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Everything posted by topgun2

  1. Shawna - HE REALLY DOES NEED A DRONE!!! Does that help?
  2. THAT clears up the mystery - thanks
  3. Thanks - Steve, I think that we may have a failure to communicate. I'm going to assume that everyone can see the picture of the red truck but cannot see the "IMG_1178.jpg" Using Windows and Android I cannot see the 1178 either but I can see the red truck. I now believe that the 1178 was meant to be the red truck but there was a problem with that when it got into the original post. Bill
  4. OK started to work on the picture viewing problem. Is the quoted picture above the one that is not viewable on Apple products? Or, is the problem picture the view of the red truck with the rock tamers. Or both?
  5. I too have the Builtright but I didn't like the camera monitor mounted there. Instead I use a phone mount along with one of the cup holders ( like THIS) and find that I can see it well without the dash clutter. Bill
  6. The only "noise" I hear is the "clicking" of the switches being turned on/off. A 2017 most likely has lights that are only operated by the switches (i.e. they are not "touch" lights) Therefore, either these lights are on or they are off with the only power control being the switch. Bill
  7. Yes - Your Oliver Sales Rep. Give him/her a call because Oliver can (and does) change specific items/options from time to time. Bill
  8. I'm guessing that the problem is the old Apple versus Android/Windows thing. I'll see if I can fix it but do not have a minute at the moment. Bill
  9. Weird - I see the pic. Re the exhaust and Rock Tamers - that company produces various models of the product that work with specific brands and exhaust systems such that the rubber flaps are not affected by the heat of the exhaust. From the picture posted I assume that either these are the wrong Rock Tamers for the application or the exhaust is far enough away from the tamers that they are not affected. Bill
  10. I too have the Rock Tamers like Frank C and concur with his comments. Patriot has a different brand that looks relatively good. Search around and find the ones that work for you. Bill
  11. Just got to love those legs on Mr. Oliver!😁 Here's Registration with Phil and Arron manning the desk in great fashion.
  12. As you know - I don't spend very much money without taking a look at what I get for that hard earned money. AS you said above - certainly check the prices for these services. But, my point is that one should also check what they are getting for the price. 🙂 Bill
  13. As far as I know - ScubaRx was the first to do this mod. You might want to ask him for details if you go down that road... Steve also "moved his propane within the enclosure in order to get more "storage" space in that same area. Bill
  14. What might you do if your shore power is interrupted? I assume that you have a generator and you do not cook with propane? I've never heard or anyone who has removed their tank(s). Perhaps you might want to remove the large tanks but still get a single smaller tank - just in case? Bill
  15. Either way - the tank has got to empty faster now And it will also store more too!😆
  16. I found it interesting that the guys from CGI brought this subject up. Simply put - they believe that there is no way that the warranty can work in that it will either eventually force that company out of business due to cost of claims or because the "job" will simply not hold up. They asked me if I knew any if information about it - I don't. They also wondered if this price included the polishing and prep work and a coating made for fiberglass rather than for regular clearcoat - I didn't know that either. Having said this - I was aware of this Facebook post prior to writing the check to CGI. In a rough calculation - not including the cost of the materials used in the process - what I paid calculates to just under $45 per hour of work for each of the 4 guys and this doesn't include something for the company -- i.e. costs for advertising, accounting, washing Twist at the Rally, etc. Bottom line - I'd need to know a lot more about what I'd get for the $1900.00 before I'd make the trip to AZ. And, I'm satisfied with the job that CGI did. Bill
  17. No question about that! Meeting the 4 guys that are the crew for CGI is a real treat - young (relative to me anyway), energetic, personable, and not afraid of real work! However, if you get a chance, it is also a treat to meet the parents of Gavin - such nice people. When you do you will realize just why he has the qualities mentioned above. Not only does Twist look better than it did the day I took delivery, but at least some of my faith in the future of our country has been restored by these individuals. Bill
  18. See the pic post by RideandFly above - given that the grease comes out via the hole in the bolt - it is very likely that even though your grease is only oozing out of the first joint, it is still doing its job. However, if it was me - I'd first make sure that the second joint was VERY clean and that there was no evidence of that bolt or area being bent or out of alignment. And, I'd put grease in there again. God luck! Bill
  19. You might want to try Wanderinglabs.com. Their "basic" program doesn't cost anything. Bill
  20. I just got #117 ceramic coated by the great guys at CGI detailing - as with a number of the "older" hulls my Twist now looks even better than it did the day it was hatched! Just why is it that the Oliver looks new - but - the guy looking back at me in the mirror doesn't? Bill p.s. maybe I should have been the one that got "detailed"?
  21. Hi neighbor! I've got site G-10 for next year. Just maybe I'll get a chance to see more of you two! Unfortunately, a number of long time Rally goers are NOT going to have their "usual" sites next year because they were beaten to the punch by others. This will make finding people a bit more difficult thus making "the list" even more important. My apologies to all those people that I wanted to meet but, somehow, I don't even recall seeing them there. Hopefully next year I'll be a bit more organized and the weather will be a bit better. Bill
  22. Now - Let the real fun begin. Congrates and I'll see you at the Rally. Bill
  23. I'm not aware of Oliver ever using that brand of jack - possible but I doubt it very seriously. Therefore, I'd bet that it was replaced. By Whom?
  24. I'd bet that your front jack is a replacement for the original jack that was in this location. When the front storage basket was introduced it was necessary to rotate the front jack in order to make room for the basket while at the same time allow for the top of the "dog house" to be removed. In turn - this caused the light on the front of the jack to now be shining to the side versus the front. One way to tell if any Oliver is of the "older variety" is to look for this turned front jack. Bill
  25. You need some serious rodent control!😁
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