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Everything posted by topgun2

  1. Terry - I think this is a great idea. And, I think that your idea of placing a "safety wire" or "securing device" of some sort on the handles is a good idea. The reason for this is that as you drive down the road and hit a bump, there will be some compression and slack created in the chain as the tow vehicle and trailer "bounce" at different times. When the "bounce" creates slack in the chain it might be enough to allow the handle to come loose thus creating undesired slack until you stop for put the handle back in its tight position. Bill
  2. You do realize that this huge black umbilical cord was the connection from "Hal's" eye (TV) to his hidden brain laying elsewhere between the hulls so that we mere mortals can't get to it? 🤔 Bill
  3. Absolutely! I've been using the ones from the bumper for 6 years now. However, the original pool noodles I used on the solar panels gave out after about 4 years. So, I replaced them with a set of larger diameter ones I was able to purchase at the end of the pool season last year for less than 1/2 price. Bill
  4. There could be a ton of reasons for that condensation. In any case I'd take some steps to dramatically reduce it by either getting more air in there (via a fan preferably with a heater) and/or something like DampRid ( Like THIS) or both. There shouldn't be anymore moisture in that area than there is in your "attic" area. And, if you remove the partition on the left side of the attic - easy to do with the removal of one or two bolts - you should be able to get to the back side of those wires fairly easily. This should allow you to pull the excess into the area behind the partition thus hiding them easily. Just to be on the safe side - I'd also give the ends of those connections a good wrapping of electrical tape to prevent them from touching each other and/or getting dirt, water or other stuff on them. Once you are done there, it is simple to put that partition back in place with the one or two bolts. However, before I replaced mine I put extra insulation in any areas that I could reach using spray glue (like THIS) making sure to use insulation that would repel water. Bill
  5. Hopefully someone that has one of these can give you complete directions. In the meantime - I know that on my "simple" microwave from 2016 there is a flange at the top middle of the microwave that was bolted into the cabinet. This was/is the main source of support with the outer trim piece and its four screws only being for looks and the support of that face plate. Assuming that your microwave is attached in a similar manner it is no surprise that you can't get it out. I'd give a call to Service on Monday unless someone here can give you detailed instructions. Bill
  6. In your position - I'd watch a couple of videos on YouTube like THIS ONE from Dexter. Good luck! Bill p.s. Its a messy job but not hard.
  7. Welcome to the Family as a fully fledged member. By the time you get down to the Owner's Rally you will be a pro and looking for ideas on even more things that you can do to her. Hope to see you there! Bill
  8. The lug nuts that Oliver uses are stainless steel clad and should not rust. Yes, these are not quite as shiny as chrome but the first dirt road will take of that issue.😃
  9. First - be safe! Second - have fun! Third - let us know if we can help! Fourth - have plenty of cold beer available at the Rally! 😁
  10. Using pool noodles and a couple of zip ties solved this problem for me.
  11. There's something "funny" here but I just can't seem to put my finger on it!🙃 The folks with a Nature's Head don't want things too wet while the folks with the standard toilet don't want things too dry?
  12. I'd suppose the same thing and would keep a copy of Jason's reply in my files just in case. Bill
  13. Since you are still under warranty, I'd email, call or submit a Service ticket and see what they recommend for reattaching that seal. Bill
  14. GG - Nice job. As an update - I've had mine installed in my 2017 F-150 for over a year now and I could not be happier with it. This thing is rock solid holding the fairly large Garmin 890 and I find the USB ports I added (similar to GG) to be very useful for my Garmin InReach mini. If you remove the rubber mat in the Ford before drilling and installing the Built Right Shelf then the shelf can be removed (if you sell the truck or decide that you don't want it there anymore), the rubber mat replaced and you will never even know that it was there. Bill
  15. WOW! I don't have a composting toilet but that sure is one dirty fan. I can only imagine what the filter looked like. Bill
  16. Left click on your Forum name. Left click on "edit profile" Scroll down to where is says "signature" and then type in what you want to say at the bottom/signature. Left click on the "save" button and you are done. Bill
  17. You're right - someone surely has done this before but I don't remember seeing a "how to" posted on it. If you Google "4 way trailer switch wiring" (HERE) you will see the color coded wiring diagrams. I don't remember where there are "scupper holes" near the back of the Ollie, but, that just might be a place you could come through the hull besides the hole for the license plate. Good luck! Bill
  18. Sorry to hear that you are going to sell her! However, I sure could use that Ollie garage! Bill
  19. Normally the delivery team DOES have the fridge operating and it is cold upon delivery. Bill
  20. I'd echo what Mike says. However, make absolutely sure that each time you go by her you say hello. New Ollies are particularly sensitive to those that don't "care"!😊 Bill
  21. To be fair - my sleeping bag system is actually a four part affair. I start with a regular twin size mattress pad/cover. It is "form fit" by using those stretch tightening clips (like THESE). I then place a bottom sheet (custom fit by my wife) over the mattress pad. Then comes the rectangular sleeping bag - more room for the feet versus the mummy style bags. Finally I add a light weight sleeping bag liner like THIS. Not only are these liners very soft but they can easily be taken to the laundromat with the rest of the dirty stuff. In turn, this keeps the regular sleeping bag clean and the liner can be used on top of the regular bag when it is hot, inside the regular bag with the regular bag open when it is "normal" temperatures and everything totally zip together when I'm at altitude with the water freezing! It certainly works for me. Bill
  22. SB401 - Any chance of a pic of that camera on the spare tire cover? Bill
  23. There's something just not right about that picture 🤔. However, with the dry conditions in the Western part of the US - snow is a good thing. Real Spring will be here before you know it! Bill
  24. I've always simply used a sleeping bag. If its hot - lay on top, if its cold - I bury myself deep inside. Making the bed is simple - the hardest part is getting the pillow "fluffed".😁 Bill
  25. Happy first day of Spring 😍! Let the real camping season begin and the Owners Rally is just around the corner - yea! Bill
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