving east towards Hohenwald, the sign below caught my eye. It is located about 6 miles west of the center of Hohenwald at GPS coordinates (approximate) N 35.559305 W 087.654186. Once I got to the Mothership I asked about the sign and was told that it has been there for approximately two years! Such a nice tribute to such a nice person that I was very privileged to know. And, in some small way, all Oliver owners can take a measure of pride in being associated with a company and product this man helped to create. Bill
  7. OOPS! Interstates all look alike - that's my story and I'm sticking to it 😄
  8. Only slept in the Cracker Barrel parking lot for the night. I'm presently waiting out a tunder storm at a rest area in Iowa. For those in warmer climates - it is 59 degrees and very wet outside right now. Bill
  9. Great to see another Ollie on the hoof! Nice wave and a big welcome smile as I sailed past. Whomever you are - thanks for making a long drive memorable! Bill
  10. Nothing will happen if someone(s) doesn't actually send a letter/email/PM/all of the above making this suggestion to Oliver. I'd do it but I'm on the road for the next two months 😁. If it were me - I'd start with communication to Rodney Lomax. Bill
  11. These are the same caps I mentioned in my April post (see above). Not only are they formed from thicker material as compared to the originals but they are easier to put into the hub too without damaging the cap since you can lightly tap around the formed edge of the cap. Bill
  12. I got the EZZ Tire TPMS a few years ago and have been satisfied. Batteries are easy to change too. As rich.dev says - ANY TPMS is better than nothing! Whatever you do - get a TPMS with 6 sensors. You will need 4 sensors for the Ollie tires hitting the ground plus a 5th sensor for the spare tire. The 6th sensor is for the spare tire on your tow vehicle. Bill EEZ Tire can be found HERE.
  13. Not fair! I get to wash Twist and then its Dogs and corn on the cob for supper. Ribs would be WAY better. Either way - none of this would matter if we weren't free and living here in the US of A. Happy 4th everyone!. Bill
  14. Sure do like the view out that rear window. Shame it was raining but it does set the mood.
  15. Two possibilities for this one - 1 - take it apart and check the rubber washer. 2 - use a rubber mat - jar opener - to get a grip on it. Good luck! Bill
  16. Hopefully my recent experience will not happen to anyone else - but, if you ever have to re-pair your Voyager system for whatever reason here is how you do it. Over the winter I got in contact with the folks at ASA Electronics - the makers of the Voyager camera system that most of us have on our Ollies. The camera I had developed a weak and got moisture inside the lens. Almost immediately they sent me a replacement (free) but it wasn't until today that I got around to installing it. What I thought would be a fairly simple swap turned out to be a 3/4 or a day job! The old camera had already been removed because I had to send it in for ASA to confirm that it had a "seal" malfunction. So, I thought that all I would have to do is take the electricians tape that was used as a temporary covering the hole in the hull, feed the camera wire through the hull, plug it in and then reseal everything back up. Anyone that has actually taken a look at the "instruction" that comes with these cameras might remember that there are nothing but a few pictures (i.e. nothing is mentioned about re-pairing the camera and monitor). Well, once I plugged the new camera in and powered it up, the monitor would NOT automatically "pair" with it. Over the next two hours I tried everything that I could think of to get it to "pair" to no avail. Of course this meant that I traced all electrical connection to make sure power was getting to the camera which involved starting at the switch by the door, and undoing my nicely bundled wiring all the way back to the camera. Countless times I turned the camera off turned the monitor off - all for no change in the situation. Until I took a 15 minute break for lunch! It just so happened that after the lunch break I turned on the monitor first without powering on the camera. I noted that the screen on the monitor looked different than it had earlier and instructed me to hold down the first two buttons at the top of the monitor for 5 seconds. After doing this another screen popped up that instructed me to power on the camera. Within 10 seconds a picture appeared on the monitor and the "problem" was solved. Of course I then had to replace my nice wiring bundles, re-caulk the hole through the hull and put the "attic" back in order. But at least now I have a new camera that works. As an added bonus, I played around with the setting (access via the "menu" button) and improved the color and crispness of the monitor well beyond what I had with the first camera. Happy camper!😊 Bill
  17. Yes and yes. Note the stainless steel lines on both the left and right side of this pic below. Obviously, this is before I covered all the water lines with the foam insulation. Bill
  18. The nighttime speeds are a bit darker? 😁
  19. OK - you've got the hard part done (and it really wasn't very hard - was it?). Now, replace the white hoses coming off the water pump with braided lines and place pipe insulation on anything you can . These measures will help quiet that pump even further. After you are done with that - you can place sound deadening material on the underside of the two hatches (or all six hatches if you really want to do it right). And place another layer of reflextix anywhere you can. Bill
  20. Apparently yours and mine are at least "kissing cousins" since Twist is hull # 117. During the summer I boondock for extended periods of time at altitudes ranging from 7,000 to about 9,500 feet. Never need the A/c but there are many a morning when I do need heat with overnight temps between 32 and the low 40's. Of course I'm a bit north of you in Colorado, Wyoming, Montana or Idaho. Hope you have as much fun with your Ollie as I have had and plan to have in the future. Welcome to the Family! Bill
  21. Perhaps the charts below will help - for lithium (see 1st chart) and lead acid and AGM batteries (see 2nd chart).
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