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Everything posted by topgun2

  1. Ya won't even know that the Ollie is behind you with that beast!.
  2. Welcome! There are a few owners here on the Forum that do carry bikes on a rack with covers. At least one of those - Patriot_- is very happy with the arrangement he has put together. Many of us have owned other RV's with some being 5th wheels. And, of course we had to address those same questions you are now dealing with. In the end most of us chose the Oliver's size due to the ease of towing and its ability to easily fit in virtually all camping spaces. It appears to me that you will also have to make some hard choices when you finally decide that your long trail riding days are over. Good luck! Bill
  3. The good news and the bad news - When I dim the lights, ALL lights (interior and exterior) dim. There are times when I would prefer to only dim either the interior or the exterior. However, this has never bothered me enough to rewire it. No - I do not know the answer to this. If I had to guess, I'd think that the touch lights are the "problem", but, the guys that would probably know are located in Oliver Service. Bill
  4. I have a dimmer on my Ollie lights - like THIS one. Bill
  5. You can get an idea of the diming effect by looking at the pics and video at the Amazon link provided above. Bill
  6. I think that you are on the correct road with this one. Did Oliver send you just he 12 volt outlet or a combination 12 volt and USB? Your comment about disconnecting the adjacent USB is a big clue I think. God luck! Bill
  7. Wal Mart for certain and possibly Amazon.
  8. The rumor is that this same tactic was employed in reserving sites for next year's Oliver Owner's Rally. Very disappointing if the rumor is true.😒 Bill
  9. I didn't use this type of camera mount because the camera is within reach of passersby. That means that anyone can tamper with it and/or can get "snagged" on it with clothing and/or other things. Bill
  10. Yes - my first rear camera was/is located in the spare tire cover. There are a couple of issues - mounting and rainy weather. Mounting - the spare tire cover is not perpendicular to the ground. Actually it is off by 6 degrees. So if you mount the camera without making any adjustments to account for this, the camera will be pointing too far down towards the road. If you compensate for the entire 6 degrees you will probably find that the camera is now pointing too high. I made a "puck" out of a material called Delran (similar to nylon) that is easy to work with and cut it at a 4 degree angle. Thus when mounted on the tire cover you obtain a net 2 degree downward view which is about perfect. The second issue is rain. With the camera mounted in this relatively low position (versus the "normal" roof mount), the camera gets more road spray in wet weather. However, when it is not raining the I prefer this lower view for backing into campsites. A third issue with the lower mounting position is in heavy traffic you can not see as far behind you because the guy on your bumper blocks most if not all of the view. Given the above - I now have two rear cameras.
  11. On all three of the Ford F-150's I've owned that came with the Ford brake controller, they were set at either 5 or 6. On gravel or rain slick roads I could back that off to 4 or 5. Bill
  12. Strainer - stopper What ever! You da man! waste not, want not.
  13. And - now you can use that lid as a strainer!😇
  14. Yes, not using the auto-change over feature does have its negative side(s). That first propane bottle always seems to know when to be empty - when it is raining, when it is 3am, when you are right in the middle of cooking that expensive steak for friends, when its cold, etc.. However, the biggest problem is when you do not remember to get that first tank refilled prior to running out of propane in the second tank.😉
  15. Certainly this seems to offer a bunch of options. But, at $200 I'm not so sure that I really need the most of the options that are offered. Please update your review over time to see how well this unit performs. Bill
  16. ScubaRx is your friend on this subject!
  17. "Old School" isn't necessarily a bad thing - it works for me too. Not too sure about the school part - but - I'm certainly old!😁
  18. Is yours as dusty/dirty as Coastal's? That dust and resultant heat generated due to the "blanket" it is always wearing can cause premature failure. Bill
  19. Gee! I wonder what words were said when this happened?😁
  20. Yet another example of OTT Service stepping up and doing the right thing. Simply can't get any better than that. Bill
  21. Depending on the levels of humidity during storage and the possible lack of air movement it is possible that there could be some minor mold issues between the shells. However, there is nothing between the shells that could harbor or be very conducive to mold growth. If it were mine - I'd inspect the areas between the shell that you can see. If there is any sign of mold then I would wipe those areas with diluted bleach or vinegar and air it out by blowing air into any of the hatches. Good luck! Bill
  22. US Army - '67-'69 Memorial Day never meant much to me until I was in the Army. Luckily, my service was entirely in the US. But seeing those that came home from Vietnam plus all those that didn't and the way we were all treated gave me a totally new outlook on this very special day. Indeed - the cost of freedom is high, but, worth every penny. Bill
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